
Cover comment| Awaken, boy

□ Xu Yuyang

When the last rays of sunlight in 2021 disappear on the horizon, in the early hours of the morning, are you looking forward to the dawn of the dawn, or are you sorry for the death of the day? It should be known that everything in the world is always cyclical, and this and the other will never decay. Like the sun, he is both the setting sun and the rising sun all the time. When he extinguished and walked down the hill to collect the desolate remnants, it was also the time when he burned up the mountain to spread the light.

What matters is whether we have the courage to open our eyes to the scorching sun.

Cover comment| Awaken, boy

In 2021, The Age of Awakening ignites the torch of exploration, telling the past with sages and enlightening the present. Fortunately, there are generations of climbers who have opened their eyes to the world, so that the dream of a hundred years can shine into reality, and only now have the faith that haunts life. Some say they woke up first, and then died first.

If life is a trek, can we now walk through the mountains and grasses of the soul, the abyss of rapids, clear the fog, and awaken to the world? Life is a cycle of rebirth, and only search can converge with the sages.

Cover comment| Awaken, boy

In 2021, Sanxingdui will wake up again, and the ancient Shu civilization will awaken in the great archaeological discovery. The six newly discovered "sacrificial pits" have unearthed more than 1,000 important cultural relics. When the mysterious Fuso tree in the Classic of Mountains and Seas travels through 3,000 years, the "ghost" of ancient Shu under the bronze mask opens its eyes. Have you ever seen that civilization is quietly waking up?

In 2021, the Chinese athletes of the Tokyo Olympic Games achieved 9 historic breakthroughs and struggled to awaken on the field. Su Bingtian created a new Asian record in 9.83 seconds; Xu Shixiao and Sun Mengya won the first gold medal in the history of the Chinese kayaw rowing women's team; in the women's javelin final, Liu Shiying won the championship, achieving a breakthrough in the history of the Chinese women's javelin at the Olympic Games...

In 2021, the Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft was launched, and China's aerospace once again woke up in space. Many "for the first time" refreshed the history of "flying" in China, if we can return with the wind, we can also see Qionglou Yuyu. When the three astronauts read Barkin's "Riptide Trilogy" in space: "I know that the torrent of life will not stop, and see where it carries me!" "Our journey is always a sea of stars.

In 2021, China's LPL team EDG won the League of Legends e-sports global championship, and the spirit of Generation Z awakened in perseverance. In the history of 8 years of team building, it has also stood on the top of the mountains and seas, and has also fallen into the valley of the abyss. Confused, wandering, giving up or insisting? This is not only the "heart demon" of EDG, but also the epitome of the era of contemporary youth. Therefore, holding the cup is a carnival of the return of the knight, and it is also a cry of difficult Yucheng.

After all, the peaks of life always have to go through unfathomable lows. Without the sorrow of a long night, the exuberance to face the sun would have nothing to attach.

Cover comment| Awaken, boy

In the night trek, in 2021, one star after another has fallen. Mr. Yuan Longping, the "father of hybrid rice", has forever entered the dreamland, and the dream is cool under the grass; the "golden supporting role" Wu Mengda has taken away the audience's smile and left a film era with nearly 300 works. Zhao Yingjun, Yu Yuexian, Zhang Shaohua, Liao Qizhi... The great drama of the world you sing and I appear on the stage, there will eventually be yin and sunny, sad and happy clutches.

Starlight defeats passers-by, but inspires us to better explore the sun.

In the criss-crossing human world, there is always some eclipse, and there is always some flag waving. Let the seeds of the heart sprout, let all the sprouts grow, and let the thought of exploration fly in the sky. Wait until the zombie pupa breaks the cocoon, wait until the wine is fragrant, and wait until the distant horizon shines again.

The monitor of the three-body world once asked the earthlings, the sun is setting, are you afraid? We say, don't be afraid, because the sun will surely rise the next day as usual!

So, there is no need to lament the passing of yesterday, no need to panic about the dissipation of a year. As the bell rings in 2022, we should wake up in confusion and forge ahead in setbacks.

Let the time pass, don't worry about the short and long.

The red sun rises, and its path is great. Wake up, boy!

2022 will be a feast, you and I will go to the appointment together.

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