
Daji created an object that has been passed down for more than 3,000 years and is still used by every household

As people's living standards get higher and higher, the days are getting better and better, and this food is naturally becoming more and more abundant. Thirty or forty years ago, eating meat was like a New Year's Day; twenty or thirty years ago, although people's lives began to gradually improve, they only had more food choices.

Daji created an object that has been passed down for more than 3,000 years and is still used by every household

A decade or two ago, some new ways of eating began to appear on the menu of ordinary people, KFC and McDonald's began to become the love of Chinese children; today, most people no longer regard foreign food as a rare way to eat, most wage earners can eat a German pork knuckle this week, an Australian steak next week, and a delicate Japanese food next week.

But having eaten the cuisine of such another country, if we want to ask which country's cuisine we think is the best, I believe that most people's answer will be the 2 words of identification, China. The subtlety of Chinese food lies not only in the eight major cuisines, but also in the various production methods such as steaming, boiling, frying, boiling, stir-frying, and cooking, but also hidden in every pair of tableware we use.

Daji created an object that has been passed down for more than 3,000 years and is still used by every household

Since we talk about tableware, we have to mention chopsticks. Chopsticks can be said to be the most distinctive tableware in China, and it is also a kind of tableware that makes European and American friends feel a great headache. Chopsticks have been integrated into our lives, a Chinese may not be particularly comfortable with a spoon to eat a meal, but if you let him use chopsticks, drink porridge, eat, sandwich, everything. However, many people probably did not expect that chopsticks were actually created by the famous demon concubine Daji, and it was also created to please the King of Shang.

Daji created an object that has been passed down for more than 3,000 years and is still used by every household

Nowadays, many people have jumped out to prove to the King of Shang, saying that he is not actually a dark lord, but he prefers to fight a little. But whether he was a dimwit or not, the point of cruelty by nature was certainly not justified. The King of Shang was particularly particular about eating, and the food of the Shang Dynasty was certainly not as rich as we are today, so the King of Shang often lost his temper because of the problem of ingredients.

Today's fish is too fishy and drags the chef down and chops; tomorrow's lamb stew is too old, drag the chef down and chop... Until the appearance of Daji changed all this. As the favorite concubine of the King of Shang, Dai Ji naturally wanted to accompany him to dinner, and every time the King of Shang Ji was unhappy, the first unlucky one must also be Daji, so Daji took the initiative to help the King of Shang to try the dish first, thinking which dish tasted good, and then let the King taste it.

Daji created an object that has been passed down for more than 3,000 years and is still used by every household

Once, when Dai Ji tried the dish, she found that the dish was very hot, and when she finally eased up and prepared to call the attendants to remove the dish, she found that the dish had been presented to the King of Sui. In order not to be scolded, Dai Ji pulled out the two jade noodles on his head and fed them to the King of Lu as chopsticks. The dish was clipped up by chopsticks, and there was a little time delay in the middle, and when it was fed to the mouth of the King of Sui, the temperature was just right.

Daji created an object that has been passed down for more than 3,000 years and is still used by every household

The King of Qiu thought that this was just a new way of playing that Dai Ji had come up with, and thought it was very interesting, and then for several days in a row, he let Dai Ji feed himself with these two jade noodles. Seeing the situation, she simply ordered the next person to create a pair of jade chopsticks, and the chopsticks were born. The chopstick relics excavated later in the Yin Shang site also prove that chopsticks did appear from this period and have a history of more than 3,000 years.

Daji created an object that has been passed down for more than 3,000 years and is still used by every household

From the fact that Dai Ji invented chopsticks, it can be seen that her status in front of the King of Gong is actually not so high, in essence, she is still a pet concubine who is dependent on the monarch, so some film and television dramas about Daji's disaster to the country and the people are obviously attached for the sake of artistic effects, and it is also considered to wash away the stigma of Dai Ji from the side.

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