
"Emperor Wu destroyed the Buddha" killed the monk 3 times, but Zhu Yuanzhang killed the nuns, and Zhu Di wanted to kill all the nuns in the world

"Emperor Wu destroyed the Buddha" killed the monk 3 times, but Zhu Yuanzhang killed the nuns, and Zhu Di wanted to kill all the nuns in the world

Monks and nuns were originally monks, no longer nostalgic for the world, looking down on the red dust, not staining the world, and not asking about the world.

There were no inevitable disputes and entanglements between monks and the emperor, but there were three large-scale exterminations in history, and the emperor ordered the destruction of temples and the massacre of monks.

In the sixth year of the Taiping Zhenjun of the Northern Wei Dynasty (445 AD), when the Taiwu Emperor Tuoba Tao was leading the troops to quell the rebellion, he found a temple with weapons, and he suspected that the monk was preparing to rebel, and killed the monk in one breath. Subsequently, he ordered the destruction of monasteries throughout the country, and not a single monk or a monastery was allowed to appear in the Territory of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

"Emperor Wu destroyed the Buddha" killed the monk 3 times, but Zhu Yuanzhang killed the nuns, and Zhu Di wanted to kill all the nuns in the world

In the third year of The Northern Zhou Dynasty (574 AD), the Zhou Wu Emperor Yuwen Yong ordered the burning of Buddhist scriptures and monasteries to allow the monks to return to the world.

In the fifth year of Tang Huichang (845 AD), Tang Wuzong Li Yan launched a comprehensive campaign to exterminate Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty, the temple was destroyed, and the Buddha statue was pushed.

According to the New Book of Tang, more than 4,600 monasteries were demolished in the world, and 265,000 lay monks and nuns were returned. The three Wu emperors in history have successively destroyed the Buddha and killed the monk three times, which is called "Three Wu Destroying the Buddha" in history. So why did the emperor carry out the campaign to destroy Buddhism?

"Emperor Wu destroyed the Buddha" killed the monk 3 times, but Zhu Yuanzhang killed the nuns, and Zhu Di wanted to kill all the nuns in the world

First, the economic development of the temple affected the taxes of the imperial court, and the monks and nuns did not have to pay taxes, which caused great economic losses;

Second, the temple occupies a large amount of land, in ancient times, land is very important, and the temple encroached on a large amount of land, first, to affect the land policy of the imperial court, and second, to cause the phenomenon of land annexation, aggravating social contradictions;

Third, the sharp decline in the labor force, the young labor force has become a monk, they do not produce, do not work, all day long is the chanting of the Scriptures, so that can not promote social and economic development.

"Emperor Wu destroyed the Buddha" killed the monk 3 times, but Zhu Yuanzhang killed the nuns, and Zhu Di wanted to kill all the nuns in the world

For example, Tang Wuzong made 260,000 people still secular, if these people are monks and nuns, they have no effect on society, but if they are laborers, they can promote the development of the Tang Dynasty and increase the labor force of society.

To sum up, the emperor wanted to destroy the Buddha, reclaim the land of the temple, and increase the social labor force. There have been three exterminations of Buddhism in history, all of which were aimed at monks. During the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang's father and son shifted their targets and put the target of destruction on the nuns.

"Emperor Wu destroyed the Buddha" killed the monk 3 times, but Zhu Yuanzhang killed the nuns, and Zhu Di wanted to kill all the nuns in the world

According to the "History of Ming", in the early years of the Ming Dynasty, a nun and a scholar fell in love, and Zhu Yuanzhang was furious after knowing it, which was detrimental to morality and was not conducive to his rule.

In order to clean up the nuns, Zhu Yuanzhang killed some nuns to make an example, and came up with a trick, he stipulated that "women cannot leave the family before they are forty years old", and violators will be punished.

"Emperor Wu destroyed the Buddha" killed the monk 3 times, but Zhu Yuanzhang killed the nuns, and Zhu Di wanted to kill all the nuns in the world

During the Ming Yongle years, the people of Shandong could not stand Zhu Di's brutal rule, and revolted under the leadership of Tang Sai'er. Ming Chengzu hurriedly sent troops to suppress it, and although the rebel army was suppressed, Tang Sai'er ran away.

Zhu Di heard that Tang Sai'er had disguised himself as a nun and hid in the nunnery, so he arrested the nuns of the world and wanted to kill them all. Zhu Di would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let go of one.

The ministers heard that Zhu Di was going to kill them and quickly blocked them, and finally Zhu Di released them, and Tang Sai'er did not know where they were.

"Emperor Wu destroyed the Buddha" killed the monk 3 times, but Zhu Yuanzhang killed the nuns, and Zhu Di wanted to kill all the nuns in the world

The little year has arrived, will the Spring Festival be far away?

Say goodbye to everyone and wish you a happy new year! Good luck!

"Emperor Wu destroyed the Buddha" killed the monk 3 times, but Zhu Yuanzhang killed the nuns, and Zhu Di wanted to kill all the nuns in the world

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References: History of the Ming Dynasty, Northern Outline of the Ming Dynasty, New Book of Tang, etc

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