
Enjoy an excellent essay in the middle school exam every day, make writing no longer difficult, and appreciate "Departure"

author:Teacher Tong said education

Sichuan Chengdu volume essay (60 points)

Ai Qing has a small poem "Hope":

A seafarer says / His favorite is what the anchor stirs up / The white waves ... / A seafarer says / What pleases him the most is the noise of the anchor / The noise of the chains ... / A hope to go / A hope to arrive.

"Departure" or "arrival", which one do you look forward to more? Please choose one of the words as the title and write an essay.

Requirements: (1) To have a sense of truth; (2) Self-determined intentions, self-selected style (except poetry); (3) not less than 600 words; (4) Shall not be copied or copied; (5) Real names, school names and place names shall not appear.


(Chengdu 1 candidate)

It is not surprising that the disasters of life are like a downpour, and it is not surprising that people without umbrellas can only choose to run hard and find their own eaves. However, there are some people who can obviously run desperately and find their own eaves, but they choose to set off retrogradely, live to the death, and achieve the great righteousness of the nation.

Who is he? Why go?

He asked for the people's lives, dared to shoulder heavy burdens, and with benevolence and benevolence, became the reliance of more than one billion people, highlighting the true color of China's backbone, and was a true "peerless national soldier". Every time the virus raged, he said "clearly this patient is passed on", telling everyone not to go out, but he set off retrogradely. This is true at 67 and it is also true at 84. He is the "male god" of the people of the whole country - Zhong Nanshan, and he set out to protect the health of more than one billion people.

They are a bunch of Chinese who sacrifice their lives for righteousness. On the battlefield where the smoke of war cannot be seen, they use medical skills to build a harbor of hope and build a defense line of life with flesh and blood. Regardless of pay, life or death. Life goes on and on and on. At work, they often spin in succession, wearing heavy protective clothing, goggles and masks. In order to save protective clothing, they wear diapers and do not drink water, eat, or go to the toilet for seven or eight hours. He is the doctor Huang Wei who drove 1200 kilometers alone from Chengdu to Wuhan; He is Li Wenliang, the Wuhan ophthalmologist who tried to set out to "save the earth" but eventually went to heaven. They set out in a race against death.

He was at every highway intersection, at every community gate, in every street. He checks the physical condition of people entering the city at the highway, he pays attention to the epidemic prevention situation of the floating population in the city, he transports confirmed new crown pneumonia patients, and he erects the first barrier to block the epidemic. They are traffic police, police, community cadres, volunteers, and they set out for the city behind them.

He has no great achievements, no dazzling stage, scattered in every corner of the city, he is a takeaway brother, a courier, a vegetable farmer, a small trader, a sanitation worker... He is one of the countless small people, although he has not received the favor of life, but there is no resentment, but with a grateful heart, to repay the society. He sets off silently, like a light illuminating you in an instant, making you feel tender by the world.

If the country is in difficulty, it will be called back, and if there is a war, the war will be won.

They are all true heroes. Once they set out, they bring their own aura that illuminates our eyes in an instant and warms the seasons of our lives.

Famous teacher reviews

1 hot characters, novel selection. Candidates boldly select hot materials about the new crown pneumonia epidemic, and the whole text revolves around the selection of materials for true heroes, followed by Zhong Nanshan, who is benevolent and benevolent, medical staff and volunteers who race against death, and the unknown majority of laborers. Candidates choose these familiar hot characters into the text, which is naturally intimate and has a distinct sense of the times.

2. Deduct the questions and get the best of each. Candidates begin with the question "Who is he?" Why go?" The formation of a compartmental arrangement is both a line of thought and a clever deduction; It is not only clear in layers, strong in rhythm, but also straightforward in the chest, full of momentum, giving people strength and hope, and very infectious.

Enjoy an excellent essay in the middle school exam every day, make writing no longer difficult, and appreciate "Departure"
Enjoy an excellent essay in the middle school exam every day, make writing no longer difficult, and appreciate "Departure"
Enjoy an excellent essay in the middle school exam every day, make writing no longer difficult, and appreciate "Departure"

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