
How big was the territory of the Qing Dynasty inheriting the Ming Dynasty? Was it the Qing Dynasty that laid the map of our country today?

The land area of the Qing Dynasty was large, but was the people's life happy? Now, the small countries in Europe are small, but will they feel unhappy because of their small size?

How big was the territory of the Qing Dynasty inheriting the Ming Dynasty? Was it the Qing Dynasty that laid the map of our country today?

Regarding the territory of the Qing Dynasty, Manchu selectively ignored it, never looking at the map of China at the height of the Ming Dynasty, nor would he see the map of China in the late period. Manchu will also avoid ostrich-like avoidance, shrinking the sphere of influence at the end of the Ming Dynasty as losing the land, and ceding the land to Russia at the end of the Qing Dynasty is the loss of the land? At the end of the Qing Dynasty, half of the colonies were semi-feudal, half of the land, and the national sovereignty fell into the hands of foreigners, Tibet, the northeast has long been controlled by Japan, Russia and Britain, this is not called loss? The formulation of this standard is full of quite a thief. The end of the Manchu Qing Dynasty can leave a country that has not been divided like Turki, and we should thank the Western powers for not bordering China, otherwise it will be the fate of Turki's division, and we should be grateful to the Boxers, who made the foreigners afraid and avoided the situation of China falling into a whole-colonial society like India.

How big was the territory of the Qing Dynasty inheriting the Ming Dynasty? Was it the Qing Dynasty that laid the map of our country today?

The northeast and the outer northeast were originally the territory of the Ming Dynasty, and the so-called Manchu dowry was complete nonsense! The Manchu Qing dynasty was Tunguska people, the dove occupied the magpie's nest to occupy the northeast, Nurhaci raised an army and slaughtered the Han people outside the Guan, and engaged in the "wicker edge" policy to restrict Han immigration, resulting in the emptiness of the frontier, and was taken advantage of by Tsarist Russia to occupy a large area of territory. Today, China can keep the northeast by relying on the Han Chinese in the late Qing Dynasty to break into the northeast of the "illegal immigrants" in the Kwantung. Without Han immigrants and Han troops, Mengman and Xinjiang could not save a single one. The western region, Guanwai, and Tubo are not considered territory in the strict sense, and the southwest is still dominated by toastmasters, until Qianlong changed the land and returned to the stream, which is really Chinese territory. The real Han territory should be the Qin Dynasty territory, other areas belong to the wilderness, one is not developed, the second is far from the center, according to the transportation conditions at that time, it is too difficult to completely control, so the Central Plains Dynasty is disdainful of occupation. Therefore, there is no doubt that the modern territory of the Qing Dynasty contributed the most.

How big was the territory of the Qing Dynasty inheriting the Ming Dynasty? Was it the Qing Dynasty that laid the map of our country today?

The Manchu Qing divided the ethnic hierarchy, and the Ming Dynasty did not divide! The Manchu Qing people all called themselves slaves! Until now, ethnic minorities enjoy preferential ethnic policies, beef and mutton subsidies, college entrance examination bonus points, funeral subsidies, etc.! Which country in the world has preferential policies for nationalities? Just know to suppress and bully Han people! Don't talk about national unity all the time, your family's national unity is such a way to do it! Can the addition of three or four hundred points be more than the 700 points of the real gun to be admitted to the graduation research of Peking University Tsinghua University? High welfare leads to laziness and lack of enterprising! Sooner or later, the Han people will kill back one day and turn over! Now that it is the thermonuclear age, it is a little difficult to return the occupied territories by means of war from the hands of the polar bears that have nuclear weapons, and it is hoped that the Chinese nation will become strong as soon as possible, and it will be possible to return to the occupied territories when the polar bears are extremely weak.

How big was the territory of the Qing Dynasty inheriting the Ming Dynasty? Was it the Qing Dynasty that laid the map of our country today?

Of course, the Qing Dynasty took over the Ming Dynasty, and Li Zicheng's kind of dynasty can only be regarded as a pseudo-regime! When it comes to how much territory the Qing Dynasty has taken over the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Emperor is also a citizen of the Ming Dynasty! The emperor of the Qing Dynasty was a rebel, a rebellion on the territory of the Ming Dynasty, how much territory did you say the Ming Dynasty? After the establishment of the Qing Dynasty, the direction of land expansion coincided with the strategic opportunity period of comprehensive encirclement and suppression of nomadic and fishing and hunting peoples by the major firearm powers in Eurasia, and these nomadic countries were either conquered, such as the Siberian Khanate was annexed by the Russian Empire in the late Ming Dynasty, or dependent on the surrounding firearm powers to survive, such as the Crimean Khanate was attached to the Ottoman Turkish Empire, which was the general trend, and the Qing completed the conquest of The Megar, laying the foundation for the land border of modern and modern China.

How big was the territory of the Qing Dynasty inheriting the Ming Dynasty? Was it the Qing Dynasty that laid the map of our country today?

If China does not have internal turmoil and the mountains are forever solid, the country's territory will be the first in the world. Because Russia wants to disintegrate and re-divide for the second time, China can recover more than 1.5 million square kilometers of outer Mongolia and nearly one million land ceded by the unequal treaty in Heilongjiang, plus Taiwan and southern Tibet. Then 9.6 million 12.6 million = 13.2 million square kilometers. After the division of Russia, the territory is comparable to ours, but other countries are unstable, economically weak, and sparsely populated. At that time, China's strength and market need to expand are inevitable, not subject to people's will. This is the law of economy, the rule of nature, this is the law of survival. Our 1.4 billion people are now far from enough in the domestic market, and we need military escort to go out! All who want to take this road are singing good songs and walking in the land of other countries...

How big was the territory of the Qing Dynasty inheriting the Ming Dynasty? Was it the Qing Dynasty that laid the map of our country today?

The 1.4 billion Chinese people absolutely do not recognize that China's territorial area ranks third, China's territory is based on the qing dynasty and the prosperity of the Qing Dynasty, only the moment when the strong army gradually recovers the forcibly occupied land, not China's absolute inviolability, China's absolute must return, the second place in the world's territorial area must be China, and it will also be recognized by the whole world.

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