
Puyi has a very powerful bodyguard around him, so powerful that you may not believe it when you say it!

History has its own life, it is like a person, both easy-going and self-respecting. ——Yu Qiuyu

Speaking of Puyi, everyone should still be familiar with this person, the last emperor of China, the experience of life is also very bumpy, fortunately, after being abolished and released, life is also considered to be happy and plain. I don't know if you know about the people around Puyi? What I want to introduce to you today is a very powerful bodyguard around Puyi, so how powerful is this person? People probably don't believe it.

Puyi has a very powerful bodyguard around him, so powerful that you may not believe it when you say it!

Puyi this person has a very strong sense of freshness, interested in anything for a long time, so in the end Puyi learned nothing, in 1932, Puyi came to the northeast, embarked on the road of traitors, helped the Japanese officials, and became the pseudo-Manchukuo emperor in the eyes of the Japanese. At that time, there was Huo Diange who joined the Japanese with Puyi, so Puyi began to attach great importance to Huo Diange, and let him continue to stay by his side to protect himself, becoming the commander of the protective army at that time, at that time, Huo Diange had more than three hundred people, in fact, to put it bluntly, it was Puyi's former Janissaries, and Puyi also trusted them very much.

And Huo DianGe also became the leader of the Great Inner Guard, and in this way Huo Dian Ge also became one of the most important people in the puppet manchukuo. Huo Diange was very strong at that time, and his heart was naturally very happy, so after becoming the commander, he began to put most of his mind on the training troops, so at that time, Puyi's troops were not only very well trained, but also very well equipped and advanced, but the only thing that was lacking was that this unit only had more than three hundred people, even if it was trained more than strongly, what was the use?

And Huo Diange was also very capable, and he was not idle when he was training the troops, and he began to practice his marksmanship. He ordered someone to bring chicken blood, and then smeared chicken blood on a mirror, everyone knows that flies are very fond of chicken blood, so it will not be long before there will be flies appearing on the mirror, as long as he finds flies standing on the four sides of the mirror, he will immediately shoot, these flies will fall to the ground one by one, but the mirror is not affected by bullets, it is still intact. It had to be said that Huo Diange's marksmanship could already be described as magical, and none of the people present at that time were not shocked by Huo Diange's marksmanship. Therefore, the reputation of Huo DianGe became bigger and bigger.

Puyi has a very powerful bodyguard around him, so powerful that you may not believe it when you say it!

This matter was slowly spread to Puyi's ears, Puyi heard others say that Huo Diange was so powerful, he wanted to invite him to be his bodyguard to protect himself, but at that time Puyi already had two Japanese bodyguards around him, and these two bodyguards knew that Puyi wanted Huo Diange to be a bodyguard, and he was very unconvinced, and he wanted to compete with Huo Diange. In the competition, Huo Diange easily won the two Japanese bodyguards. In this way, Huo Diange became Puyi's bodyguard, protecting her safety by Puyi's side, and also helping Puyi establish a palace guard. Because Huo DianGe is very powerful, it has slowly become a thorn in the eyes of the Japanese, and the Japanese want to drive Huo DianGe away from Puyi in order to better control Puyi, so they have found a lot of their masters to compete with Huo DianGe, but none of them can defeat Huo DianGe. In this way, Huo Diange used his own skills to do his best to protect Puyi's safety, and also guarded the dignity of our country, which is really remarkable.

Puyi has a very powerful bodyguard around him, so powerful that you may not believe it when you say it!

Later, the Kwantung Army finally found an excuse to take away all the weapons of Puyi's army, so Puyi's army had no weapons, even if there was a struggle, it could only fight empty-handed, and the Japanese army also took away the weapons on Huo Diange's body, so Huo Diange was driven away by the Japanese from Puyi's side, but fortunately Puyi was very good to him, although there was no way to keep him around, he still gave Huo Diange a lot of money, so that he could go back to his hometown with peace of mind. Later, some sources also recorded the later days of Huo Diange, since the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Huo Diange had already abandoned himself, messing around, not only smoking a big cigarette, but also everywhere, and there was no figure of the former general on his body.

In 1942, because of the long-term smoking of cigarettes, Huo Diange's body finally could not bear it, and eventually died of illness in bed.

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