
"Girl" born in about 1993 In 1999, amber ya, who was rescued after her mother was lost while shopping for clothes, was abducted

author:Baby comes home
"Girl" born in about 1993 In 1999, amber ya, who was rescued after her mother was lost while shopping for clothes, was abducted


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"Girl" born in about 1993 In 1999, amber ya, who was rescued after her mother was lost while shopping for clothes, was abducted

Baby Finder

Family Search Number: 405417

Name: Amber Ya

Gender: Female

Date of birth: July, 16 1993

Height at time of disappearance: Unknown

Missing time: July 16, 1999

Location of the missing person: Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province

Place of disappearance: Baoji City, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province

Characteristics of family seekers: deaf and mute

1) Blood type: A type

2) Height: 161CM

3) Date of Birth: July 16, 1993 (uncertain)

Missing Time: July 16, 1999 (uncertain)

4) Physical characteristics: deaf and mute

5) After: Searching for relatives is deaf and mute, so there are difficulties in communication, his sister-in-law said that the search for relatives is about 6 years old to buy clothes with his mother, may be with his mother lost after being abducted, and later rescued by the Lintong police station in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, sent to Xi'an Children's Welfare Institute, and later transferred to the Second Welfare Institute.

"Girl" born in about 1993 In 1999, amber ya, who was rescued after her mother was lost while shopping for clothes, was abducted

We are waiting for you here

"Girl" born in about 1993 In 1999, amber ya, who was rescued after her mother was lost while shopping for clothes, was abducted

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