
Who did Hitler's treasure, the treasure of The Greater Germany, end up in the hands of whom?

In September 1938, the heads of state of Germany, Great Britain, Italy and France signed an agreement in Munich, Germany, requiring Czechoslovakia to hand over the Sudetenland to German administration within 10 days.

Before the ink of the Munich Agreement had dried, Nazi Germany drove straight into Prague and annexed all of Czechoslovakia. Soon, Germany demanded the cession of territory to Poland.

After signing a non-aggression pact with the Soviet Union, Germany attacked Poland in the early morning of September 1, 1939, with "lightning" tactics. Subsequently, Britain and France declared war on Germany. At this point, World War II broke out in full swing.

Who did Hitler's treasure, the treasure of The Greater Germany, end up in the hands of whom?

Poland was easily taken by the Germans, and then Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, and Belgium fell into German hands. The Macedonian line was then easily crossed by the Germans and the French surrendered. Then Britain was hit, and soon the Soviet Union was invaded.

However, Germany's victory was only temporary, the Axis powers were not opponents of the Allies in the end, and on May 8, 1945, the German representative unconditionally signed the instrument of surrender, and the Second World War was declared over.

The war was over, and the battle for the treasures of the Third Reich was over again. The victorious powers agreed that Hitler's Nazi Germany had hidden countless treasures that would belong to whoever found them first.

Who did Hitler's treasure, the treasure of The Greater Germany, end up in the hands of whom?

In fact, the victorious powers guessed correctly, during the Second World War, Nazi Germany looted countless treasures and art treasures, and many countries looted castles, palaces, and museums. In the frenzied trampling of the German army, Hitler secretly formed a special team whose task was to systematically loot the treasures, gold, works of art, and precious cultural relics of various countries.

At the same time, for every country occupied by Germany, its financial personnel immediately seized the country's gold and foreign securities, foreign exchange, etc., and charged these countries a huge "occupation fee", according to incomplete statistics, this income alone was as high as 104 billion marks.

When the Red Army conquered Berlin, they searched everywhere for these legendary treasures, but unfortunately they did not find many. Therefore, they believe that when Hitler was alive, he secretly hid the treasure. According to the arrested Nazi officers, some of the treasure was hidden in the Austrian Alps. Subsequently, the Soviet Union and the United States sent treasure hunting teams to the mountains several times, but found nothing.

Who did Hitler's treasure, the treasure of The Greater Germany, end up in the hands of whom?

In 1945, a Swissman claimed to have found the wreckage of a Nazi plane and the remains of a pilot in a canyon in the Alps. According to the data, in 1943, an aircraft carrying more than 100 million US dollars worth of gold was wrecked in the Alps and has been missing since. It was thought to be the unaccounted for the plane, but when people flocked to it, they found a moving glacier covering the site, and the plane, the pilot, and the gold were long gone.

In 1946, two bodies were found in a mountain range in the Alps, Helmut Dahl and Ludwig Picher. Not far from the body, two dug-out openings were found with messy footprints, rags, and empty wooden boxes, apparently someone had removed the treasure hidden in the hole.

Later, eight bodies were found in the mountains, as well as a number of hollowed-out caves, which still had no treasure. Soon after, police arrested a suspect at Yamaguchi, identified as Hegelf Piller, a former junior SS officer, carrying a list officially approved and signed by former SS General Floridge: 6.6 billion Swiss francs; $9.9 billion; 14 tons of gold bars; 294 diamonds and tens of thousands of artifacts. The police tried to open a breakthrough in his body, but Piller was unusually stubborn and vowed not to open his mouth.

Who did Hitler's treasure, the treasure of The Greater Germany, end up in the hands of whom?

In 1949, the Austrian police arrested a middle-aged man named Landz and found a strange list in the mezzanine of his suit, which listed Swiss francs, DOLLAR bills, gold, diamonds, opium and other items worth about 100 million US dollars, and signed the list by the former Nazi Junior STORM Trooper General Steinford Florecht. As for the origin of this list, as well as the whereabouts of the gold and silver jewelry on the list, Landz was tight-lipped, and the Austrian police used electrocution on it, but Landsing would rather die.

On May 17, 1950, the Austrian police arrested a man with ties to Landz named Himmel, who found $5 million and a large amount of gold in a box he was hiding. Himmel admitted that the former Nazi Junior Stormtrooper general had asked him to keep them, but he refused to give an account of where the other treasures were buried.

In 1960, Israel finally captured the person they hated the most, Nazi remnant Adolf Eichmann. According to Eichmann, the Israeli government found treasure worth 19 billion francs in the alpine ranch of Braya Almer. Eichmann was later sentenced to death by the International Court of Justice in Nuremberg.

Who did Hitler's treasure, the treasure of The Greater Germany, end up in the hands of whom?

In fact, the treasures of the Braya Almer Alpine Ranch were just the tip of the iceberg of the Secret Treasures of the Third Reich, with more treasure hidden in more hidden places.

In 1959, the FBI learned of the hiding of Nazi treasure in Lake Toplitz, Austria, and they sent people to explore the lake. German technicians also came here, bringing with them the most advanced ultrasonic detectors and underwater cameras of the time, locating 16 cargo boxes at the bottom of Lake Toplitz at a depth of 70 to 80 meters, and successfully salvaging some. Counterfeit pounds were found in cargo boxes, which were almost untrue and worth more than 10 billion francs. These fake pounds, which were confirmed to have come from the Saxony concentration camps, were all Polish Jews, and they were forced to produce these fake pounds in a much more real amount than those found at the bottom of Lake Toplitz.

Who did Hitler's treasure, the treasure of The Greater Germany, end up in the hands of whom?

It has been suggested that the main treasures of the "Hitler's Treasure" and the "Greater German Treasure" were transferred several times, and their main treasures were scattered in the area around Gastein, Salzburg, and SalskaMelk in Austria. Rumor has it that the United States, Israel, France, and Russia eventually found some of the treasure. Under the laws of the victorious powers, they were all entitled to these treasures, and whoever found them first was the one whoever found them first. Who found it first, and who has the biggest beneficiary, remains a mystery.

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