
Jian'ou Organ Kindergarten | Sister Xiaoxi tells a story - honey ginger juice cake

author:Great Nanping
Jian'ou Organ Kindergarten | Sister Xiaoxi tells a story - honey ginger juice cake
Jian'ou Organ Kindergarten | Sister Xiaoxi tells a story - honey ginger juice cake

Good evening, children, it's time for bedtime stories again ~ Tonight we come to listen to Sister Xi's storytelling.


Jian'ou Organ Kindergarten | Sister Xiaoxi tells a story - honey ginger juice cake

Baby is about to go to sleep, click on the audio, let Xiaoxi's sister's voice accompany you to sleep~

Honey ginger juice pies come from Jian'ou Organ Kindergarten 00:0005:23


We also recommend that every night before going to bed, parents read stories to their children and share parent-child time before going to bed.

Jian'ou Organ Kindergarten | Sister Xiaoxi tells a story - honey ginger juice cake

Grandma Bear is very old and very old, her legs and feet are not convenient, and her ears are not good.

One day, she lay in a rocking chair in the yard and listened to the weather forecast with her eyes closed: "There was a light rain tonight." ”

She opened her eyes suddenly, "Honey, honey at night!" Grandma Bear got up from the recliner and muttered, "Oh, I've lived this age, I've heard of rain, snow, hail, and for the first time I've heard honey in the sky." ”

Jian'ou Organ Kindergarten | Sister Xiaoxi tells a story - honey ginger juice cake

Thinking of the sweet and fragrant honey, Grandma Bear grinned open her mouth with only one tooth left, shook her head and smiled, knowing that she must have heard it wrong.

"Well, I'm going to take some rain and wash my clothes." Grandma Bear thought. She slowly moved the pots and pans out of the room and arranged them neatly into the yard, beating her back with her bear's claws from time to time.

At this time, the happy Lele Bear passed by the door of Grandma Bear's house, and he saw that Grandma Bear's yard was full of pots and pans, and couldn't help asking: "Grandma Bear, what are you doing?" Use me to help? ”

"Oh, it's Lele, come and help me!" Grandma Bear beckoned to Lele Bear.

Lele Bear walked in and saw Grandma Bear struggling to roll a tank. "Grandma, why are you hanging them in the yard?" Lele Bear helped Grandma Bear roll the tank while asking in wonder.

"Oh, in a moment you hurry home and lay out everything you can fit in!" Grandma Bear joked, "Honey is going to fall from the sky tonight." Grandma Bear said this, and smacked her mouth, as if she had eaten sweet and delicious honey.

"Really Grandma?" Lele Bear likes to eat honey the most. He took a deep breath and seemed to smell the sweet honey that spread across the mountains.

"Oh, the weather forecast, can there be a fake?" Grandma Bear laughed when she finished.

Jian'ou Organ Kindergarten | Sister Xiaoxi tells a story - honey ginger juice cake

Lele Bear helped Grandma Bear move the tank, and rushed home to tell her mother the good news, and Mother Bear smiled and said, "Well, it's really good news to say!" ”

After dinner, the sky was indeed gloomy, and lele bear lay on the windowsill and waited to look at the honey in the sky, but waited and waited, and Lele bear fell asleep.

The next morning, as soon as Lele Bear opened his eyes, he immediately asked, "Mom, did you get honey?" ”

Mom smiled and said, "It's been down, this is the honey ginger juice cake that I baked for you with honey from heaven down, which can be eaten for breakfast!" ”

Although Lele Bear did not see the honey in the sky, he could see his favorite honey ginger juice cake, and Lele Bear was also very happy.

After breakfast, Lele Bear went to Grandma Bear's house and saw Grandma Bear standing in the courtyard in a daze. "Grandma, good morning!" Lele Bear said loudly and walked into the courtyard.

Grandma Bear looked up and saw Lele Bear and said happily, "Oh, Lele, look, last night not only two cans of honey, but also sweet and fragrant honey cakes!" Lele, come and try it! ”

Jian'ou Organ Kindergarten | Sister Xiaoxi tells a story - honey ginger juice cake

Sure enough, there were two honey loaves in those altar jars in Grandma Bear's yard, and two jars of honey in that large jar.

Lele Bear took a bite of the cake and said in surprise, "Grandma, this cake is the same as the one I ate in the morning, it has the taste of a mother." ”

Grandma Xiong hugged Lele and said, "When you get home, thank you for my good mother." ”

Jian'ou Organ Kindergarten | Sister Xiaoxi tells a story - honey ginger juice cake

Source: Jian'ou Institutional Kindergarten

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