
44 years ago, he led troops to support Xu Shiyou, and 44 years later, Xu Shiyou helped him a lot!

History has its own life, it is like a person, both easy-going and self-respecting. ——Yu Qiuyu

What a friend is, is the person who is willing to reach out and pull you no matter what the situation, is the person who is willing to gag with you no matter what your identity. Conversations between friends are often silent, and it only takes a simple look to understand each other's thoughts.

True friends do not expect anything in return, because true friends are good brothers for a lifetime, no matter how the years pass and how time changes, each other's hearts will leave a place for each other.

It is said that there are two supreme friendships in life, carrying guns together and crossing the window together. The iron of these two relationships is to carry a gun together, for soldiers, when on the battlefield, life and death are often in an instant, so the feelings honed in such a situation are generally more united. Especially in the early days of the liberation of our country, it was an era of war, and it was also that era that honed many close friends of life and death.

Forty-four years ago, Zhang Xianyou risked his life to lead troops to support Xu Shiyou, and the two have since become brothers who have lived, forty-four years later, when the former close friend suffered hardships and came to seek help, Xu Shiyou did not say a word, helping Zhang Xianyue to relieve a big favor.

44 years ago, he led troops to support Xu Shiyou, and 44 years later, Xu Shiyou helped him a lot!

The traffic team broke the siege

In 1934, the Red Fourth Front began to march into Sichuan and decided to set Sichuan as the base of the Red Army. However, at that time, that era was an era of warlord division, and the warlords in Sichuan were not idle things, and our army encountered fierce resistance from the Sichuan warlords when it was stationed.

Among them, in the battle north of Daxian County, the Red Fourth Front was even attacked by the artillery fire of the Sichuan warlords. Most of the military facilities of a regiment stationed in the area were destroyed, and the entire regiment was in danger.

In a hurry, the deputy commander of the Red Fourth Front immediately sent a battalion of troops to the rescue, but this battalion was only a drop in the bucket and did not play much role in the battle.

44 years ago, he led troops to support Xu Shiyou, and 44 years later, Xu Shiyou helped him a lot!

The whole army suddenly fell into a depressed mood, Xu Shiyou could not sit still, he could say that he pulled out the bottom of his box, but it did not play a big role. In a critical situation, Wang Hongkun, the commander of the Red Fourth Front, had to send a traffic team of more than 100 people to support.

The traffic team, just by hearing the name, knew that this was not the main fighting unit, but under the circumstances at that time, there was no better way, so it had to send out the traffic team with its scalp. The team of more than 100 people went to the rescue under the leadership of Zhang Xianyue.

44 years ago, he led troops to support Xu Shiyou, and 44 years later, Xu Shiyou helped him a lot!

Heroes are born

And who is Zhang Xianyue? Zhang Xianyue was born in 1911 in Nanxi Xiawan Village, Jinzhai County, Anhui Province, and entered the township's public primary school at the age of 7. During his studies, Zhang Xianyue was very hardworking and very kind, so he was often deeply loved by teachers and classmates.

However, when he was 8 years old, the family suddenly changed, and his mother died of illness. After this change, zhang Xianyue's family conditions were not enough to support him to continue to study in the academy, and Zhang Xianyue had to drop out of school and go home to work with his father.

At the age of 16, Zhang Xianyue felt that he had to have a skill, so he was introduced by his father's friend and learned from the lacquer smiths of the next village. When he was eighteen years old, Zhang Xianyu moved to Lu'an County in the western Anhui region to work as a long-term worker, but this did not last long, and in November of the same year, a peasant uprising broke out in the western Anhui region.

44 years ago, he led troops to support Xu Shiyou, and 44 years later, Xu Shiyou helped him a lot!

After understanding the reasons and ideas of the uprising, Zhang Xianyue resolutely participated in the armed uprising and joined the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. Zhang Xianyue successively participated in the agrarian revolution, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation. It played a pivotal role in the founding of New China.

Friendship building

When he received Wang Hongkun's order, Zhang Xianyue did not hesitate in the slightest, and led his own team to the position to reinforce. At the beginning, Zhang Xianyu still carried a shell gun, and gradually Zhang Xianyue felt that the shell gun was not so enjoyable, and personally rushed to the front line with a machine gun, and the bullets sprayed out of the muzzle like beans until the barrel of the gun was hot and hot, and it did not go down the line of fire.

Zhang Xianyue's reinforcements and the troops inside the battle line should cooperate with each other, and finally succeeded in eliminating the strength of the enemy's two regiments, and took more than 100 prisoners with them. Xu Shiyou was very happy after receiving this news, and specially set up a feast to treat these heroic soldiers who had returned from the front.

44 years ago, he led troops to support Xu Shiyou, and 44 years later, Xu Shiyou helped him a lot!

If zhang Xianyue had not led a traffic team of more than 100 people to arrive in time, the Red Fourth Front troops stationed in the local area would have died heroically. Zhang Xianyue was also promoted to captain of the entire Red Fourth Front immediately after this incident.

In fact, before this, Zhang Xianyue was already in the position of battalion instructor, but because Zhang Xianyue's temperament was too straight, he bumped into his superior, and was immediately sent down to the traffic team, but it was precisely because of this subordinate faction that xu Shiyou and Zhang Xianyue's friendship was promoted.

After this battle, Zhang Xianyue was gradually promoted to regimental commander and division commander, and Xu Shiyou was also promoted to the commander of the Red Fourth Front, which can be said that the two are both superiors and subordinates, and they are friends.

44 years ago, he led troops to support Xu Shiyou, and 44 years later, Xu Shiyou helped him a lot!

Later, because of the transfer, Xu Shiyou went to the Shandong battlefield on the front line, while Zhang Xianyue returned to northern Shaanxi to protect the rear security of our army. In that age of inconvenient information, the connection between the two also became less and less.

Reunion of old friends

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Xu Shiyou was awarded the rank of general and served as the commander of the Guangzhou Military Region, and Zhang Xianyue was awarded the rank of lieutenant general as the head of the General Logistics Department. Both were busy with military affairs and rarely had the opportunity to sit together and talk, and in the end, because of the first military medical university incident, two close friends who had not seen each other for many years could sit together and talk together.

At that time, the First Military Region was under the management of the Logistics Department, and the first military region was initially stationed at Jinan University, which was discontinued at that time, but with the founding of New China, everything was in ruins and waiting to be rebuilt, and Jinan University was also reopened, so that the First Military Medical University would have to be relocated and relocated, which was sad for Zhang Xianyue.

44 years ago, he led troops to support Xu Shiyou, and 44 years later, Xu Shiyou helped him a lot!

Zhang Xianyue, who was full of worries, came to Guangzhou, hoping to discuss with this former close friend to see if there was a good solution. After arriving in Guangzhou, Xu Shiyou warmly entertained Zhang Xianyue, during the banquet Zhang Xianyue took the opportunity to confide his sorrows to Xu Shiyou, Xu Shiyou listened to Hao Shuang's laughter, this matter has been considered for you, you are stationed on the side of Qilin Gang, I will withdraw the former teaching brigade, this will not be solved.

Zhang Xianyue listened to the tears of emotion, and immediately stood up and made three cups with his former best friend to show his gratitude to him.

Later, the University of the First Military Region was renamed southern University of Science and Technology and became a well-known key university at home and abroad.

44 years ago, he led troops to support Xu Shiyou, and 44 years later, Xu Shiyou helped him a lot!

The friendship between Zhang Xianyue and Xu Shiyou is exactly the friendship that many people envy, no matter how far away they are, no matter how long they do not contact each other, the relationship between the two is still as friendly as ever. The friendship between the two is fought on the battlefield, the kind that only asks for payment and does not ask for returns, if the friends still have to worry about it, then the friendship must not go long.

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