
Are zucchini and zucchini a vegetable? Teach you to make a snack paste collapse, fresh and delicious to eat not enough paste collapse zi Erha has something to say:

author:Gourmet two ha

Two days ago in the supermarket bought 3 zucchini, the husband did not shout that it is bamboo shoot melon, that bamboo shoot melon and zucchini are not the same kind of vegetables?

The correct answer is that the bamboo shoot melon is a bamboo shoot melon, and the zucchini is a zucchini, both belong to the species of the pumpkin genus of the gourd family, although the two look similar but there is still a difference.

Are zucchini and zucchini a vegetable? Teach you to make a snack paste collapse, fresh and delicious to eat not enough paste collapse zi Erha has something to say:

Bamboo shoot melons are white-skinned, yellow-skinned and flower-skinned, generally more common in the market are yellow-skinned bamboo shoot melons, and for zucchini, green-skinned is more common. The west gourd is more tender to eat, as for the bamboo shoot melon is fully ripe after the taste will be better.

Are zucchini and zucchini a vegetable? Teach you to make a snack paste collapse, fresh and delicious to eat not enough paste collapse zi Erha has something to say:

Generally, the way to eat zucchini in our family is either stir-fried or directly made into a paste to eat, especially the way to eat the paste is what our family prefers, and the production method is also simple, especially when the crispy caramel part of the outside of the paste is just out of the pot, they are rushed to eat.

Are zucchini and zucchini a vegetable? Teach you to make a snack paste collapse, fresh and delicious to eat not enough paste collapse zi Erha has something to say:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > paste</h1>

【Ingredients:】Zucchini, flour, egg, salt, thirteen spices


1: Wash the zucchini and remove the two ends, and rub into thin or coarse wire according to personal preference.

Are zucchini and zucchini a vegetable? Teach you to make a snack paste collapse, fresh and delicious to eat not enough paste collapse zi Erha has something to say:

2: Rub the silk and beat the egg, add salt and thirteen spices to taste, stir thoroughly.

3, after the stirring of the dilute of a small number of times to add flour, each time to add a thorough stirring of the flour, until the degree of viscosity can be.

Are zucchini and zucchini a vegetable? Teach you to make a snack paste collapse, fresh and delicious to eat not enough paste collapse zi Erha has something to say:

4, frying pan or electric cake bell medium heat preheat a little oil, spread a spoonful of batter, fry to the bottom of the fixed surface slightly discolored after turning over, fry until both sides of the golden brown can be out of the pan, want to eat some of the paste friends can fry a little more.

Are zucchini and zucchini a vegetable? Teach you to make a snack paste collapse, fresh and delicious to eat not enough paste collapse zi Erha has something to say:
Are zucchini and zucchini a vegetable? Teach you to make a snack paste collapse, fresh and delicious to eat not enough paste collapse zi Erha has something to say:

Paste collapse, paste place is the best to eat the most fragrant, other places are very fresh flavor, soft but not sticky teeth, a bite down there is paste crisp and soft and delicious, the taste is particularly good.

Are zucchini and zucchini a vegetable? Teach you to make a snack paste collapse, fresh and delicious to eat not enough paste collapse zi Erha has something to say:
Are zucchini and zucchini a vegetable? Teach you to make a snack paste collapse, fresh and delicious to eat not enough paste collapse zi Erha has something to say:

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Erha has something to say:</h1>

❤ I used about two medium-sized zucchinis, which can be peeled or not when the silk is wiped.

❤ Seasoning according to their favorite, our hometown here is generally directly put salt and thirteen spices, like to eat spicy and then put a little pepper noodles.

❤ I used two eggs for two west gourds, and the number of eggs can be increased, and the amount of the same flour must also be increased.

❤ Don't add too much flour, and the final cake is too hard, but the taste is not good.

❤ Be sure to brush a little oil and then burn, such a paste place is scorched and fragrant, fairy taste!

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