
The 16-year-old girl was abducted by the Japanese army and forced to dress up as an "animal" and could not rest for a month

When we think of Japan, I think the first thing that comes to mind is its brutal atrocities against china, which are tragic memories that we will never forget. How many people survived the atrocities of the Japanese army at that time, how many women were tortured by them to leave a shadow for a lifetime, and how many people lost their homes for a lifetime. They are doing unbearable things in our land, not treating Chinese as human beings, and doing disgusting things with those blood-stained hands.

The 16-year-old girl was abducted by the Japanese army and forced to dress up as an "animal" and could not rest for a month

Japan's aggression against us began a long time ago. At that time, it was still the Ming Dynasty, and China was still very prosperous at that time, they secretly attacked the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas, but under the blows of the Ming army, they had to stop the invasion. Later, Japan began to learn Western culture, especially in the military. Gradually, Japan became an imperialist country. Because Japan is very small, it is an island country, and its resources are not very rich, so they have set their sights on China, which is very rich in land, and launched a fierce attack on us. At the beginning, japan invaded the northeast of our country, and they did a lot of disgraceful things there. Today we are going to talk about Chen Jinyu, a girl under the atrocities of Japan.

The 16-year-old girl was abducted by the Japanese army and forced to dress up as an "animal" and could not rest for a month

She was only 16 years old when she was captured by the Japanese, and she was supposed to be playing and playing on campus, living happily, with the throbbing of a girl, enjoying the best love with a boy she liked. But she didn't enjoy anything, and she fell into the clutches of the Japanese. Those Japanese people don't treat women as human beings, what kind of human experimentation, coercion, insult, what means are used on those children who should be innocent and messy, really people spit on.

The 16-year-old girl was abducted by the Japanese army and forced to dress up as an "animal" and could not rest for a month

Chen Jinyu has been abused at the hands of the Japanese army. Even those people let her dress up as a four-legged cow, do you think it's just lying on her stomach? Of course not, it was to put the knife under her abdomen, as long as she could not hold on and fall, then her life would be gone. How can this abuse be endured? And that's not even more tragic. Every day there were many soldiers who bullied her, many times a day, what is this concept, that month, she survived this torture. Even eating every day, sleeping can not have a good rest, can only blindly bear, a month can not rest, can only be slaughtered, replaced by other women, may have been unable to hold on to it!

The 16-year-old girl was abducted by the Japanese army and forced to dress up as an "animal" and could not rest for a month

Later, the Japanese army fought with our soldiers and lost completely. During this period, Chen Jinyu seized this opportunity and escaped from the enemy's nest. Although people have escaped, how can the pain in their hearts be erased? She had been waiting for the Japanese to say sorry, but this voice had not waited until now.

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