
Zhao Yun defeated Zhang Hao in thirty rounds, why did he stab Gao Lan to death with one shot

Zhao Yun defeated Zhang Hao in thirty rounds, why did he stab Gao Lan to death with one shot

Gao Lan and Zhang Gao were collectively known as the Four Court Pillars of Hebei, both of whom had been subordinates of Yuan Shao and later defected to Cao Cao. There is no clear record of the true birth and death history of Gao Lan. It was only Yan Yi who was stabbed to death by Zhao Yun. And Zhang Gao, who is equally famous with him, can fight with Zhao Yun for thirty rounds, the two big wars occurred on the same day, is there such a big difference between Gao Lan and Zhang Gao, is there any reason here?

Zhao Yun defeated Zhang Hao in thirty rounds, why did he stab Gao Lan to death with one shot

First of all, Zhao Yun stabbed Gao Lan to death by accident.

First, let's take a look at the description of Gao Lan being stabbed to death in the thirty-first episode of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, "(Liu) Xuande was panicking, Fang wanted to fight himself, Gao Lan's rear army suddenly became chaotic, and a general charged forward, where the gun started, Gao Lan turned over and fell off his horse. It can be seen from this that at that time, Liu Bei was already very dangerous, Zhao Yun's savior was eager, and the tricks used were more fierce than when the two of them fought in the past, and Gao Lan was bent on capturing Liu Bei, who was overwhelmed by victory and was noticed by People, who suddenly appeared Zhao Yun, so he was stabbed to death by Zhao Yun. If he had been defensive, Zhao Yun might not have had a chance to get close, so Gao Lan's death was accidental, and it was Zhao Yun who made a surprise attack.

Zhao Yun defeated Zhang Hao in thirty rounds, why did he stab Gao Lan to death with one shot

Secondly, Zhang Hao has a brain and is more cautious than Gao Lan.

In fact, the Hebei Four Court Pillars also included Yan Liang and Wen Ugly, both of whom were also famous generals, and eventually both died at the hands of Guan Yu, and both were similar to Gao Lan's way of death, and they were suddenly decapitated by Guan Gong, and they did not give the opportunity to fight. And Zhang Guo lived longer, became a member of Cao Wei's famous generals, and belonged to the normal old age, indicating that he was not a simple warrior, that fight was to fight, and if he could not fight, he retreated.

Also look at the thirty-first time in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, "Yun Zhong Ma Ting Gun, kill the rear team, and then come to the army to fight Zhang Guo alone." After more than thirty battles in the Yun Dynasty, he was defeated by his horse. The description of this passage shows that Zhang Hao and Zhao Yun were prepared for a solo battle, and they had a good idea in mind, and their strength was not as good as Zhao Yun's, and they ran after a period of time. And Zhang Gao later played a great role in the Cao Army's battle against the Shu Han regime, and he could also retreat from the charge, proving that this person was very clever, so it was not surprising that he could defeat Zhao Yun for thirty rounds.

Zhao Yun defeated Zhang Hao in thirty rounds, why did he stab Gao Lan to death with one shot

Third, Zhao Yun's physical consumption in the fierce battle was large.

Zhao Yun was worried about Liu Bei's safety, the strength used was already greater than usual, and the energy loss was also large. At this time, Zhao Yun and Zhang Gao fought alone, Zhang Gao's physical strength was more abundant, and some people would say that Zhang Gao also participated in the battle for half a day. In fact, before encountering Zhao Yun again, Zhang Hao mainly dealt with some small soldiers, and his physical energy consumption was not large.

Zhao Yun defeated Zhang Hao in thirty rounds, why did he stab Gao Lan to death with one shot

Zhao Yun wanted to save Liu Bei, facing strong hands, the enemy killed the red eye ben Liu Bei, the pressure on him to save Liu Bei must be great, so the physical strength is not so abundant. In this case, zhang gao was no problem playing thirty rounds with him, not to mention that Zhang Gao was not weak, and his combat effectiveness was still somewhat. To some extent, Zhang Guo is to preserve strength, because he is not Cao Cao's concubine, belongs to the general, it is time to make a contribution, it is time to contribute, it is already possible, there is no need to fight, in case he and Zhao Yun lose their lives in a fierce battle.

Zhao Yun defeated Zhang Hao in thirty rounds, why did he stab Gao Lan to death with one shot

Finally, Zhao Yun's purpose was to protect Liu Bei.

Whether it was stabbing Gao Lan to death or fighting Zhang Gao fiercely, the central purpose was to protect Liu Bei, Zhao Yun was not a simple martial artist, and winning or losing was not the central purpose. If Gao Lan had not threatened Liu Bei's safety, Zhao Yun would not have killed him, after all, he was also in great danger, and he would not be killed by the rebel army.

At the time of the great battle of Zhang Guo, although Liu Bei was already out of danger, he still could not take it lightly, and the number of enemy troops was too large, and it was necessary to take strict precautions. At this time, Zhao Yun's great battle with Zhang Gao was distracting, he must always pay attention to Liu Bei's safety, once Liu Bei was captured or killed, there was no point in killing Zhang Gao. Therefore, at this time, Zhao Yun did not go all out to meet the battle, and the two sides were more symbolically playing more than thirty rounds. Zhang Gao completed the task, and Zhao Yun also completed the task, protecting the lord and retreating.

Zhao Yun defeated Zhang Hao in thirty rounds, why did he stab Gao Lan to death with one shot

Historical records do not introduce much about Gao Lan's life, only that he was a general of Yuan Shao, and later surrendered to Cao Cao, and there is no record after the surrender. When and why he died is not clearly documented. Zhao Yun's stabbing to death is only reflected in the rendition, and the real war scene will not be a few military generals fighting alone, and the description of the yanyi is purely to highlight Zhao Yun's bravery. And letting him stab to death a character who is not recorded in detail in the history books avoids the gap between the plot of the interpretation and the history books, making the reader feel bored.

Zhao Yun defeated Zhang Hao in thirty rounds, why did he stab Gao Lan to death with one shot

Zhang Gao has a relatively detailed record in real history, and later was a figure who caused headaches to the Shu Han regime, and with him, it was difficult for Shu Han to make progress against Cao Jun. If he is written to death, then there is no way to push the subsequent plot. Nor could he be allowed to defeat Zhao Yun, that would be the case. Therefore, Mr. Luo Guanzhong let Zhao Yun kill an enemy with one shot and defeat an enemy, which not only highlighted the heroic characters, but also did not affect the plot advancement, and even in line with historical truth. That's why there's this description.

What do you think of Zhao Yun?

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