
Many people do not understand in their lives that the most important thing in life is not money, nor love, but these two words

Many people do not understand in their lives that the most important thing in life is not money, nor love, but these two words

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In this lifetime, people are moving towards death from birth, and everyone is born to death. So what is the purpose of life in the world, going to the day and suffering a lot, and all kinds of disturbances, ravines and ups and downs?

Some people value money and spend their whole lives racking their brains to earn a great business.

However, looking back on the past, I found that there was only the process of struggle, there was no life to enjoy, and money was like just a number, and it did not bring him happiness.

Some people love first, want beauty rather than the country, chase love all their lives, sacrifice and give up paying for their lover, but in the end, either Labor Yan is divided, or life and death are separated.

Only then did I know that no matter how deeply I loved, everyone could only accompany you for a while, not for a lifetime.

Many things must be done to be understood, and many truths must be understood after going through. Just like in this life, perhaps only at the end of life can you understand that what is important in this life is not money, not love, but these two words - themselves.

Many people do not understand in their lives that the most important thing in life is not money, nor love, but these two words

One: The one you are most aggrieved is yourself

People's lives are really forced to be too much.

From an early age, we are taught by our parents to be obedient, to be sensible, and to be sympathetic to others. Entering the society and being taught by reality to be a person, to be smooth, thoughtful, and comprehensive.

When we have children, everything is focused on the child, what the child needs, we provide, and what the child does not like, we give up.

From beginning to end, have you ever fought for yourself in this life? Have you ever argued for your own anger and argued for your own opinion?

Many people don't, because they think it's too difficult, and they think that to fight for themselves is to be ignorant of the general body, that is, to be selfish.

Of all the problems in life, the simplest solution is to wronged yourself. I don't know when it began, loyalty to oneself became a manifestation of selfishness, and grievances became a representative of understanding.

In the work, you are a good old man who works hard but never gets promoted, and in the face of the blatant oppression of the leader, even if you understand in your heart, you must take into account the overall situation and grievance yourself.

In the family, the elder partner and child each have their own personality, as a connection and lubricant in it, giving up their hobbies to make everyone else happy.

In love, it is obvious that the other party forgot the time of dating, forgot your anniversary, but he said "don't understand things, don't be too calculating", you silently swallow your grievances, and don't show anything.

You have gradually become an excellent person in everyone's eyes, but no one in your heart cares.

Because those problems are not solved, but you hide them with your own grievances. Over time, you will become more and more depressed, and more and more negative emotions will accumulate. It's like a volcano about to erupt, and if it can't be channeled, it will eventually erupt and hurt others and hurt itself.

We took care of everyone's emotions, but we wronged ourselves all our lives.

Many people do not understand in their lives that the most important thing in life is not money, nor love, but these two words

Two: What you ignore the most is yourself

It is difficult for modern people to live this life for themselves.

The education we receive from an early age is to be realistic, to be rational, to be sacrificial. Every choice we make is not because I like it, but because it's the optimal solution.

Our life trajectory is roughly like this, college choose a major, to choose a good job. When looking for a job after graduation, you must find a job with a high salary and a stable salary. Even their own life partners have been rationally considered and selected to choose the most suitable one.

We care about the eyes of others, hoping to live like the success and happiness in the hearts of others.

Therefore, the ultimate purpose of every choice is to be able to live a better life and have better conditions. But we often forget to think more about what is the purpose of creating better lives and conditions? Isn't it to make yourself happy?

Well, it allows me to make the truest choice in my heart, and I think that is my happiness.

Many people do not understand in their lives that the most important thing in life is not money, nor love, but these two words

We've been busy all our lives, but we've also been against our hearts for a lifetime. Our good life is for others to see, is what others see, think of as a good life.

We meet all the expectations and demands of happiness and success in the eyes of others, but we ignore our own hearts.

In the entertainment industry, Park Shu can be described as a clear stream.

Because he did not like the environment of the entertainment industry, he retired when he was popular, did his favorite music, and later chose to comeback because he had no money, seemingly the most willful, but in fact the most sober.

From beginning to end, he knew what he wanted and what kind of life he wanted, so he did whatever he wanted, and he didn't see or say anything in the accident world.

Such a person is a person who is truly loyal to himself.

And this is precisely what we are difficult to do, because we always have too much to put down, such as responsibilities, obligations, concerns, confusion about the unknown, etc., the more we think, the more constraints on our bodies, and thus the more unhappy we are.

Many people do not understand in their lives that the most important thing in life is not money, nor love, but these two words

The hustle and bustle of the world, only their own reliability.

I hope that each of us can live an infinite and vast life in a limited number of days, not too much attention to money, not too much importance to affection, but to be loyal to their hearts, take good care of themselves, and live well.


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