
In 1981, an old lady in Hunan saw a doctor and alarmed a number of founding generals to visit her personally.

A gentle gust of wind awakens the body that has been sleeping for a thousand years; a gentle gust of wind blows away the mysterious veil of history. Standing on the shoulders of time, I talk to history.

We all know that in the last century, our country experienced 14 years of war of resistance. In the face of this arduous war, our people have put up stubborn resistance. People have made many selfless contributions to the struggle for national independence, they have gone up the mountain to the sea of fire, and even fought bravely regardless of safety. Because of the existence of these heroes, we can live in ordinary times today. They gave up their personal interests for the sake of the country and made great contributions to our country, and this is our great hero.

In 1981, an old lady in Hunan saw a doctor and alarmed a number of founding generals to visit her personally.

Naturally, the country will not forget these heroes who have dedicated themselves to the country. Most of these heroes who sacrificed their lives for the country were later posthumously honored as martyrs, and the state built cemeteries for them so that future generations could commemorate and mourn them. For the families of martyrs, when they encounter difficulties, the state will always stand up at the first time to help them tide over the difficulties. Today, Xiaobian introduces you to the descendants of a martyr. When she went to Beijing for medical treatment due to illness, several generals personally visited her and were sent to the best hospital at that time for the best treatment. So whose descendant is she?

In 1981, an old woman in Hunan had stomach bleeding and her condition was very serious, and due to the limited level of local medical care, she urgently needed to be transferred to a better area for treatment. As we all know, the consumption of medical treatment is still very high, and the old woman cannot afford the medical expenses at all, so she has to ask the local military department for help. Immediately after the old woman said her father's name, she was placed in the famous Pla.301 Hospital and exempted from all her expenses. Who the hell is she? Why get such a high treatment?

In 1981, an old lady in Hunan saw a doctor and alarmed a number of founding generals to visit her personally.

The old lady's name was Peng Xiulan, a native of Hunan. She was an ordinary peasant woman, but she had a strong father, whose name was Peng Ao, a Red Army division commander with outstanding military achievements. She is the only daughter of Master Peng, and as a descendant of martyrs, she will naturally enjoy different treatment.

Peng Ao was born in 1903 in Wuguan Village, Buxian Township, Yueyang, Hunan. At the beginning of 1920, the workers' and peasants' movement was organized, and in 1926, he joined the Communist Party. At the age of 23, he served as the secretary and chairman of the Nansi District Farmers' Association. After that, he joined the guidance group led by Ye Ting and participated in the Nanchang Uprising. At the age of 25, he led the battle and was promoted to battalion commander by courage and resourcefulness.

In 1981, an old lady in Hunan saw a doctor and alarmed a number of founding generals to visit her personally.

From 1928 to 1929, an ambush was set up at the Wudu River in Suichuan to annihilate a regiment of the Nationalist army. In the first "repression" of the resistance, he led more than 100 veterans to form a stormtrooper, annihilated one regiment, and defeated two regiments, achieving great victories and receiving commendations for this. In 1929, the Red Fifth Army was reorganized, and he was elected a member of the Military Commission of the Fifth Red Army. In 1930, he was ordered to lead the Red Third Division to lurk in the mountains near Longgang, annihilate the Kuomintang 18th Division, and capture more than 3,000 officers and men alive.

In 1981, an old lady in Hunan saw a doctor and alarmed a number of founding generals to visit her personally.

In 1931, he was ordered to lead the army to the Donggu area, which lasted 25 days. Because there was not enough food, he did not hesitate to eat wild vegetables with his teammates. In May of the same year, he led the Red Third Division to annihilate the enemy. Two brigades were annihilated in Baisha and Nakamura, three regiments were annihilated in Guangchang, and they walked 700 miles in 16 days and fought 5 battles, each of which won a big victory. He is known as the "Flying General". Unfortunately, the Kuomintang began the fourth "encirclement and suppression", he led the troops into the Kuomintang position for reconnaissance, and in the end, he died because of the exposure.

In 1981, an old lady in Hunan saw a doctor and alarmed a number of founding generals to visit her personally.

Passionate about the cause of the revolution, he went out for many years and rarely returned home to reunite with his family. Married for many years, with only one daughter, Peng Xiulan. After the founding of the country, the state mourned him as a martyr. Peng Xiulan, as the child of a martyr, she is not proud and ostentatious at all, she never mentions her father to others, but silently works as a farmer in her hometown.

In 1981, an old lady in Hunan saw a doctor and alarmed a number of founding generals to visit her personally.

In this way, until 1981, the elderly suffered severe stomach bleeding. At the time, many local hospitals were unable to treat her. In desperation, the old man's son had to find Peng Ao's old subordinate, Lieutenant General He Dequan. Lieutenant General He Learned that the daughter of his old boss was seriously ill and immediately went to visit her. Knowing that there was no local treatment, he suggested that the elderly go to Beijing to see a doctor. After the old man arrived in Beijing, Wu Xinquan was the first to find her, he was also Peng Ao's subordinate, Wu Xinquan immediately agreed to send the old man to the most famous 301 military medical hospital in Beijing at that time, and personally called the director and asked experts to help consult.

In 1981, an old lady in Hunan saw a doctor and alarmed a number of founding generals to visit her personally.

During the hospitalization period, Yang Yong, Zhang Zhen, Zhang Aiping and other founding generals visited the elderly many times. They were all former subordinates of Peng Ao, and when Peng Ao's former political commissar, General Huang Kecheng, learned of it, he also visited the hospital in person, and also personally contacted the Ministry of Health to avoid all her treatment costs. Soon, the old man recovered and was discharged from the hospital.

In 1981, an old lady in Hunan saw a doctor and alarmed a number of founding generals to visit her personally.

Although the hero has passed away, his spirit still inspires future generations. They have dedicated their lives to the motherland, the motherland will naturally not forget them, as the children of martyrs, the old man received help that he deserved.

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