
Disregard for humanity! He forced his wife to admit that her daughter was not her own, but that she was a concubine!

History has its own life, it is like a person, both easy-going and self-respecting. ——Yu Qiuyu

China is a country with a long history of thousands of years, and our country has always paid attention to ethics and morality, especially during the Song Dynasty, and paid attention to the three principles and five constants, paying attention to "saving heaven and destroying people's desires." In this "ascetic" dynasty, there is a man who has lost his conscience and ignored morality. He was so promiscuous that he even extended his claws to his own daughter. This person is kong Yanzhou, a general of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Disregard for humanity! He forced his wife to admit that her daughter was not her own, but that she was a concubine!


The black sheep among military attaches, Virtue is not worthy

The Song Dynasty was notoriously heavy on literature and light on military force in the history of our country, and the rulers have always despised military attaches, and they are even more lax in selecting military attaches, so that anyone can become a military attaché of the Great Song Dynasty. This has led to the phenomenon of uneven quality and ability of generals in the army, including Yue Fei, a national hero who is loyal to the country and brave and good at war, but also many young people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, and Kong Yanzhou is a typical representative of them.

Kong Yanzhou was originally a scoundrel who often oppressed the people and was deeply disliked by the people, but he joined the army by chance. Kong Yanzhou was physically strong since childhood, with a little bit of fist and foot kung fu, and also became a soldier and horse ruler, living a life of fish and meat people, luxury and wealth.

Disregard for humanity! He forced his wife to admit that her daughter was not her own, but that she was a concubine!

Soon after he became a general, war broke out between the Song and Jin dynasties, and at this time, the shortcomings of the Northern Song Dynasty were gradually exposed. For a long time, the emphasis on literature and light force, squeezing the army, the interior of the Northern Song army has long been a paper tiger with strong outside and middle work. The generals were neglected in training, lacked the supply of the imperial court, the generals were not strict under the rule, the soldiers did nothing all day, and the whole army did not have the momentum that the Great Song Army should have.

Wherever the Jin army rode iron horses, the northern Song Army was a scene of falling flowers and flowing water, even if there was a fierce general like Yue Fei who resisted vigorously, it could not change this one-sided situation.

Soon, the Iron Horse of the Jin Army stepped to the place under the jurisdiction of Kong Yanzhou, kong Yanzhou and Yue Fei were fellow villagers, and thought that he would lead his army to fight with the Jin people like Yue Fei and frustrate the jin people's vigor.

But what everyone did not expect was that instead of fighting the Jin army heroically, he directly led his men to flee south. This act of desertion showed his timid and fearful appearance to the fullest.

The second subject was given the title of "King of Guangping County"

After the "Shame of Jingkang", the rulers of the Southern Song Dynasty learned the bitter lessons of the defeat of the Northern Song Dynasty, understood that poetry and songs gave the Jinguo Iron Horse, who could not win the battle, and began to attach importance to the management of the army and the cultivation of excellent generals.

With the ambition of defending against foreign enemies and recovering lost land, the rulers of the Southern Song Dynasty ordered some military generals to lead their armies out to fight and revitalize the prestige of the Great Song Dynasty. As one of the generals, Kong Yanzhou was not valued by the emperor but was sent out to fight, and this time, he became an enemy minister!

Disregard for humanity! He forced his wife to admit that her daughter was not her own, but that she was a concubine!

Kong Yanzhou this person does not put the interests of the state in the first place like ordinary generals, in the concept of the family country, what he insists on is a "home" related to personal interests, and whether this "country" is the Great Song Dynasty or the Golden State, it depends on who can give him high-ranking official Houlu, I have to say that Kong Yanzhou is really a hypocritical villain with a real family and no country.

After being sent to fight, Kong Yanzhou did not fight with the Jin people and reclaim the lost land according to the Southern Song Emperor's desire, but instead led his army to flee when he encountered danger, timid as a rat, without the blood and qi that a soldier should have, and only wanted to take care of his own safety and put the national honor at his feet.

Disregard for humanity! He forced his wife to admit that her daughter was not her own, but that she was a concubine!

Shortly after the fall of the puppet Qi regime, kong Yanzhou weighed the strength of the Southern Song Dynasty and the Jin State, and in order to gain the high-ranking official Houlu, he turned his head and bowed to the Jin State without saying a word, and became a general of the Jin State.

The actions of the "second subjects" pleased the rulers of the Jin Dynasty, but they chilled the hearts of all the subjects of the Southern Song Dynasty, and no one expected that the general who guarded the country would actually rebel, and even become a sharp blade in the hands of the enemy country towards his own people.

After switching to the Jin Dynasty, Kong Yanzhou, in order to show his "sincere heart", immediately followed Yan Zongbi's army to the south, and the momentum was like a bamboo, successively invading and capturing Zhengzhou, Haozhou and other places. After that, he was valued by the Jin people, and in order to further consolidate his position, he also proposed to Yan Liang to capture Huainan and other places in the Song Dynasty, making the situation of the Southern Song Dynasty more and more difficult.

Disregard for humanity! He forced his wife to admit that her daughter was not her own, but that she was a concubine!

After making this great contribution, Kong Yanzhou was named "King of Guangping County" by the Jin people, and since then, he has great power, and he is even more absurd in his daily life, defrauding the people, and becoming a big bully who dominates one side.

Disregarding human morality, he forced his daughter to be a concubine

Kong Yanzhou has always been lustful, and when he was just a street gangster, he often harassed the women of the good family and committed wrongdoing, and when he became the queen of Guangping County, he was even more arrogant.

Later, he was appointed to stay in the old capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, Bieliang, during which he was even more absurd and lawless, not only harming the women of the good family, but also sending people to the Jin Kingdom to take over all his wives and concubines, singing and dancing all day, having fun with his wives and concubines, and living in absurdity.

Among Kong Yanzhou's captive wives and concubines was a woman surnamed Xu, who had already made a happy marriage from her family before she was snatched away, but the world was uncertain, the war was uncertain, and before she could finish the marriage, she was targeted by the lustful Kong Yanzhou, and the murderous Kong Yanzhou even killed her fiancé in front of her, and then took her to the palace of the Jin Kingdom.

One day he saw a young girl in his house, delicate and lovely, which made him unforgettable, and later learned that this girl was his daughter and Xu's daughter. After this, he tossed and turned day by day, becoming more and more fond of this girl and wanting to take her for himself.

Finally, one day, he could not bear this kind of thought, gave birth to the idea of making this girl his concubine, and even came up with an excuse for this, saying that this daughter was the child of Xu and her fiancé, and had no blood relationship with him. This disregard for the ethical guidelines made Xu Shi collapse, and she begged Kong Yanzhou bitterly, angrily scolding him for being inferior to an animal! However, he still could not change this cruel ending, and finally became discouraged and stupid, and was sent to the nunnery by Kong Yanzhou.

Disregard for humanity! He forced his wife to admit that her daughter was not her own, but that she was a concubine!

As a father who was raised by the civilization of the Great Song Dynasty, Kong Yanzhou's practice of forcing his daughter to be a concubine was simply a loss of conscience and no shame! He has long lost the love and heartache that a father should have for his daughter, but on the contrary, it is a kind of possession that violates the norms, and this kind of person is simply not tolerated by the world!

Fortunately, the right way in the world is finally especially true, in the second year that Kong Yanzhou made his daughter a concubine, Kong Yanzhou had a strange sore behind his back, no matter how much effort he spent and how expensive the medicine he took, he could never cure this sore. Just as the so-called, it is not unreported, the time has not yet arrived, Kong Yanzhou finally ulcerated, pain and death, it can also be regarded as giving the people of the world an explanation.


The Song Dynasty's economic development in the history of our country has reached an unimaginable height, but it is still invaded and humiliated by foreign enemies, and the emphasis on literature and light weapons and the neglect of the moral ability of soldiers are one of the fundamental reasons for its humiliation.

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