
Japanese agents who had been hiding in China for 34 years were mixed with the Chinese army and were only captured in 2016

In the war years, both belligerent countries will send a large number of spies to infiltrate other countries to obtain military secrets, which is also the fastest means to obtain intelligence and affect the war situation. In the 1930s, when Japan launched a war of aggression against our country, it sent a large number of spies to China to spy on military intelligence.

Japanese agents who had been hiding in China for 34 years were mixed with the Chinese army and were only captured in 2016

The most famous is Japan's Yoshiko Kawashima, who has carried out espionage work in China for many years, stole a number of top-secret archives, and is one of the initiators behind the "Huanggutun Incident", after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, after three years of trial, he was finally executed by shooting.

Japanese agents who had been hiding in China for 34 years were mixed with the Chinese army and were only captured in 2016

In today's economic globalization, trade exchanges between countries are becoming more and more frequent, so it also gives many people who are engaged in espionage more layers of identity disguise. And the Japanese spy who took you today has been lurking in China for 34 years, and was not arrested until 2016, he is Ao Hiromasa.

Born in 1930 in Toyama Prefecture, Japan, Hiromasa Ao experienced Japan's war of aggression as a child, and was influenced by militaristic ideas, and when he grew up, he joined the Japanese Self-Defense Force. At that time, his superiors told him that China and Japan were about to establish diplomatic relations and were preparing to break diplomatic relations with Taiwan, so he wanted him to enter Taiwan as a scholar and inquire into Taiwan's military intelligence.

Japanese agents who had been hiding in China for 34 years were mixed with the Chinese army and were only captured in 2016

Later, with the development of society, he left Taiwan, and in 1982, he entered China as a scholar to carry out military activities, because he was well trained and fluent in Mandarin, so normal people could not hear the accent at all when communicating with him, so he stayed in China for 34 years.

Japanese agents who had been hiding in China for 34 years were mixed with the Chinese army and were only captured in 2016

During this period, because of the relationship between the "wine table culture", he strengthened people from all walks of life, and at the invitation of a "friend", he came to a certain air base in the south at that time, and also saw a lot of unannounced models, which made him excited, so he went to the toilet, looked around the entire airport and remembered it in his heart.

Japanese agents who had been hiding in China for 34 years were mixed with the Chinese army and were only captured in 2016

However, this is not the end, when leaving the air base, he also proposed that all personnel take a group photo together, the purpose of this is very clear, that is, to record the model and geographical location of the fighters inside, so that it is easy to find later, in this way of "making friends", he obtained a total of 150 secret intelligence of our army, and all of them were successfully transmitted back to Japan.

Japanese agents who had been hiding in China for 34 years were mixed with the Chinese army and were only captured in 2016

Later, through the deployment of the Japanese army and the slight change in China's policy, it aroused the suspicion of the Chinese side, and it was captured by China in 2016, that is, after 34 years of lurking, which is also the Japanese spy who has the longest incubation time and the highest betrayal of confidential information since the War of Resistance Against Japan.

Japanese agents who had been hiding in China for 34 years were mixed with the Chinese army and were only captured in 2016

The Japanese have been spying on China all the time, and most of the spies caught are spying as scholars of Sino-Japanese cultural exchanges, and the number of Japanese who have lived in Shanghai and Suzhou for a long time has reached 300,000. Therefore, it is basically invincible. What do you think about that?

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