
The only emperor in history who has not been stained, and people praise him endlessly, is not Qin Shi Huang and Liu Che

From the beginning of Qin Shi Huang's unification of the Six Kingdoms to the abdication of the last emperor Puyi, a total of 422 emperors appeared in Chinese history. Among them are both wise and martial people, as well as faint and incompetent. The former, such as Emperor Liu Che of the Han Dynasty, Liu Xiu of the Guangwu Emperor, and Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty, were typical representatives of the latter, such as Hu Hai of qin II, Sima Zhenghe of the Jin Hui Emperor, and Yang Guang, the Sui Emperor. We will not talk about the latter, even the former is not perfect, they all have some stains on them to a greater or lesser extent. So who among these 422 emperors is the one who has no stains?

The only emperor in history who has not been stained, and people praise him endlessly, is not Qin Shi Huang and Liu Che

Some people say it was Qin Shi Huang. Qin Shi Huang succeeded to the throne at the age of 13 and pro-government at the age of 22, and then spent 17 years sweeping away the Six Kingdoms and unifying the world, ending the split of more than two hundred years in the Warring States period and establishing the first great unified dynasty in Chinese history. After being called emperor, he unified currency and weights and measures and unified writing, which had a profound impact on future generations, and his merits were worthy of the emperors of the ages. However, in his later years, Qin Shi Huang believed in the art of Huang Laozhi and wasted a lot of manpower and material resources in the pursuit of immortality; secondly, in order to build the Lishan Mausoleum for himself, he used nearly 800,000 migrant workers before and after, which caused a heavy burden to the people, which was also an important source of the outbreak of the peasant uprising at the end of Qin.

The only emperor in history who has not been stained, and people praise him endlessly, is not Qin Shi Huang and Liu Che

Some people say that it was Emperor Wu of Han. After the Siege of Baideng, the Han Dynasty began to pursue a policy of peace and affinity towards the Xiongnu, marrying its own princess to shan Yu of the Xiongnu in an attempt to exchange for stability on the border. This situation was not changed until the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Liu Che, who, after pro-government, successively appointed Wei Qing and Huo Toyi as generals, defeated the Xiongnu several times, and completely removed the Xiongnu from the threat to the Han Dynasty. However, in his later years, he credulously trusted his favorite minister Jiang Chong and created the scourge of witchcraft, which killed tens of thousands of people, including the crown prince Liu Zhao, and the number of people implicated was as high as hundreds of thousands, which was also the biggest stain on Liu Che's life.

The only emperor in history who has not been stained, and people praise him endlessly, is not Qin Shi Huang and Liu Che

Some people say that it was Liu Xiu, the Guangwu Emperor. After Wang Mang usurped the Han Dynasty, Liu Xiu raised an army in Nanyang, eventually overthrew the new dynasty, restored the Han Dynasty, and during his reign, he treated all the founding heroes kindly and created the situation of Guangwu Zhongxing. Even with such outstanding achievements, he called himself "of no benefit to the people" in his will and forbade local officials to come to mourn, which led some to call him the most benevolent emperor in history. But Liu Xiu also has a stain, that is, he has lost to Guo Shengtong. You know, when Guo Shengtong married Liu Xiu, he brought 100,000 troops as a dowry, and it was these 100,000 troops that helped Liu Xiu through the most difficult stage. However, Liu Xiu claimed that the empress dowager liked the new and was tired of the old, and favored Yin Lihua alone, and abolished Guo Shengtong's empress title.

The only emperor in history who has not been stained, and people praise him endlessly, is not Qin Shi Huang and Liu Che

Of course, some people say that The Sui Emperor Yang Jian, Tang Taizong Li Shimin, Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin, and Qing Shengzu Kangxi and others have no stain. However, the thrones of Yang Jian, Li Shimin, and Zhao Kuangyin all came incorrectly, and in his later years, Not only did the officials corrupt but also the tragedy of the nine sons taking the throne. So who is the only emperor in history who has not been stained? This person was Zhou Shizong Chai Rong. At the beginning of Chai Rong's succession, he made a grand wish to "open up the world in ten years, feed the people in ten years, and bring peace in ten years"; after that, he reduced taxes internally, straightened out the administration of officials, made the people rich, and filled the national treasury, and people praised him; externally, he defeated Shu in the west, destroyed the southern Tang in the south, and broke the Khitan in the north, and his martial skills were outstanding. Chai Rong was also known as the "First Ming Emperor of the Five Dynasties". If it were not for his untimely death, history would not have had anything to do with Zhao Kuangyin.

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