
The Lakers defeated the Nuggets 119-108, and Lao Zhan and Ham sparked heated discussions after the game!

author:Wisboo knows the ball


NBA季后赛‬继续‬开打‬,背水一战的湖人今日坐镇主场迎来和掘金的G4。 In the first quarter, the two teams fell into a tug-of-war early, all the way to 10 draws. In the middle of this section, the Lakers gradually gained momentum. 次节湖人状态更盛,詹眉里‬半场合砍44分,湖人连续四场半场领先掘金。 下半程‬掘金如同前三场比赛一样逐渐占据上风,单节轰下32分,不断‬蚕食‬比分‬。 但湖人做足‬充分‬准备,一度将分差拉开至19分,掘金‬无力‬回天‬。 拒绝‬再次‬被‬逆转‬、横扫‬!最终,湖人119-108战胜掘金扳回一城,总比分1-3。

The Lakers defeated the Nuggets 119-108, and Lao Zhan and Ham sparked heated discussions after the game!


1.詹姆斯‬末节8中6,独得14分。 每次关键比分要被缩小,老詹最后一节追帽,造进攻犯规,好几个空切,一个个关键抢断,总能把关键‬球打进!从末节詹姆斯上来的状态来看,他似乎是有意把体能分配到了关键时刻,好在湖人的其他人站了出来,稳住了前三节,詹姆斯末节扛起大旗之后,湖人没有让被逆转的悲剧再次发生。

The Lakers defeated the Nuggets 119-108, and Lao Zhan and Ham sparked heated discussions after the game!

Lao Zhan was dissatisfied

从‬今天‬比赛‬来看‬,詹姆斯完全‬可以‬作为第二持球点,有‬两点‬原因‬,水拉‬打‬持球‬他‬的‬效率‬可能‬高‬这些‬,等‬拉塞尔不灵的时候,老詹‬再充当1号位。 James, shooting 14-of-23, 0-of-2 three-pointers, and 2-of-2 free throws, scored 30 points, 5 rebounds, 4 assists, 3 steals, 1 block, and 6 turnovers, with a plus/minus of +1.

The Lakers defeated the Nuggets 119-108, and Lao Zhan and Ham sparked heated discussions after the game!

2. Thick eyebrows This round of the series is really a non-collapse, completely supergiant performance! There is nothing to say, thick eyebrows played a performance of the core boss of a target championship team in this group of series. In terms of personal offensive and defensive influence, today's thick eyebrows are not lost to Jokic, thick eyebrows are really not easy, these four games, the offense has to rely on itself, and the defense is still yourself. 湖人防守体系‬全靠浓眉支撑‬起来‬。 On the Nuggets side, Mureyjokic is not the main defensive man. The contribution of thick eyebrows in the game is no worse than Jokic. Thick eyebrows, shooting 11-of-17 from the field and 3-of-4 from the free-throw line, he scored 25 points, 23 rebounds, 6 assists, 1 block and 1 turnover, with a plus/minus of +11.

The Lakers defeated the Nuggets 119-108, and Lao Zhan and Ham sparked heated discussions after the game!

3. Rivers has two consecutive 20+ games, and the Lakers opened the score in the first half today, and Rivers made a great contribution. A long-range three-point + a mid-range + breakthrough foul + assist thick eyebrows to help the Lakers lead by 13 points at halftime. 但不得不承认里弗斯的防守是真不行,而且‬末节上头了,湖人领先10分剩下一分半钟,里弗斯不压时间打,上去直接一发中投打铁被反击2分...... He is physically limited, and Reaves on the defensive end can only be said to be very average in limiting the Nuggets' guards, and there was a leakage in defense in this game. Overall, I have an attitude today. The Lakers deserve a win. Reaves, who shot 7-of-15 from the field, 1-of-6 from three-point range and 6-of-6 from the free-throw line, had 21 points, 1 rebound, 6 assists and 1 turnover, with a plus/minus of +1 on the court.

The Lakers defeated the Nuggets 119-108, and Lao Zhan and Ham sparked heated discussions after the game!

Pull the eyebrows and block the dismantling

4. Shuila has the most credit today! Why? Explain to fans who didn't watch the game: The Lakers lost the game, and every time they were able to maintain the lead in the first half, but they couldn't withstand the Nuggets counterattack in the second half, and they fell into a scoring panic. 今天‬剧情‬再次‬上演‬,但‬最关键的时刻是拉塞尔持续的15挡拆发起导致掘金无法迫近比分,然后‬自己‬连续的得分压制了掘金追分势头,关键时刻这样的表现我认为拉塞尔完全可以作为这场比赛的第一功臣!拉塞尔,投篮15中8,三分8中4,他贡献了21分4篮板4助攻1抢断1失误,在场正负值+15。

The Lakers defeated the Nuggets 119-108, and Lao Zhan and Ham sparked heated discussions after the game!

is still the same sentence, Zhan Mei is the basic plate. Rivers + Russell, if the state is not up, the Lakers will have no chance against the Nuggets, and today is the best example. If as the main guard of the Lakers, the offensive end is not scored, and the defensive end is still a big colander, all relying on James's thick eyebrows to play inside, and the inside and outside defense, the Lakers will definitely not win. And Russell and Rivers must be stable at this point, and the Lakers may win.

The Lakers defeated the Nuggets 119-108, and Lao Zhan and Ham sparked heated discussions after the game!

Lao Zhan was suspiciously dissatisfied with Hamm


今天詹姆斯真是生气了,事情是这样的,掘金‬球员‬波普把球拨出界外,结果球权仍然‬判给掘金。 Watching the replay, you can know why Lao Zhan is so anxious Lao Zhan didn't touch it at all, and was in a hurry to jump up to challenge, but Cephalosporin was watching the ball and was indifferent........ 詹姆斯暴跳如雷,对教练组暴怒:随后‬反过来被对方拿了4分......

The Lakers defeated the Nuggets 119-108, and Lao Zhan and Ham sparked heated discussions after the game!

This is because the coach is too problematic, and the Lakers were penetrated by Gordon's interior offense and defense in the last game, and they did not adjust for the whole game. The effect was immediate after this adjustment, Gordon was directly invisible, and Hamm's ability to be on the spot was too poor. I think James didn't play cephalosporin on the spot, which is already a sign of personal quality and player quality.

Lao Zhan is dissatisfied with the coaching staff's shots:

The Lakers defeated the Nuggets 119-108, and Lao Zhan and Ham sparked heated discussions after the game!
The Lakers defeated the Nuggets 119-108, and Lao Zhan and Ham sparked heated discussions after the game!
The Lakers defeated the Nuggets 119-108, and Lao Zhan and Ham sparked heated discussions after the game!
The Lakers defeated the Nuggets 119-108, and Lao Zhan and Ham sparked heated discussions after the game!


老詹赛后谈到赢球原因:湖人获胜重要原因是进攻篮板只输了掘金1个,浓眉23板!今天‬第三节有了更好的活力,也就是下半场开局。 他们在第三节一直打爆我们,我们‬顶住‬了压力。 Because we were still 3-1 down, every game had its own challenges, and tonight we got the mission done to extend the series. But we have to play better in the next game!

Personal summary: Summary of the Lakers' win today 3 points: 1. Russell increased ball holding and thick eyebrows to block and dismantle, and Lao Zhan kept his physical strength in the air. 2. At the last moment, DNP Hachimura, Upper Prince. 还有就是打个预防针,希望最后时刻拉塞尔里弗斯别上‬,很多时候对面能够迅速追分就是因为这两个防守漏洞加在了一起。 3.湖人‬赢球‬基本‬和‬教练‬关系‬不大‬

Next game: April 30th!