
Innovation in inheritance, Quanjude opened the "Exquisite Cuisine" cooking competition

author:Beijing Daily client

On the morning of June 28th, chefs from Quanjude stores were eager to try cold dishes, hot dishes and noodles from quanjude stores, and used a unique job to change knives, stir-fry, plate and cook one after another. Through this cooking competition, Quanjude Group conducted a centralized assessment and display of the chef's skill inheritance level.

Innovation in inheritance, Quanjude opened the "Exquisite Cuisine" cooking competition
Innovation in inheritance, Quanjude opened the "Exquisite Cuisine" cooking competition

It is reported that the competition is the 8 "exquisite dishes" launched by Quanjude Group during the "May Day" period this year, including 5 classic traditional dishes of "saltwater duck liver", "mustard duck palm", "duck soup vinegar pepper fish", "fire roast duck heart" and "duck crisp", as well as 3 innovative dishes of "different race crab", "chicory cabbage wrapped in duck pine" and "two-color milk fragrant dumplings" developed by excavating traditional cooking combined with characteristic raw materials.

Innovation in inheritance, Quanjude opened the "Exquisite Cuisine" cooking competition

Named "Exquisite Cuisine", these dishes also have their own unique "exquisite points" in terms of raw material characteristics mining, ingredient processing techniques, or application of cooking techniques and seasoning technology methods. "Crab racing is a traditional specialty, made with fish and scrambled eggs. We combine our own characteristics to make duck eggs and crabs, and use salted duck eggs with ginger juice and vinegar to restore the fresh flavor of crab paste white and yellow fat. Chef Ren said.

Innovation in inheritance, Quanjude opened the "Exquisite Cuisine" cooking competition

The competition uses the lottery method to determine the on-site production of dishes, which are tasted and commented by expert judges and gourmet judges, and the excellent works are displayed one by one for store exchange and learning. According to the relevant person in charge of Quanjude, the contestants participating in this cooking competition are the youngest in the past 10 years, and the average age is only 35 years old.

Innovation in inheritance, Quanjude opened the "Exquisite Cuisine" cooking competition

In addition to requiring the contestants to be standardized and orderly in terms of professional skills, appropriate coordination of actions, skillful knife work, accurate knife technique, skilled coordination of spoon skills, accurate and fast seasoning, etc., the jury of this competition also put forward strict assessment standards in terms of energy saving and consumption reduction in the use of water, electricity and gas, whether waste is properly handled, and whether waste is generated.

Innovation in inheritance, Quanjude opened the "Exquisite Cuisine" cooking competition
Innovation in inheritance, Quanjude opened the "Exquisite Cuisine" cooking competition

"The mainstream consumer group is gradually getting younger, and Quanjude is also striving to carry out 'shouzheng innovation', return to the essence of catering to do a good job in products and services, and constantly self-revolutionize, adjust and innovate." Zhou Yanlong, general manager of Quanjude, said that in the second half of this year, a series of events to enhance chefs' cooking skills, such as innovative dish evaluations, will be held to inherit ancient skills and achieve innovative development.

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