
Changchun Jingyuetan Vaasa International Ski Festival: Glory 19 Years "20" set sail again

Changchun Jingyuetan Vaasa International Ski Festival: Glory 19 Years "20" set sail again

The 78-year-old Yang Fuchen still insists on skiing The interviewee provided a picture

Changchun, December 30 (Li Dan) With the approaching of the 20th China Changchun Jingyuetan Vasa International Ski Festival cross-country skiing series, Yang Fuchen, 78-year-old executive chairman of the Jilin Elderly Ski Association, has also begun to get busy.

In the snow friends group, zhang Luo registered for the competition, organized the training of ski team members... All this is not only because of Yang Fuchen's warm-heartedness, in her own words: "Spanning half a century, I can still participate in international competitions, 'Vaasa' helped me realize my dream, I am a 'young man' who loves cross-country skiing." ”

Changchun Jingyuetan Vaasa International Ski Festival: Glory 19 Years "20" set sail again

2018 Vaasa Ski Festival (data map) Photo by Zhang Yao

As an important part of the 2021-2022 "Passion Vaasa Charm Jingyue" ice and snow season series of activities held by Changchun Jingyue High-tech Industrial Development Zone, the 2022 2022 China Changchun Jingyuetan Vaasa International Ski Festival Cross-country Skiing Series will be held on January 4, 2022 in Jingyuetan National Forest Park.

Yang Fuchen, who is a rare young man, will participate in the exhibition competition as a guest.

Yang Fuchen was one of the first generation of skiers in China, and won the second place in national skiing events in 1958, 1959, 1960 and 1963. "You see I'm 80 soon, I'm in good health and confident. I don't have any problems such as high blood pressure, high blood lipids, and high blood sugar in the elderly. ”

Yang Fuchen's Jilin Elderly Ski Association has 15 "elderly cross-country ski enthusiasts" with an average age of 70 years old, including many gold medal veterans who have participated in the National Ski Games many times, and they will come to help perform on the opening day of the 2022 China Changchun Jingyuetan Vaasa International Ski Festival.

The world's well-known cross-country skiing brand "Vaasa" with a century-old history came to Changchun in 2003. So far, the China Changchun Jingyuetan Vaasa International Ski Festival has been successfully held for 19 sessions, from a single sports event to a winter event for the prosperity of sports, economy and trade, tourism and other multicultural prosperity.

Today, this ice and snow sports festival has successfully helped Changchun "turn white snow into platinum", and has become an effective carrier to "drive 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports" by taking advantage of the east wind of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Changchun Jingyuetan Vaasa International Ski Festival: Glory 19 Years "20" set sail again

2017 Vaasa Ski Festival (data map) Photo by Zhang Yao

The "Vaasa" brand settled in China

In 2003, the "Vasa" brand settled in China. The successful cooperation and enthusiastic support of all parties ignited the hope of the development and growth of the China Vaasa International Cross-Country Ski Festival, and the Changchun Municipal People's Government introduced the 96-year-old Vaasa Ski Festival to Changchun and settled in Changchun Jingyuetan. Since then, it has created a new chapter of the Chinese Vaasa brand - "China Changchun Jingyuetan Vaasa International Ski Festival".

In the next 10 years, Changchun Jingyuetan carried out cross-country skiing education popularization and promotion projects. With the help of the China Vasa Platform, the Cross-Country Skiing World Cup was introduced to Changchun twice, and the INTERNATIONAL Snow Federation Cross-Country Skiing Points Race was introduced to Changchun, China.

Changchun Jingyuetan has not only successfully created a "platinum combination" of winter sports and ice and snow tourism in the past ten years, but also gradually introduced Nordic hiking, mountain biking and other activities into Changchun, which greatly improved the national fitness atmosphere in Changchun.

In 2014, "China Vasa", as the only representative event in China, successfully joined the World Lopette Ski Federation. On January 22, 2019, the "Vaasa Ski Festival" was rated as one of the top ten achievements of the 40th anniversary of Changchun's opening up to the outside world, and it was also in this year that China Vaasa first introduced the ISF World Lopet Cup, and the world's top cross-country skiers competed for a long distance to compete, showing their style and pushing China's Vaasa to a new height.

It has trained nearly one million university students

"Through the Vaasa Ski Festival, I became acquainted with the sport of cross-country skiing, competing with outstanding skiers at home and abroad, and gained a lot." Xie Hanglong, a senior student at Changchun Guanghua College, has participated in the Changchun Vaasa Cross-Country Skiing Race for the fourth time this year, and at last year's Vaasa Ski Festival, he won the third place in the men's long-distance 25 km group of the National College Students Cross-country Skiing Long Distance Competition.

Changchun Jingyuetan Vaasa International Ski Festival: Glory 19 Years "20" set sail again

Photo by Zhang Yao at the 2014 Vaasa Ski Festival

"I didn't finish the first year, but I finished the race smoothly, and I was a challenge to myself." Recalling the scene when he first participated in the Vaasa Ski Festival, Xie Hanglong said that it felt particularly good to finish the race, and every year since then, he has improved and constantly defeated himself.

Through the Vaasa Ski Festival, the enthusiasm for the whole people to participate in the ice and snow is higher, which also allows college student ski enthusiasts like Xie Hanglong to get closer to the sport of cross-country skiing, and gives them the opportunity to communicate with ski enthusiasts at home and abroad.

According to Ning Jun, deputy general manager of Changchun Nodi Vivasa Management Service Co., Ltd., the executive party of the Changchun Jingyuetan Vasa International Ski Festival in China, this year's "Changchun Vaasa Ski Festival" takes "300 million people on ice and snow" as the core concept, and pays more attention to the cultivation of college students on ice and snow. "'Cross-country Skiing Training for Vaasa University Students' has trained nearly one million university students in the past 20 years." Ning Jun said.

"Vaasa Cross-Country Skiing Training" has been loved by students from all over the motherland and other countries in the world, and many students have started their first skiing from "Vaasa Training".

Goal: Centennial event brand

According to reports, the 2021-2022 "Passion Vaasa Charm Net Moon" ice and snow season series of activities will last from November 12, 2021 to March 31, 2022, lasting 4 months, covering traditional Chinese festivals such as New Year's Day, Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, etc., and will run sports events and cultural tourism activities throughout the winter.

In terms of ice and snow events, three professional events will be held, such as "Jingyuetan Vaasa International Ski Festival Cross-country Skiing Long Distance 50 Km", "Jingyuetan Vaasa International Ski festival Cross-country Skiing Short Distance 25 km", "Jingyuetan Vaasa International Ski Festival Volkswagen Cross-country Skiing Mini 2.5 Km" and many sports-related activities such as "College Students Cross-country Skiing Training", "Vaasa Cross-Country Honor Skiing Activity" and "Vaasa Children's Skiing Entertainment Activity".

According to Wang Guowei, deputy director of the Bureau of Culture, Tourism and Sports of Changchun Jingyue High-tech Zone, this snow season, Changchun Jingyue High-tech Zone will build two major ski resorts, Jingyuetan Ski Resort and Jingyuetan Cross-country Ski Resort, and five major ice and snow parks such as Jingyuetan Ice and Snow Experience Park, Slow Mountain Li, Changchun Agricultural Expo Park, Caesar Hot Spring, and Jingyue Fujia Ice Fishing Park, and develop a series of ice and snow products with sports science popularization, cross-country skiing, viewing experience, and sports events combined with mass sports, comprehensively improving scale and quality. It will also focus on launching more than 40 themed products such as ice and snow events, ice and snow experience, ice and snow culture, ice and snow tourism, and ice and snow consumption.

"This year's ice and snow season activities are centered on the competition, mainly highlighting the 'entertainment tour purchase', the competition is based on the Vasa international event as the core, hoping to build it into a century-old event in the Spring Jingyue High-tech Zone." Wang Guowei said. (End)

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