
In 1971, Song Ziwen died, and the three Sisters of the Song clan all got the news, why did none of them attend the funeral?

The three sisters of the Song family can be described as social celebrities in the Republic of China period, and their every move will have an important impact on the Chinese people, and they are the favorite people of the entertainment tabloids. The four major families in the Republic of China period were Jiang Song Kong Chen, and the business of any one of their four major families would affect China's economy, and their status in China was also very high.

For the three sisters of the Song family, most people will not be too strange, but many people do not know that the three sisters of the Song family have an older brother, his name is Song Ziwen. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Song Ziwen went to the United States to live, and it was still very smooth. But he died a particularly unjust death because he ate a chicken nugget and lost his life while the bone stuck in his throat. After his death, none of the three sisters of the Song family attended his funeral.

In 1971, Song Ziwen died, and the three Sisters of the Song clan all got the news, why did none of them attend the funeral?

After more than 5,000 years of feudal history, it was later overthrown because of Sun Yat-sen. Although the feudal dynasty was overthrown, the feudal thinking in the hearts of the Chinese people is difficult to change overnight. The Song family was a very famous family in China at that time, and it was inextricably linked to the country's political economy, because of feudal ideas, and even the Chinese people called them the Song Dynasty.

The three sisters of the Song family are all household names, but most people are very unfamiliar with The son of Song Ziwen. At that time, the principals of this large family were generally men. The Song family during the Republic of China period was indeed in the hands of Song Ziwen. After all, Song Ziwen was the eldest son of the Song family, and his prestige in the family was great, and he even held important positions in the National Government.

In 1971, Song Ziwen died, and the three Sisters of the Song clan all got the news, why did none of them attend the funeral?

Among the three sisters of the Song family, the three daughters are very outstanding, of which the eldest sister is Song Qiling. She is the eldest daughter of the family, very like the eldest daughter of a large family, with courage and means. She was the secretary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, and during her tenure as secretary, she also met the minister of finance of the National Government at that time, and she also successfully married the minister of finance, and since then she has become the most financial person.

The second sister is Soong Ching Ling, and most people know that she is the wife of Dr. Sun Yat-sen. Sun Yat-sen had an indelible influence on China, and it was his appearance that overthrew the remaining 5,000 years of feudal history. And the woman who can marry Sun Yat-sen is naturally not too bad. She served as Vice-President of the State and was later awarded the title of Honorary President.

In 1971, Song Ziwen died, and the three Sisters of the Song clan all got the news, why did none of them attend the funeral?

And the little sister Song Meiling will not be unknown to anyone, she is the former mother of the country, the wife of Chiang Kai-shek of the Nanjing government. Soong Mei-ling was not only beautiful in appearance, but also very accomplished in politics, often accompanying Chiang Kai-shek on foreign visits. He was even accompanied to many important meetings and was a political figure in his youth.

Song Ziwen went to live in the United States after the founding of the People's Republic of China, Chiang Kai-shek retreated to Taiwan after his defeat, and the three sisters of the Song family also followed the Kuomintang troops to settle in Taiwan. But Song Ziwen, as their younger brother, did not stay in Taiwan, but went to live alone in the United States. Relations between the United States and China and Taiwan were very confusing at the time.

In 1971, Song Ziwen died, and the three Sisters of the Song clan all got the news, why did none of them attend the funeral?

The United States originally supported Chiang Kai-shek, because once Chiang Kai-shek came to power, the United States became the greatest force supporting Chiang Kai-shek, and they had a legitimate reason to be able to contain China and make China, the dragon of the East, submit to him. However, because of Chiang Kai-shek's defeat, the US plan was almost broken, and although they still supported Taiwan behind their backs, they still had to keep a distance on the surface.

At that time, the United States and the Soviet Union were competing for hegemony, and everyone wanted to stand out in this silent war, so they coveted both Sides of China. However, because Chiang Kai-shek retreated to Taiwan and there was no counter-offensive, the United States gradually abandoned Chiang Kai-shek's Kuomintang.

In 1971, Song Ziwen died, and the three Sisters of the Song clan all got the news, why did none of them attend the funeral?

During this period, China and the United States have been in a state of hostility since the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and neither side has established diplomatic relations. However, with the development of time, China has become more and more powerful, and it is imperative to establish diplomatic relations with dual development. Until 1971, table tennis players from the two countries held table tennis exhibition matches in China, which also heralded the gradual relaxation of relations between the two countries.

The two sides also formally established diplomatic relations after passing table tennis, so that the relationship between the United States and the Kuomintang gradually moved towards a freezing point. Just when the relations between the United States and China were gradually getting better, Song Ziwen died suddenly, Song Ziwen as a political and economic outlet, his death also touched the hearts of many people, not only that, any movement on either side will affect the relationship between the two countries that are about to establish diplomatic relations.

In 1971, Song Ziwen died, and the three Sisters of the Song clan all got the news, why did none of them attend the funeral?

The United States originally notified the three sisters of the Song family as soon as possible after The death of Song Ziwen. However, because of the international situation, the United States did not dare to easily let the Song family come to the United States, and the three sisters of the Song family did not dare to change for various reasons.

As the only son of the Song family, Song Ziwen was not only taken care of by the eldest sister and the second sister, but he also took great care of the three daughters of the Song family, especially for Song Meiling. When Soong Mei-ling got married, the third brother gave her a mansion and became a favorite residence for Chiang Kai-shek and Soong Mei-ling.

In 1971, Song Ziwen died, and the three Sisters of the Song clan all got the news, why did none of them attend the funeral?

Therefore, when she learned the news of her brother's death, Song Meiling wanted to go to the United States to send her brother on the last journey for the first time. Soong Mei-ling, who had already booked her plane tickets and was preparing to take off, suddenly received a call from Chiang Kai-shek, who told her not to go for the time being. Now that the relationship between China and the United States has broken the ice and the United States has blocked it, it is not a good time for the three sides to go to the United States.

It is precisely for this reason that Song Meiling's way to the United States is hindered. In addition to Soong Mei Ling, the reason why the eldest sister and the second sister failed to go was also very similar, but because Soong Mei Ling was Chiang Kai-shek's wife, it was more complicated than the others. Because of various reasons and the interests of all parties, the three sisters failed to send Song Ziwen the last side, which also caused them to regret for life.

In 1971, Song Ziwen died, and the three Sisters of the Song clan all got the news, why did none of them attend the funeral?

The three sisters of the Song family have a good relationship with Song Ziwen, and they are not in cahoots with various interests because they were born in a large family. Therefore, when Song Ziwen died, the first reaction of the three sisters was to arrive in the United States to send him the last side, not to let him be alone, and to leave so simply without relatives in a foreign country.

However, they carry a lot of things that ordinary people do not have, and since they are born into famous families and have a lot of interests entangled in all aspects, they naturally cannot do whatever they want, after all, they gain a lot more than they lose. Originally, he was a prominent figure who had deteriorated the political circle in the mall, but when he left, he seemed a little lonely, and he left hastily in the United States without sending him away.

In 1971, Song Ziwen died, and the three Sisters of the Song clan all got the news, why did none of them attend the funeral?

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