
【Guild Wars 2】Fun Facts: Who can save Tyria - Berserker, Viper, Celestial Attribute Comparison


This article was published on 2022/05/04 and was written by Zephyr Council [Stars] [Wind Moon], edited by [Little Kite] [AnJin].

If this article is reproduced, please mark it as: Zephyr Council Original.

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【Guild Wars 2】Fun Facts: Who can save Tyria - Berserker, Viper, Celestial Attribute Comparison

Who can save Terea

Dolma's lieutenants are entrenched in the Sound of Frost Valley, Pai Mordes is dormant in ember bay, Mordmos is majestic in the dragon position, Krakato is reborn over and over again in the land of the fallen dragon, Zetan is beaten over and over again in the plot, and Shuwen is wrapped in the void at the end of the dragon and fights over and over again. At this time, you have just stepped into Tyria, and there are several beautiful sisters in front of you, what do you have to choose to save Tyria?

Berserker Big Sister

【Guild Wars 2】Fun Facts: Who can save Tyria - Berserker, Viper, Celestial Attribute Comparison

The fragile violent big sister (Lin Daiyu who pulls out the willow upside down) has the highest power attributes, high critical hits and precision attributes. You can often see the Berserker's big sister Mad Dog rushing towards the monster, and then the waist flashes (touched by the monster) and lies halfway down. The Berserker Big Sister can hit a high amount of direct damage, but the lack of defensive attributes also dooms its body to be more fragile. And because it's a straight injury, most of your skills have to stand on piles to deal relatively high damage, and you can't output well when you move to avoid monster attacks.

So choose the Berserker Big Sister, your best target is those more vulnerable monsters or elite monsters, killing all the monsters is the best way to save your life. And the Berserker also has the advantage that when you fall to the ground, you can kill the dying mob with a high amount of direct damage to achieve resurrection (dog head).

Of course, this refers to the operation of most novices, for some veterans, they can also single out many boss bosses while choosing berserkers, with bD with blood. Therefore, the Berserker Big Sister is more suitable for you to use in the wild to clear love, fight Tyria's monsters, elites and even bosses, and mix up Tyria's various events. And now that Kaysan's agreement can be brought to Tyria, it is also a big boost to the direct injury.

Recommended classes are Warrior (SpellBreaker, Berserker, Sword Swearler), Stalker (Lone Ranger), Ranger (Soul Beast), Spirit Summoner (Soul Reaper), Engineer (Mechanic), etc.


Field Capabilities:

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And for the broken layer, the ten people are ben, the Berserker big sister is more powerful, in some short stages or low tough bosses, are the berserker big sister performance stage, super high explosion makes the Berserker in these places like a tiger.

For the battlefield, the berserker big sister has always been the most favored attribute of the large group output, enjoying the pleasure of licking the blood and walking the tightrope with the tip of the knife.

Venomous snake (poisonous tongue) little Lori

【Guild Wars 2】Fun Facts: Who can save Tyria - Berserker, Viper, Celestial Attribute Comparison

Lolita, a venomous snake (venomous tongue) that makes good use of various symptoms to cause harm, has both a small number of direct injury attributes (power, precision) and abundant symptom attributes (symptom effect, symptom damage). Lori the Viper can either penetrate your flesh (straight wound) or hit your soul (symptom).

The advantage of Viper Lori is that the symptom damage is a continuous type of damage, if the boss is more powerful, you need to move to avoid the boss attack, then in the gap between you walking to avoid the boss attack, your symptoms can still cause damage to the boss, and the output does not decrease much.

At the same time, if you have given the boss a lot of symptoms before when you fall to the ground, you will be easier to revive. Then with some occupational BD, you can return blood while applying symptoms, which has a lot of improvements for the overall endurance.

Viper Lori is suitable for fighting some non-legendary boss monsters, various events in the Maguma and Desert Maps, and the plot of the Maguma and Blaze Maps.

Recommended professions are Spirit Summoner (Calamity Master), Illusionist (IllusionIst, Spirit Blade Warlock), Engineer (Jade Warrior), Stalker (Shadow Bound), Guardian (Fire Burner), etc.


Field Capabilities:

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Battlefield Capabilities:

Viper Lolita has a very good performance in the long stage boss battle between the ten people and the broken layer, but pay attention, viper Lori is not suitable for playing some bosses with short stages or high direct injury bonuses, in these scenes, beware of being beaten by the Berserker big sister.

It may also be that the battlefield is not suitable for small children to fight and kill, the play of the poisonous snake Lori in the battlefield is very general, everyone still prefers the Berserker big sister or other attributes with a little meat, minors still do not come to join in the fun.

Celestial Tablet Women's Pseudo-Bride

【Guild Wars 2】Fun Facts: Who can save Tyria - Berserker, Viper, Celestial Attribute Comparison

Flat is flat, and from that point of view it is flat! But looks good! You see if this power is the same as the symptom damage value, is it the same as the healing effect... The equipment of the Celestial Attribute is the same for each attribute, and what you create is a bucket number, but it is very strong! Although there are many classes and characteristics that are not suitable for the Celestial Realm (such as the various characteristics of the warrior and the various characteristics of the Spirit Summoner), for some of the characteristics with strong recovery ability (such as), the Celestial Realm is simply qualitative. Can be attacked and defended, but yu Keluo's celestial pseudo-lady, do you love? The more suitable class in the Celestial Realm is the kind of symptom class that comes with a lot of BUFF and has a strong recovery ability, such as the Jade Master, the Dung Man (Berserker), the Fire Burner, and so on. With the help of the Celestial Realm, these features can single out many legendary bounties. Celestial equipment is still more suitable for playing the above 3 professions of the new one who has just entered the pit, if you are very interested in the plot, then take your Celestial Women's Pseudo-Lady to push the plot BOSS all the way.


Field Capabilities:

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Overall, the Celestial Attribute is to sacrifice a certain output in exchange for more other attributes, in some of the more demanded output places, it is more weak, the Celestial Realm compared to the pure output of the viper attribute, according to the different classes will probably lose 3-6K output, if in the wild, this output does not matter, in the copy of the then this output is a lot, so you can judge freely according to the scene ~

【Guild Wars 2】Fun Facts: Who can save Tyria - Berserker, Viper, Celestial Attribute Comparison

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