
Is Zhu Qizhen just "fighting a wrong battle and killing the wrong person"? When the Ming Dynasty fell, he was the culprit

Among the 16 emperors of the Ming Dynasty, the most cattle emperor is undoubtedly Zhu Yuanzhang. He founded the Ming Dynasty and created two "incredibles" in Chinese history.

First, the status is the lowest. The so-called opening is a begging bowl, but at the end, it "begs" the splendid rivers and mountains of the Ming Dynasty. Liu Bang, who was born in a bigger country than Ting, was even more incredible.

Second, it has completed the only "from south to north" in history to unify the world's divine operations.

The worst luck was undoubtedly the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youjian. Even later generations said that he was "not the king of the fallen country, but the fortune of the country." That is, Zhu Youjian was not a tyrant and tyrant at all, but his luck was too bad, and he "carried the pot" for the fall of the Ming Dynasty.

So who is the most blessed? Some people may say that it is Ming Xuanzong Zhu Zhanji. Because as soon as Zhu Zhanji was born, he seemed destined to become emperor.

Is Zhu Qizhen just "fighting a wrong battle and killing the wrong person"? When the Ming Dynasty fell, he was the culprit

One night, Zhu Di suddenly had a strange dream, and his father Zhu Yuanzhang personally handed him a piece of Dagui (the jade hand plate held by the ancient emperors). Zhu Di then woke up, and just because he didn't know what this dream meant, he got the reward: he became a grandfather and had an eldest grandson (Zhu Zhanji).

Zhu Di woke up like a dream: Isn't this my father entrusting me with a dream, designating my eldest grandson as the future Emperor Daming? And now I am only the "King of Yan", and I am always "abused" by the eldest nephew Emperor Jianwen, and now that my father is dreaming, I am still hesitant to do anything - start an army and kill the eldest nephew Emperor Jianwen!

This is not a small editor's nonsense, but a record from the "History of Ming". However, whether there is this dream or not, I am afraid that only Zhu Di alone knows. Combined with his "Battle of Jingnan", the author is very suspicious that This is Zhu Di "creating dreams" to hedge against his own "rebellion".

Is Zhu Qizhen just "fighting a wrong battle and killing the wrong person"? When the Ming Dynasty fell, he was the culprit

Therefore, it is said that Zhu Zhanji was not the most blessed emperor, and zhu Gaozi was able to finally defeat Zhu Gaoxu, and the process was very thrilling. And Zhu Zhanji, the "good saint grandson," also made great efforts.

Therefore, in the author's opinion, the most blessed emperor of the Ming Dynasty should be Zhu Zhanji's son, Zhu Qizhen, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty who was twice emperor.

The most famous thing about Zhu Qizhen is that in the "Change of Tumu Fort", he was captured alive by Wa La and lost the throne, and was released after a year of wandering in the desert. Later, taking advantage of the serious illness of his younger brother Zhu Qiyu, he launched the "Change of Seizing the Door" to regain the throne. As a result, the temple number after his death was "Yingzong", so what is Yingzong?

Is Zhu Qizhen just "fighting a wrong battle and killing the wrong person"? When the Ming Dynasty fell, he was the culprit

It is very grand, but the meaning is one: the king of shoucheng!

Combined with Zhu Qizhen's experience, this can be called black humor! And until now, the praise and various whitewashing of Zhuqi Town are still endless. For example, in "Those Things of the Ming Dynasty", this is how he was evaluated: (Zhu Qizhen) is a good person with charm and conscience, a good emperor after the restoration, just fought a wrong war, killed the wrong person...

So is Zhu Qizhen really just as simple as "fighting a wrong battle and killing the wrong person"? In fact, the demise of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Qizhen is the culprit.

Is Zhu Qizhen just "fighting a wrong battle and killing the wrong person"? When the Ming Dynasty fell, he was the culprit

First, the upward momentum of the Ming Dynasty was completely broken.

Before Zhu Qizhen, although the Ming Dynasty had Zhu Di's "Battle of Jingnan", it quickly stabilized the situation and was able to recover quickly. As a result, there have been successive "Yongle Prosperous Times" and "Renxuan Rule". That is to say, the Ming Dynasty has maintained a strong upward momentum and formed a crushing trend towards the desert north.

However, a "change in the tumu fort" led to the total destruction of the Ming Dynasty's 200,000 most elite men and horses, and the Ming Dynasty's civil and military elites were also lost.

However, in order to survive, Zhu Qizhen took the Army of Vala to detain Guan Daming, that is, to persuade him to surrender! Therefore, it left a reputation of "calling the door heavenly son". If it were not for the critical moment, Yu Qian would have turned the tide, and the Ming Dynasty would most likely become the second "Southern Song Dynasty".

Is Zhu Qizhen just "fighting a wrong battle and killing the wrong person"? When the Ming Dynasty fell, he was the culprit

Why is Zhu Yuanzhang accused of being cruel to the founding heroes on the one hand, but on the other hand, his reputation is not falling?

It is because since the Tang Dynasty, he has once again achieved the "fusion of north and south" and recaptured the northern barrier Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures! It should be noted that since the Tang Dynasty, the Youzhou area has been a source of turmoil. The Anshi Rebellion began with Youzhou (Yanjing) as the core.

Later, the Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty were also destroyed by the Liao and Jin. Zhu Di also launched the Battle of Jingnan based on the Yanjing region.

Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang took back the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun and re-kneaded the north and south together, which was equivalent to completely ending the "north-south confrontation" and re-forming the centripetal force.

Why is Zhu Qizhen so hateful? That's it! If Yu Qian hadn't stepped forward, this newly formed centripetal force would have torn apart again! Therefore, can the "change of the civil fort" in Zhuqi Town be just an understatement of "fighting a wrong war"? Rather, it has profoundly affected the development of history, where it is "wrong" and clearly "sin".

Because after the change of the door, Zhu Qizhen "killed the wrong person".

Is Zhu Qizhen just "fighting a wrong battle and killing the wrong person"? When the Ming Dynasty fell, he was the culprit

Second, it caused irreparable harm to the Ming Dynasty

After the change of the door, Zhu Qizhen immediately turned on the mode of revenge.

For example, when he was captured, he once took the Wala army with him. At that time, the guard general Guo Deng did not listen to his set at all, that is, he refused to open the door, which can be called a loyal minister, right? Unexpectedly, Zhu Qizhen held a grudge in his heart and exiled Guo Deng after the restoration.

Governor Fan Guang, in the defense of Beijing, was brave and resolute and made great contributions. After Wa Lai retreated, he led his troops to pursue and kill Wa Lai to Zijing Pass. Unexpectedly, with the restoration of Zhu Qizhen, Fan Guang was killed, and his homestead and his wife and concubines were all rewarded by Zhu Qizhen to the general Ofa.

As for the greatest hero of beijing's defense war, Shao Bao Yuqian, even if everyone in the world shouts injustice, but Zhu Qizhen is pretending to be deaf and dumb, and he is also killed!

Is Zhu Qizhen just "fighting a wrong battle and killing the wrong person"? When the Ming Dynasty fell, he was the culprit

This is comparable to the impact of Zhu Yuanzhang's killing feats in his later years, and it is not a little bit worse. Because these above people are not only heroes of the Ming Dynasty, but also the saviors of Zhu Qi Town - without Yu Qian and others, how can Zhu Qi Town come back?

But Zhu Qizhen's problems are not only these.

The eunuch Wang Zhen was the culprit of the change of Tumu Fort, but after Zhu Qizhen was restored, he actually returned the temple to Wang Zhen!

First of all, the chief of the Wallachians, it is reasonable to say that this should be the enemy of Zhu qi town, but Zhu Qizhen only let him come back first, so he also built a temple for this wallachian chief.

What is black and white upside down? Look at this wave of operations after Zhu Qizhen's reset! Is this just "killing the wrong person", so light and breezy?

Is Zhu Qizhen just "fighting a wrong battle and killing the wrong person"? When the Ming Dynasty fell, he was the culprit

Equal to Zhu Qizhen, with his own strength, not only broke the rising momentum of Daming, but also made the Ming Dynasty chaotic since then. It is said that the Tang Dynasty actually died in the "Anshi Rebellion", but what about the Ming Dynasty?

Zhu Qizhen first made a fuss about the "change of the tumu fort", and Zhu Qiyu and Yu Qian joined forces to wipe his ass for him. After Zhu Qizhen was restored, he made up another knife, resulting in Daming no longer having a soul, causing irreparable damage. Therefore, although Daming died in Chongzhen, zhu Qizhen was actually the culprit.

It's just that he was so blessed, and because of the accumulation of zhu di, zhu gaozi, and zhu zhanji for three generations, he could stand up to such a mess. In other words, Zhu Qizhen alone not only consumed the blessings accumulated by three generations, but also pulled down a "huge debt", so that the latecomers almost all became the strange emperor and began to pay off the debt for him.

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