
Why doesn't DNF come out with nostalgic clothes? Because the 60 version is not fun

For many games with feelings, especially the RPG series of games, nostalgic clothes have always been what players expect, and many games have opened nostalgic clothes.

DNF is also such a game, and there are also many players calling for a nostalgic suit, in fact, the possibility of DNF out of the nostalgic suit is very small, in addition to the current end game is not cool, the reason why the timing is not enough, the main reason is that the 60 version is not fun at all.

Extremely low three-speed

Now DNF after years of development, most of the player's three speeds in the brush when the basic dozens, breaking a hundred is also a very easy thing, play more smooth, character movements are also very fast.

Why doesn't DNF come out with nostalgic clothes? Because the 60 version is not fun

And the DNF movement of that year was very slow, the national uniform features were not, the characters seemed to be doing slow motion, not to mention the armor punishment, the berserker wearing plate armor, the small collapse was slower than the big collapse; the sharpshooter who wore the plate armor and took the rifle, stepped into infinite control.

Let the players who are accustomed to the high three speeds go back, it will definitely not be used to playing, just like the current feeling of brushing the map of the strong road (in fact, the strong road trial mode is much faster than the 60 version), too slow.

Brushing diagrams is extremely difficult

Why doesn't DNF come out with nostalgic clothes? Because the 60 version is not fun

The 60 version of the brush map is extremely difficult to reflect in many aspects, for example, the monster health and player damage gap is large, the player to play a boss may take ten minutes, more difficult than the current fight Ozma, but the monster a skill player will drop a lot of blood; the player's blue amount and health is generally not enough, the most classic red eye, play the mob by the flat slash, and open the double knife is not too early, some occupations play blue on the empty, full of elves; encounter random abyss to see the pillar around the walk, Players don't want to explode the epic but to avoid hitting the pillar to lure the abyss monster out, but they can't beat it.

Crazy drops and bans

Why doesn't DNF come out with nostalgic clothes? Because the 60 version is not fun

Crazy drop is not experienced by current players, when DNF was known as the drop city and weak warriors, this nickname is not empty, players will encounter frequent network connection is interrupted by the seven-word mantra, and the number detection system at that time was very poor, and it was common to mistakenly seal this operation.

In this case, the player's mentality can easily collapse.

Upgrades are very slow

How long does it take for a role to go from creation to full level? I haven't played trumpet in a long time, but I can do it in about ten days.

And the fatigue of that year was very precious, coupled with the above reasons, the upgrade was very slow. There is no mission reward experience, it is all based on the experience leveled up by monsters and bosses, and sometimes it takes several days to upgrade to the next level.

Why doesn't DNF come out with nostalgic clothes? Because the 60 version is not fun

The player's most classic upgrade threshold, one is when brushing ice heart teenagers, a little more than level 40, brush to vomit; the other is when level 43 to level 50 or so, and the other is after level 51, brush headless rats every day, brush to vomit.

Extremely inconvenient setup

DNF went through many versions of optimization to become what it is today, and many optimizations, in version 60, did not exist at all.

Why doesn't DNF come out with nostalgic clothes? Because the 60 version is not fun

For example, washing points need to buy the water of the Forgotten River, there is only one row of skill slots, you can't change the instructions, you can only pick up three tasks and have to go to the NPC to talk, etc., these details are accumulated, which is a sharp decline in the game experience for the player.

Therefore, the 60 version is not fun, and players only miss the small friends at that time, the game environment, and the ignorant self at the beginning. For nostalgic clothes, it is not open I shout, open the phenomenon that I do not play, after all, the game can be out of 60 versions, but people can not go back to that time.

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