
Yuan Shikai asked Zhang Zuolin: Do you want an army or a territory? Zhang Zuolin's reply was witty

Earlier, Yuan Shikai stole the fruits of victory in the Xinhai Revolution and became the president of the Republic of China. It is true that there were many warlords in China at that time, but after all, Yuan Shikai's army was strong and strong, so these people, for reasons such as self-preservation and interests, even if some of them were unwilling, they could only surrender to Yuan Shikai.

Nearest the king nearest the gallows

This includes Zhang Zuolin, a well-known "king of the northeast" in history, who was reported to have taken the initiative to call Yuan Shikai to express his congratulations when he first became president, and for this reason, he was also mixed with the post of a division commander. But the ancients often said that "accompanying the king is like accompanying the tiger", and it just so happens that Yuan Shikai is a suspicious person by nature, so the people around him have always distrusted.

Yuan Shikai asked Zhang Zuolin: Do you want an army or a territory? Zhang Zuolin's reply was witty

So once in order to test Zhang Zuolin, Yuan Shikai summoned him to the front and asked him, do you want an army or a territory? Obviously, no matter which one Zhang Zuolin answers, it will eventually become the point of Yuan Shikai's difficulties, so how did Zhang Zuolin resolve this crisis and escape the disaster?

Yuan Shikai asked Zhang Zuolin: Do you want an army or a territory? Zhang Zuolin's reply was witty

To know that Zhang Zuolin was still just a small warlord, it was no exaggeration to say that Yuan Shikai wanted to deal with him easily. Therefore, after receiving Yuan Shikai's order, he understood that this was a Feast of the Hongmen Gate, but no one dared to offend Yuan Shikai at that time, so Zhang Zuolin rushed over at the first time.

Yuan Shikai asked Zhang Zuolin: Do you want an army or a territory? Zhang Zuolin's reply was witty

The way to live in the world

However, although Zhang Zuolin is a big boss, he knows it well

Yuan Shikai asked Zhang Zuolin: Do you want an army or a territory? Zhang Zuolin's reply was witty

The way to live in the world. Therefore, when Zhang Zuolin saw Yuan Shikai, he immediately knelt on the ground and shouted long live. Because Zhang Zuolin knows better than anyone, Yuan Shikai has always regarded himself as an emperor in his heart, and such a pat on the back is very profitable.

Of course, it is not false that such a title makes Yuan Shikai happy, but he did not give up his temptation to Zhang Zuolin because of this, but rather

Yuan Shikai asked Zhang Zuolin: Do you want an army or a territory? Zhang Zuolin's reply was witty

By speaking about the situation in the country, he asked him if he wanted an army or a turf. After hearing this, Zhang Zuolin immediately said that he wanted the gold watch in Yuan Shikai's hand more than the army and territory.

Zhang Zuolin replied wittily to escape the disaster

This answer made Yuan Shikai very satisfied, which put away the heart that wanted to get rid of Zhang Zuolin, and Yuan Shikai also gave him the gold watch in his hand. This was originally a trap dug by Yuan Shikai for Zhang Zuolin, but Zhang Zuolin's witty reply after saying these few words escaped the disaster, and I have to say that Zhang Zuolin is definitely a smart person.

Yuan Shikai asked Zhang Zuolin: Do you want an army or a territory? Zhang Zuolin's reply was witty

When Zhang Zuolin returned to the northeast, he seized the opportunity to be trusted by Yuan Shikai and constantly expanded his power, and without Yuan Shikai's suppression, Zhang Zuolin soon became the "King of the Northeast". After the fall of Yuan Shikai, the full-fledged Zhang Zuolin went with the flow.

Yuan Shikai asked Zhang Zuolin: Do you want an army or a territory? Zhang Zuolin's reply was witty


Although Zhang Zuolin in history is controversial, it is not difficult to see through this episode that he can gain a foothold in the chaotic world, and he definitely does not rely on brute force and fierceness alone. Moreover, he was still an anti-Japanese person with a patriotic heart.

Yuan Shikai asked Zhang Zuolin: Do you want an army or a territory? Zhang Zuolin's reply was witty

In short, the Republic of China, as one of the most chaotic periods in our country, but anyone who can leave a reputation in such an era will have some stains on them to a greater or lesser extent. However, as long as they do not do anything that harms the interests of the country, they are not considered to be unforgivable.

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