
In 1948, Jiang Yiping, a Chinese lawyer who helped Okamura Ningji acquit him, ended up

Good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil. After a person has done evil deeds, he should be punished as he deserves. If a lawyer defends the wicked, or even helps the wicked to exonerate, in the hearts of the Chinese people, this lawyer is probably not a good lawyer, and will be spurned and insulted by people.

Okamura was one of the culprits of World War II. From 1917, as a military attaché in China, he began to help Japan invade our country. On September 18, 1931, Okamura Ninji participated in the September 18 Incident created by Kenji Doihara and others, helping Japan invade and occupy the northeast region of our country. Subsequently, Okamura was promoted to deputy chief of staff of the Kwantung Army for his outstanding contributions to the September 18 Incident.

In 1948, Jiang Yiping, a Chinese lawyer who helped Okamura Ningji acquit him, ended up

Subsequently, Okamura Ninji participated in the establishment of Manchukuo and prepared to split the northeast region of our country from our country. On July 7, 1937, the Japanese army created the Lugou Bridge Incident and began a comprehensive invasion of China. By 1938, Okamura was already the commander of the Japanese Eleventh Front, and he led his troops to participate in the Battle of Wuhan. In 1941, Okamura was promoted to commander of the North China Front.

In order to strike at china's anti-Japanese forces, Okamura Ningji pursued the "three lights" policy of burning, killing, and robbing the light in northern China and other regions of our country, and a large number of innocent people in our country were brutally killed in the great sweep of the Japanese army. In 1944, Okamura was promoted to commander-in-chief of the Chinese Dispatch Army. In order to save the decline and defeat of the Japanese army, he launched a new round of attack on our country, resulting in a large number of soldiers and innocent people in our country to die tragically at the hands of the Japanese army. Ninji Okamura has committed numerous crimes against our people.

After World War II, Okamura Ninji should have been sent to the gallows to pay the price for his tiring crimes, but what infuriated our people was that Okamura Ninji was not only not executed, but also acquitted by the court with the help of our lawyer Jiang Yiping.

In 1948, Jiang Yiping, a Chinese lawyer who helped Okamura Ningji acquit him, ended up

Jiang Yiping is a native of Yuhang, Zhejiang, and his father is the patriotic scholar Jiang Menghua. He excelled in his studies from an early age, earning a bachelor's degree from Fudan University and a law degree from Soochow University. At first, Jiang Yiping was a very talented and ambitious young lawyer. In 1925, our patriotic students were arrested by the concession patrol when protesting against the japanese business owners' unlimited oppression of our workers. When Jiang Yiping learned of this, he was very angry. In order to rescue the students, he acted as a lawyer for the students for free, took the concession patrol to court, and forced them to release the students.

This incident has greatly enhanced Jiang Yiping's reputation and has been widely respected by all walks of life. At the same time, Jiang Yiping was also favored by Yu Qiaqing, a wealthy shanghai businessman, who married his daughter to Jiang Yiping. With Yu Qiaqing as a patron, Jiang Yiping's career rose step by step and became a well-known lawyer in Shanghai. After having power and status, Jiang Yiping also changed a lot, and he began to fight lawsuits only for the high-ranking officials and nobles who could bring him reputation and benefits, and he was no longer willing to do things for the people at the bottom, which made his image in people's hearts a lot inferior.

In 1948, Jiang Yiping, a Chinese lawyer who helped Okamura Ningji acquit him, ended up

After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, many people were forced to leave their homes and flee in all directions, and everywhere there was a tragic situation in the world. Jiang Yiping used his influence to call on businessmen everywhere to donate money and materials to the fleeing people, and did some good things for the people. At this time, Jiang Yiping, whether for fame and fortune or sympathy for the people at the bottom, his righteous act of calling on businessmen to donate money and goods for their compatriots was still quite recognized by the Chinese people.

After the end of World War II, the Republic of China government, for its own interests, wanted to use Okamura Ninji's talents to help them fight the civil war, so Okamura Ninji was hired as an adviser to the Nationalist government. In this regard, the Nationalists were dissatisfied and demanded that Okamura Ninji be brought to justice. The Nationalist government did not want Okamura Ninji to go to jail or go to the gallows, they were ready to help Okamura Ninji exonerate, and eventually the Nationalist government sought out Jiang Yiping as Okamura Ninji's defense lawyer. In court, Jiang Yiping looked for a lot of information and constantly argued that Okamura Ningji was not guilty.

In 1948, Jiang Yiping, a Chinese lawyer who helped Okamura Ningji acquit him, ended up

Jiang Yiping disregarded the disasters suffered by our nation and disregarded Okamura Ningji's numerous crimes against our people, and his ugly acts of reversing black and white and constantly exonerating Okamura Ningji made the people present indignant. However, although Jiang Yiping is very talented, his own influence is limited, in the face of ironclad facts, even if he is clever, he can not influence the overall situation, the real thing to save Okamura Ningji is the selfish Republic of China government behind Jiang Yiping, under their pressure, the court acquitted Okamura Ningji.

After Okamura Ningji was acquitted, the people of the country were indignant and retried Okamura Ningji, but the Republic of China government disregarded the voices of the people and acted arbitrarily, which also led to his final failure. At the same time, Jiang Yiping, the lawyer who defended Okamura Ningji, also became a sinner.

After this incident, Jiang Yiping's reputation was ruined, and his father, Jiang Menghua, scolded his son for being sorry for the patriarchs, and he would surely be scolded by the world, and soon he would end up depressed. Jiang Yiping's wife also chose to divorce Jiang Yiping. Classmates and friends have stayed away from Jiang Yiping and are reluctant to associate with him. In his later years, Jiang Yiping had only one friend left, that is, Okamura Ningji. He died in Taiwan in 1971.

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