
China sent an army to occupy Japan, where did this army go in the end? Uncover the secrets behind it

China sent an army to occupy Japan, where did this army go in the end? Uncover the secrets behind it

In 1945, Japan was defeated and surrendered, the allies discussed the issue of dealing with post-war Japan, the Allies had the right to send troops to occupy Japan, China also had the opportunity to send troops to japan like the United States, but China gave up the opportunity to occupy Japan. Today, let's reveal the truth of the matter.

China sent an army to occupy Japan, where did this army go in the end? Uncover the secrets behind it
China sent an army to occupy Japan, where did this army go in the end? Uncover the secrets behind it

In fact, the leaders of the National Government have long had plans to send occupying forces stationed in Japan; before the victory of the war, the President of the United States of America at the Cairo Conference said that he would vigorously support China's occupation of Japan and let China play an important role in it, but the victory of the War of Resistance was imminent, the situation in China was complicated, and the Kuomintang government wanted to take over the occupied areas while planning to deal with the Communists, which made it difficult for them to put all their energy on occupying Japan. Although the United States previously expressed its support for China's occupation of Japan, but due to the sudden change of the president of the United States, the United States changed its strategy, the new president put forward the idea of establishing a zone of occupation with allies to dismember Japan, he clearly stated that the US military stationed 12 divisions totaling 200,000 people, while other countries can only send one division of troops, almost said that Japan's affairs will be dominated by the United States in the future, after all, the UNITED States arrangement allows him to occupy most of the military power, other countries are like tools to reduce his burden. The United States had actually begun to arrange the dispatch of occupying forces before Japan's surrender; when the supreme commander of the US military learned that Japan had the intention to surrender, he immediately decided that the US military would lead the Allied forces to occupy Japan's territory, drew up a battle plan and deployed the deployment of the occupying forces stationed in Japan This moment is the pride and pride of the Chinese, because of China's great contribution in the War of Resistance Against Japan, the second after the United States to sign the surrender, and then the United States, with the hands of the Allies, divided Japan into four parts and stationed by the united states, China, Britain, and the Soviet Union, needless to say that the United States certainly occupied the best piece of territory, but this plan died prematurely, because although the Allies reached an agreement on the occupation of Japan, there were still differences of opinion, and the Foreign Minister of the Soviet Union did not agree to let the commander-in-chief of the United States military fully control the headquarters in Japan. The intention of the United States to seek personal gain can be seen in the division of the surrendered areas, and the main Japanese army is all surrendered to the American commander-in-chief, which gives the United States the advantage of military control of Japan from the beginning, but the opinion of the Soviet foreign minister is rejected by the Soviet leaders. After Japan's surrender, the United States took the lead in organizing the Far East Committee, in order to disarm Japan and abolish the armament, the Allies want to be able to carry out a military occupation of Japan, but the occupying forces will obey the orders of the commander-in-chief of the US military, the United States will take the lead in obtaining the consent of all countries, forming a monopoly situation in Japan, basically the things on the Japanese side are dominated by the United States, so the Soviet Union, which has completed the us-led situation, decided to withdraw from the occupation plan in Japan. At that time, China was deeply valued by the United States, and they sent people to take the initiative to find the leader of the National Government to inform him that the United States planned to occupy Japan together with China, but the National Government at that time encountered difficulties, after the war, China was in ruins, there was a shortage of resources, and even the airlift troops to the coast of the mainland had problems, not to mention sending troops to Japan, and could only passively cooperate with the United States, in fact, the National Government was very interested in sending troops to occupy Japan, but there was no funds and equipment, and the National Government wanted to continue the "Sino-US Lend-Lease Act" to let the United States provide. At that time, the United States had provided a lot of ships and transportation support for the National Government, and it was impossible to go to Japan to let the United States provide support, at the beginning allies wanted to obtain bargaining chips through the occupying forces, the United States was forced by pressure not to dare to eat alone, but also put forward harsh conditions, the United States welcomed the allied countries to send occupying forces but must obey the command of the COMMANDER-in-Chief of the United States, but also the countries themselves are responsible for the supply and maintenance of their own troops, so that the National Government's calculations have failed, and the United States is still deliberately difficult at this time. Strongly demand that China send troops to Japan, the National Government does not intend to abandon the occupation of Japan, decided to reduce the number of troops to Japan, but in terms of the commander-in-chief sent, there was a difference between the United States and the National Government, the United States assigned the New First Army as a Chinese dispatch army to occupy Japan, and the generals of the New First Army had studied in the United States and were very familiar with the Allied generals, and the other point was that the New First Army was the head of the five main forces of the Kuomintang, which was excellent in all aspects, and the dispatch was very appropriate in the past, but the leaders of the National Government hesitated. Because the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communists is also going on, the two sides are fighting for the northeast, the new First Army is also sent by the National Government to the northeast to participate in the civil war, the United States is dissatisfied with this, asking the National Government to send new troops to complete the occupation task, then there is the appearance of the honorable Second Division mentioned earlier, the Honorary Second Division is very proud to undertake the task of the occupying forces stationed in Japan, but no one will encounter unpredictable changes in this task after that, where will the Honorary Second Division go?

China sent an army to occupy Japan, where did this army go in the end? Uncover the secrets behind it

In order to form an occupying army stationed in Japan and show the military prestige of the Chinese occupation army, the Honorary Second Division conducted strict training and screening, eliminated the old, weak, and ugly officers and men, and selected and transferred soldiers with five facial features and a height of more than 170 cm and a primary school education from other units to supplement them. The United States previously suggested that the National Government could first send a small number of advance troops to Japan to make preparations, so China sent a delegation to Japan, but this could not solve the main problem, the United States knew that China's national strength at that time was weak and could not do the cost of maintaining the garrison, and the transportation of troops was also a problem, the United States had no intention of providing any help, for this reason the National Government announced that it had coordinated with Japan and was about to begin the task of occupying Japan, and the US military would provide warships to transport troops. And many times asked the US military to assist and even used the newspaper to create public opinion pressure to force the United States to assist, but did not get a response from the US military, so China needs to solve the problem of funds stationed in Japan through itself, China sent an advance team to Japan to coordinate, the commander of the honorary second division is shouldering this post, want to negotiate with the Allied headquarters to let the US military provide transport ships to transport the Chinese occupation army to Japan, full of hope He was entertained by the US military after arriving in Japan. But the next day he immediately went to the headquarters of the US Eighth Army to discuss the location of China's garrison, the United States initially arranged the location in an insignificant place, there are few people in the mountains, the Chinese side believes that this is detrimental to the majesty, proposed other better locations for the garrison area, but all of them were vetoed by the United States for various reasons, the United States should not really want to give up the place to other countries to manage, but had to take care of the face of the allies, at least let all the allies of all countries send some troops as a façade so that the food is not so ugly. Although the negotiations of the advance mission were not smooth, after continuous efforts, the garrison location was arranged in a relatively good industrial area, and after the negotiations were over, the commander of the Honorary Second Division finally experienced the respect and special courtesy received as a victorious country on Japanese soil. Japan's old tradition can not be beaten to join, since it has failed, it is necessary to curry favor with those who are in charge of their own destiny in order to get a better treatment, the staff of the victorious powers in Japan at that time had all kinds of privileged treatment, after all, after the war, Japan even had problems with eating could only rely on the relief of the United States, and they could recover the economy later, basically relying on the support of the United States, so they had to lower their posture, gain the mercy of the victorious countries, and gain living space. The Chinese delegation to Japan also has another task, that is, to demand back the materials and weapons that Japan has plundered from China and to regain China's dignity in the world.

China sent an army to occupy Japan, where did this army go in the end? Uncover the secrets behind it

At the beginning of the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese Naval Battle, the Chinese Navy was defeated miserably, the Zhenyuan and Jingyuan warships were captured by Japan, and Japan displayed the anchor chains and shells in Tokyo's Ueno Park and erected a monument to publicize the achievements, which was a shame for China, and the delegation in Japan requested the Allied headquarters to claim the anchor, which was repeatedly rejected by the Allied headquarters, because the Allied command stipulated that the items recovered were limited to those that were seized during World War II, but even if they were rejected many times, the delegation in Japan still did not give up, and they developed a legal basis. If the things are placed in Japan, the Japanese will boast of recalling the glory of their former militarism, which is obviously inconsistent with the idea of overthrowing militarism, the United States feels that this reason is very reasonable, agreed to return the things to China, and then the lost items were sent back to China for display in the Qingdao Naval Officers' School, and the national shame was washed away, in addition, the delegation to Japan has another important task, that is, with britain, the United States and the Soviet Union to divide the Japanese naval warships equally as part of the post-war compensation. The US warships were divided into four copies at the meeting to let the representatives of various countries draw lots to show fairness, China drew the largest share of the total tonnage of warships, the overseas Chinese at the scene congratulated each other, the warships compensated by Japan were sent to Shanghai, people were enthusiastic, at the first ceremony of the acceptance of Japanese compensatory warships, the officers and men of the navy and other military appearances were majestic, the Snow Wind destroyers were docked on the Litai River, the people standing on both sides of the ceremony platform were as high as thousands, and everyone was watching this glorious scene, and the captive flag and the Japanese flag on the ship were lowered on the day. The scene was spectacular when the flag was raised in the chanting of the national anthem, and these warships played a very important role in naval construction. Another matter of particular importance is the trial of the war crimes committed by Japan, for which the Tokyo Trial was held, which will seek justice for the countries invaded by Japan in the war and the people who died and mutilated; China also sent representatives to serve as judges of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East; the Chinese representatives wanted to punish all the culprits in the capital of the invading country, saying that they would severely punish the war criminals and would not let the war culprits escape justice. Because it took six weeks to read the indictment because it had to be translated into multiple languages, and because some countries did not advocate the death penalty, the Chinese judges argued on the basis of reason and insisted that these war criminals be given the punishment they deserved and sentenced them to death; after two and a half years of arduous struggle, the Chinese representative judges sentenced all the guilty war criminals to their due punishment; the Japanese Class A war criminals were sentenced to hanging, and the head of the delegation in Japan was imprisoned on behalf of China.

China sent an army to occupy Japan, where did this army go in the end? Uncover the secrets behind it

Speaking of returning to the occupation forces stationed in Japan, the problem of funding and transportation of the occupying forces stationed in Japan has still not been resolved, and the delegation stationed in Japan has repeatedly requested the assistance of the UNITED States side, and only by invoking the "US Lend-Lease Act" and negotiating with the US side did it allow the commander-in-chief of the US military to agree to provide equipment and supplies for the Chinese occupation forces stationed in Japan for three years. Originally, as long as the Kuomintang army was successful in Lunan or Taixing, Jiangsu, it could be transferred back to the Sixty-seventh Division and stationed in Japan as planned, but the world was unpredictable, and the first commander of the Appeasement District immediately disintegrated it into the Sixty-fifth Division and the Sixty-ninth Division after the arrival of the Sixty-seventh Division, and after encountering the Central China Field Army, after a month and a half of fighting, it was severely damaged by the East China Field Army, so that the Sixty-seventh Division stationed in Japan was basically disintegrated, the plan to enter Japan was basically stranded, and the Nationalist Government subsequently lost successively in the civil war and was no longer able to send troops. The Plan to Terminate the Plan to Send Occupying Forces in Japan was proposed to the United States, and the Plan of the Chinese Occupation Forces in Japan was completely aborted.

China sent an army to occupy Japan, where did this army go in the end? Uncover the secrets behind it

Although the plan of the occupation forces stationed in Japan is very regrettable, the efforts made by Chinese soldiers and diplomats for the dignity and justice of the country and the confidence of the people deserve people's reflection, backwardness will be beaten, China wants not to endure the previous bitterness, it can only become strong, today's China has done it, but we still need to work together to build a stronger China, our home.

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