
Nuns resisted Japan, this is not a divine drama

In September 1942, Wei Zhengkun, a member of the Gangxi Wugong Brigade of the New Fourth Army, received an order ("Gangxi" refers to the western half of the former Huanggang County, that is, the present Xinzhou District of Wuhan City) to carry out a mission to Hankou in the enemy-occupied area. Don't look at Wei Zhengkun, who was only in his early twenties at the time, but he was an experienced veteran. He joined the wugong team not long after its establishment, and had previously gone deep into the tiger's den and performed many dangerous tasks. At that time, he was quite famous in the three towns of Wuhan, and the enemy hated and feared him and was vigorously arresting him. However, this time the mission seems to be a little special, because the place to go is a nunnery in downtown Hankou. What exactly is the mission this time, and will there be a plot in the divine drama? It starts at the beginning.

Nuns resisted Japan, this is not a divine drama

After the Spring Festival in 1939, Qiu Guoqing, an old Communist Party member, came to Wuchang as the uncle of hanliu nonghuishan (equivalent to a gang organization in Hongmen). Many of his compatriots worked hard in the Area of Wuchang and Qingshan, and suffered oppression and humiliation from the Japanese. Qiu Guoqing joined the coolie group, mobilized everyone to accuse the Crimes of the Japanese and The Counterfeits, introduced the good news that his hometown had risen up one after another under the leadership of the Communist Party to resist Japan and won victories, and inspired the laborers to rise up and fight against the Japanese devils. After a period of tandem organization, a Gangxi Takeshi team of 20 or 30 people was secretly established.

Nuns resisted Japan, this is not a divine drama

In June of that year, Wei Zhengkun, who had just turned 18, joined the martial arts team. At that time, I thought that since it was a military engineering team, it was natural to fire a gun. But after a long time, don't say gunshots, and even the meaning of gunshots is not revealed. Later, he took the opportunity to ask the commissar for a gun. The commissar said, "Do you want a gun, that's fine." However, you have to do it yourself. Then, the political commissar gave Wei Zhengkun meticulous ideological work and talked about the nature, tasks, and purpose of the armed workers' brigade, which opened up Wei Zhengkun's thinking and understood that not only did the superiors not shoot at the armed workers, but also wanted the armed workers to make guns and hand them over to the superiors; this was the task, and this was the anti-Japanese resistance. From then on, Wei Zhengkun made up his mind to go to the Japanese devils to get guns.

Wei Zhengkun initially operated in the Area of Chenjiawan in Wuchang, collecting intelligence on the Japanese and puppet areas. He and several other members of the team had worked hard in the Japanese armory over there for a long time, and they had also carried guns and ammunition, and the houses, yards, and roads of the armory were very familiar, and the Japanese who stood guard and were on duty also knew a lot. After consulting with the other team members, Wei Zhengkun reported to the leaders of the armed engineering team for approval, determined to get guns from this Japanese armory.

One night in early September of the 1940 lunar calendar, the sky was half moonlit and not very dark. Wei Zhengkun and his party of 6 people came to the vicinity of the three-story building in Wuchang, around the barren lake field and the low-lying area to approach the wall of the armory. After observing for a while and finding nothing unusual, he flipped through the door and went in. Quickly move along the muddy ditch to the front of the storeroom door. It was a very ordinary house, and when they took out hammers, pickers, pliers, iron rods and other tools to twist the lock and pry the door, a patrolling Japanese soldier slowly paced over, and they hurriedly lay in the muddy ditch. After the Japanese soldiers on patrol turned the corner of the house, they began to work again. Unexpectedly, due to excessive force, a noise was made, which woke up the sleeping Japanese soldiers, and the situation suddenly became tense again. The Japanese soldier walked out of the dormitory and shouted twice, which meant "who" and "what sound", and then looked around for a while, and when he saw that there was no movement, he went back to sleep.

The door was finally pried open. Six men touched inside, carrying a total of 4 light machine guns and 3 rifles, and then grabbed bullets. An inadvertent place was found at this time, and sacks were not prepared to load the bullets. I had to grab the bullet and put it in everyone's clothes pocket until it couldn't fit. Then, they withdrew from the armory along the original route, inspected the wasteland, the woods, and the lake, and rushed to the road, and it did not take long to reach the regimental house under the green mountain. There is a secret ferry port established by the armed workers, and the traffic officers driving the boats will take them to Guijiazhou on the north bank of the river. Walk from Guijiazhou to Yaotou, and then across Wuhu Lake to Yang Pei's Cai suburb. At this time, it was the season of falling water, and there was still thin water in Wuhu Lake, and they rolled up their pants legs and waded through the water for more than 20 miles, and the next day they found the political commissar near Kongbu. When the political commissar saw Wei Zhengkun's achievements, he said happily: "Good, good, great, we just lack machine guns, and even dream of thinking about machine guns." "This batch of weapons was later handed over to the New Fourth Army's Edong Independent Regiment.

Nuns resisted Japan, this is not a divine drama

After getting a gun, Wei Zhengkun was determined to find an opportunity to catch a few Japanese devils alive. In early 1942, he and several members of his team worked as coolies near the three-story Japanese military horse farm in Wuchang. Taking advantage of this opportunity, they did reconnaissance in this area. After observing and comparing for a few days, I felt that the field was wide, the houses were simple, and there were not many sentries, and there were only two Japanese soldiers there every day to take care of the horses and deal with them.

On the night of the operation, the 4 of them climbed into the military racecourse. I didn't know that I had walked around the horse farm and hadn't seen a single Japanese soldier. What to do, withdraw and not be willing. As soon as several team members met, everyone thought of a piece, and since they had come in, they could not go back empty-handed, so they decided to lead the horse. Four people went to the herd, each of them chose a good horse, turned around and moved out 4 sets of saddles. Quietly lead the horse out of the military horse farm, then fly on the horse and go straight to the secret ferry port of Tuanfang under the green mountain. After crossing the river, he raised his horse and found the leader of the armed workers' team. Later, these horses were handed over to the field troops of the New Fourth Army.

Wei Zhengkun first got a gun, then a horse, and this time he went to the nunnery, was it to...

Located on Hanzhong Street in Hankou, this nunnery is called Jiulian Nunnery, which is not simple in origin, and is a hidden underground transportation station of the New Fourth Army in Wuhan. The station manager of this traffic station, who is also the presiding nun of this nunnery, is a legendary figure. Her legal name is Fazheng, and her common name before she became a monk was Zeng Saizhu.

Nuns resisted Japan, this is not a divine drama

Zeng Saizhu, a native of Macheng, Hubei Province. As early as the period of the Great Revolution, she and her sister Zeng Saihua broke through the bad habit of preferring sons to daughters in the family and the shackles of arranged marriages, joined the peasant association together, and attended the first peasant congress in Hubei Province. Later, the sisters joined the army led by Wang Shusheng and participated in the jute uprising.

Zeng Saihua was heroically killed in a battle, and Zeng Saizhu was scattered. Unable to find an organization, Zeng Saizhu entered the Wuchang Buddhist Women's House to study, became a nun, and later opened a nunnery in Hanzhong Street in Hankou, where he served as the abbot and accepted a group of disciples.

Before and after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Zeng Saizhu reconnected with the organization. Although she has become a monk, she still supports the Communist Party, supports the New Fourth Army, hates the Japanese traitors, has a strong sense of patriotism, and is not afraid of risks at critical moments and dares to sacrifice. Not only did he devote himself to the anti-Japanese resistance, but he also led a group of disciples to join the anti-Japanese activities.

In the high society before liberation, buddhism was a very popular thing, especially some upper-class women, who were spiritually empty and wanted to find solace in religion. Zeng Saizhu used his special status to enter and leave high society, and extensively befriended the families of powerful people in Wuhan's military and political, industry and commerce, finance, such as old ladies, aunts, young grandmothers, young grandmothers, misses, and sons, and won their respect. This also brought a lot of convenience to her to carry out underground anti-Japanese activities.

This time, his superiors sent Wei Zhengkun to Zeng Saizhu to help him with a batch of things, which were more valuable than gold at that time—Western medicine, especially medicine for gunshot wounds.

At that time, the New Fourth Army fought frequently, and there were many wounded and sick people. The rear hospital is in urgent need of various medicines, especially Western medicines that cannot be produced by the base areas. The enemy is also well aware of this, and has exercised a monopoly on Western medicine and extremely strict control over the outside world, making it more difficult to engage in Western medicine than to engage in weapons. Japanese and pseudo agents sometimes took advantage of this and used the tight Western medicine as bait to arrest anti-Japanese elements.

Nuns resisted Japan, this is not a divine drama

On this day, Wei Zhengkun took a secret letter from his superiors and took a boat from Yangluo to the Four Officials Hall in Hankou, and walked to Hanzheng Street and Hanzhong Street. He first circled around, familiarized himself with the streets and alleys of this area, and then pretended to be a pilgrim and walked into the Nine Lotus Temple.

The incense of the Nine Lotus Temple looks good, and there is an endless stream of people who come in to burn incense and worship the Buddha, including many rich people in rich costumes. Whenever such people come in and out, they will be greeted by a middle-aged nun with extraordinary dignity. Wei Zhengkun guessed that she might be Zeng Saizhu, and quietly asked a little nun, and it was really good.

While pretending to burn incense and worship the Buddha, Wei Zhengkun secretly observed the surroundings, found a time when there was less than one person, and confronted Zeng Saizhu with a secret code. Then, Wei Zhengkun handed the secret letter to Zeng Saizhu. After Zeng Saizhu read the letter, he understood his task and asked Wei Zhengkun to go to her again in two days.

Two days later, Wei Zhengkun came to the Nine Lotus Nunnery again. In a secret room, Zeng Saizhu gave him a bag of medicines. Among them, there are 4 bottles of powdered "Nick Dew", the internal price is also twenty yuan of ocean bottles, the market can not buy gold; the "Haijin Fang" produced in Japan, the treatment of trauma has a miraculous effect; there is also a white potion called "Sarin", which can be used to clean wounds, sterilize and disinfect, the effect is much stronger than the salt water commonly used in hospitals in the base area; in addition, there are some other drugs, large and small, there are more than thirty boxes.

Wei Zhengkun put the medicine into a strap, tied it close to his waist, and then put on two layers of coat, so that he could not see any flaws from the outside. Zeng Saizhu instructed, "These are things that cannot be bought with gold." You must be careful, if the Japanese puppet army finds out, you must kill the head. Wei Zhengkun replied with a smile, "You can rest assured, I am Sun Wukong, and they can't catch me." ”

Wei Zhengkun took these precious medicines and returned to the base safely. After that, Wei Zhengkun was really like a Sun Wukong, a big boss for a while, a pseudo-military commander for a while, a Japanese translation for a while, and more than twenty times to find Zeng Saizhu to get medicine, and later there were other martial arts team members to go, twice a month, until the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. In addition to Western medicine, they also transported back office supplies, printing equipment, dyeing cloth pigments and other scarce materials from Jiulian'an. In addition, Zeng Saizhu also collected more than 5,000 silver dollars, collected more than 100 guns, and more than 5,000 rounds of ammunition to give to the New Fourth Army.

Zeng Saizhu engaged in medicine, and it was not always smooth sailing. Once, when she came back from medicine, she was followed by a Japanese pseudo-inspector to the Nine Lotus Temple. The inspector asked her why she bought Western medicine and who made her buy it. She said calmly, "Our monks also want to live." Life is difficult, open up the land, plant some vegetables and grains, it is inevitable to puncture the skin, scratch the opening, and get tetanus, do not engage in some medicine to cure a cure, what to do? The inspector said that the source and direction of the medicine were unknown, and threatened to confiscate it. Zeng Saizhu deliberately said that it was given by the old wife of a certain commander and the wife of a certain commander. At this time, the wives and ladies of the officials who prayed to God and worshiped the Buddha also gathered around and accused the inspector of not being right, and the local security and armor chiefs also rushed to defend Zeng Saizhu. This inspector saw that the situation was not good, and found that it would not be able to implicate some big people, so he set himself on fire and had to go away in sorrow. Therefore, the real nuns resisting Japan are not the same as those played in the divine drama.

Nuns resisted Japan, this is not a divine drama

After the victory of the War of Resistance, Zeng Saizhu still lived in the Nine Lotus Temple. When the Battle of the River Crossing began, she helped Qiu Guoqing organize ships and supplies to support the People's Liberation Army in crossing the river. After liberation, Zeng Saizhu entered the Wuhan Women's Federation, and because of his excellent work, his name was once on the People's Daily in 1950.

As for Wei Zhengkun, he fought in this martial arts team until the victory of the War of Resistance and continued to write a legend. In June 1943, he led several members of the team to capture three heavily armed Japanese soldiers alive with their bare hands, capturing 3 rifles and dozens of rounds of ammunition; in July 1943, with the cooperation of Neiying, they obtained 9 machine guns from the Wuchang Zhenhuan Spinning Factory; in February 1945, according to the information provided by their superiors, the wugong team obtained 2 pistols, 2 machine guns, 80 rifles, 14 boxes of bullets, plus two men and one woman and three Japanese prisoners from the Japanese arsenal in Luokashan (where Wuhan University is located).

Unfortunately, the author searched through the relevant literature and could not find the later experience and photos of the protagonist Wei Zhengkun, only that he lived to the era of reform and opening up, and left this legendary experience in the collection of historical materials. This article has only to end with a little regret here, and I hope that readers who know about it can add in the message.

The author of this article: Ji Yu, "This is the war" to join the author, without the author himself and "this is the war" permission, any media, self-media shall not be reprinted, violators will be investigated for legal responsibility, readers welcome to forward.

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