
Sichuan found that Liu Bei was buried, there were no mosquitoes within a radius of 30 miles, was it really Liu Bei's tomb?

Liu Bei is a controversial figure, some people say that Liu Bei is incompetent, some people think that Liu Bei is a hero, but many people have a negative attitude towards Liu Bei, in fact, Liu Bei is still a very great person.

Sichuan found that Liu Bei was buried, there were no mosquitoes within a radius of 30 miles, was it really Liu Bei's tomb?

In the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, when social turmoil and the people were not happy, Liu Bei stepped forward to ask An Han xing Liu and Xing Fu Han Room, although this ideal was relatively narrow, but under the historical conditions at that time, it was relatively positive energy. Liu Bei'an Hanxing Liu naturally wants to realize the people's peace and contentment, so within the scope of his own power, he is doing everything possible to think about the people's peace and contentment, and often can do nothing with the people.

Liu Bei's own origin is not noble, is a mat weaver, his livelihood is actually to weave some straw mats, some straw shoes to the market to buy, it can be said that life is all on two hands. However, this person still did not forget to study, and studied with the famous scholar Lu Zhi and others at that time, so Liu Liu had certain cultural knowledge and military common sense.

In that chaotic era, he also had some martial arts, which was the foundation of his adult life. He stopped in front of the recruitment advertisement and sighed, led to Zhang Fei, and then met Guan Yu, so the three of them married Jinlan and helped Han Room together. Thus began the curtain on a magnificent historical drama.

Liu Bei survived in the cracks between the various princes at that time, and if he wanted to have his own world, he had to have a good reputation, so he declared himself to be a descendant of the Han Jing Emperor, on the other hand, he showed his benevolence and morality everywhere in dealing with people. This is very bad, relying on the good reputation of generosity and benevolence, many people are willing to help Liu Bei, Liu Bei was in the era of warlords and warlords, preferring to suffer himself rather than do those things that harm the interests of the people, so Liu Bei's reputation is growing day by day.

Sichuan found that Liu Bei was buried, there were no mosquitoes within a radius of 30 miles, was it really Liu Bei's tomb?

At that time, Dong Zhuo and Cao Cao excavated the emperor's tomb and the tombs of officials and people everywhere in order to accumulate money, although they accumulated a lot of wealth, but it also led to complaints, Dong Zhuo was killed by Lü Bu, and his head was hanging at the gate of the country. Cao Cao became the grandfather of the tomb robbers in later generations, which was a very disgraceful grandfather.

Relying on the reputation of the descendants of Emperor Jing of Han, Emperor Xian of Han checked the genealogy, confirmed Liu Bei's identity, and recognized Liu Bei as an imperial uncle, so he was called Uncle Liu Huang from then on. Liu Bei saw, heard, and personally experienced many scenes of nine deaths in the war and chaos years, and he also experienced many heinous criminal acts that occurred in this era, so the requirements for life were not very high.

Besides, the wealth he can accumulate is not very much, and he has always insisted on having no offense with Minqiu, so his life will not be so luxurious.

There is a story in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" that he went to Eastern Wu to marry, he relied on Zhuge Liang's clever plan to play a beauty plan into a Phoenix Qiu Phoenix, Eastern Wu Sun Quan was very angry, but there was no way, in order to keep Liu Bei thought of a way, to give Liu Bei a luxurious life, the result Liu Bei fell into a gentle and rich village can not extricate himself.

This shows that Sun Quan's judgment of Liu Bei's long-term life is correct, under the guidance of such an attitude to life, Liu Bei has struggled for his ideals all his life, and many people at that time were struggling for their own desires. This is where they differ.

Cao Cao stole other people's tombs all his life, fearing that he would be robbed by others after death, and set up 72 tombs of doubt. Liu Bei, the founder of the Shu Han regime, after experiencing the defeat of Yiling, the vitality of the Shu Han regime was seriously injured, Liu Bei's cemetery would not be built too luxuriously, on the one hand, Liu Bei did not pursue these, on the other hand, the Shu Han regime had limited financial resources, and besides, after seeing too many tomb robberies, building his own tomb too luxurious was not to attract tomb robbers?

Sichuan found that Liu Bei was buried, there were no mosquitoes within a radius of 30 miles, was it really Liu Bei's tomb?

From these aspects, Liu Bei's tomb will not be too luxurious, it is generally believed that Liu Bei's tomb is in the Wuhou Ancestral Hall in Chengdu, Sichuan, which is a joint burial tomb of kings and subjects, but there are also other sayings, one is in The Lotus Dam in Pengshan, Sichuan, and the other is in Fengjie. No matter where his cemetery is, Liu Bei's spirit of unremitting struggle for ideals is worth learning.

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