
The 1.1 edition of the Complete Works of Yu Shinan's Calligraphy | a total of 36 posts

The 1.1 edition of the Complete Works of Yu Shinan's Calligraphy | a total of 36 posts

The Complete Collection of Yu Shinan's Calligraphy

A complete collection of calligraphy



After nearly eight years of collection, editing and collation, the Complete Collection of Calligraphy Masterpieces of Past Dynasties has taken shape. We believe that after another ten to twenty years, the "Calligraphy Posters" will eventually sort out the most complete and complete "Complete Works of Calligraphy Masters of Past Dynasties" in history and dedicate it to everyone free of charge as always! At the same time, we sincerely thank everyone for their support and help along the way! If there are occasional advertisements to supplement life, we hope for understanding

If there are any omissions and errors in this "Complete Collection of Yu Shinan Calligraphy", please feel free to add and correct them!

Gengzi Nian calligraphy posters





The 1.1 edition of the Complete Works of Yu Shinan's Calligraphy | a total of 36 posts

"Confucius Temple Stele" Tang Tuoben

"Confucius Temple Stele" West Temple Hall Ben

"Confucius Temple Stele" Song Tuo Shaan Ben

"Monument to the Temple of Confucius" Ming Tuoben

"Confucius Temple Stele" Erxuan Sheben

"Confucius Temple Stele" Li Zonghan Ben

"Xian Brother Thesis" Early Tang Tuoben

The second edition of the Xian Brother Thesis

"Xian Brother Thesis" Sufu Ben Chunhua Pavilion engraving

The 1.1 edition of the Complete Works of Yu Shinan's Calligraphy | a total of 36 posts
The 1.1 edition of the Complete Works of Yu Shinan's Calligraphy | a total of 36 posts

Epitaph of Princess Runan

Yu Shinan's Epitaph of Princess Runan"

Calligraphy dictionary

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