
DNF: The old player wanted to sell his account, asked some account merchants, up to 6,500!

I have to say that there are too many old players who are selling numbers and getting out of the pit now. No, a player who has been playing for about ten years decided to sell his account today. In order to get out of the pit as soon as possible, the owner of the number decided to sell it to the account merchant at the beginning. As a result, I asked some number merchants for the opening price, and the maximum was 6,500. If other players have the idea of selling the number, or try not to sell to the number dealer, it is indeed too much to reduce the price. Berserker weapons, heads and shoulders, and earrings are increased by thirteen, others are increased by twelve, six thousand and six by strength, three thousand and two by independent attack power, three hundred and two dark attribute enhancements, and the output is also quite high.

DNF: The old player wanted to sell his account, asked some account merchants, up to 6,500!


The Asura weapon is increased by thirteen, the other equipment increases by twelve, six thousand six intelligence, three thousand one independent attack power, three hundred and two light attribute enhancements, perfect details, and the output is not much worse than that of the Berserker, which is placed in the game, at least in the upper middle.

DNF: The old player wanted to sell his account, asked some account merchants, up to 6,500!


Finally, there is a milk lotus with a full body amplification of ten, nine thousand six intelligence, and the amount of milk can also be seen.

DNF: The old player wanted to sell his account, asked some account merchants, up to 6,500!

Milk Lotus

Do you think this account can be higher than six thousand and five?

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