
Jiang Wei has committed suicide and is still being dissected by Wei Bing?

Jiang Wei has committed suicide and is still being dissected by Wei Bing?

The last year of the Three Kingdoms was an era of heroic decline, and the situation in the early years was no longer a grand scene. Jiang Wei Jiang Boyue is a rare hero of this era. But his life was very dramatic and tragic. Moreover, after Jiang Wei committed suicide and martyrdom, not only was he himself broken by the angry Wei Army, but his wife and children were brutally killed.

This is certainly very tragic and deplorable, but it is not unexpected. Since ancient times, the treatment of the enemy has generally been to cut the grass and remove the roots, and it is necessary to be fierce and make people afraid to deter others. What's more, Jiang Wei is still a representative enemy. Next, individuals will analyze why Jiang Wei suffered such treatment based on relevant information.

Jiang Wei has committed suicide and is still being dissected by Wei Bing?

First of all, look at it in the context

The ancients were cloudy, and they were not punished without merit, and they were not punished without fault. To analyze Jiang Wei's tragedy, it is necessary to analyze the background of the story. At this time, the Shu kingdom was initially destroyed, the people's hearts were still thinking of Zhuge Wuhou, and Deng Ainai sneaked in and won, the victory of the Wei army was not solid, if it were not for the cowardice of the later lord, who listened to the words of Zhou Zhou and gave up the mountains and rivers, then Jiang Wei's people could still continue to resist for a long time in Jiange, Yong'an, and Nanzhong.

Therefore, the main problem facing the Wei state at this time was how to deter the Shu people and stabilize its rule through effective measures. Generally speaking, at this time, it is all enwei and giving, carrots and sticks. En was the posthumous chief official, the general of the Horse Riding Horse, sacrificed the temple of Zhuge Wuhou, and strictly prohibited the livestock near Zhuge Liang's tomb.

Jiang Wei has committed suicide and is still being dissected by Wei Bing?

And Wei is obviously looking for a thorn to pick off, and this thorn head is undoubtedly looking for someone who has authority, but does not obey the rule of the State of Wei, and has the heart of the homeland. Those who can meet so many conditions and get rid of the dead Zhuge Zhan are afraid that only the supreme military commander of the Shu state- Jiang Wei Jiang Boyue.

And Jiang Wei committed suicide because of chaos, but it painted a more brilliant color on the anti-Wei cause. In order to erase this high righteousness and holiness and show the authority of the new dynasty, it is necessary to punish the culprits. The ancients, the skin of the body, the parents, did not dare to destroy. Cutting off the internal organs is undoubtedly a great shame for people, and it is also an excellent means to deal with "chaotic subjects", so Wei Jun took this measure to treat Jiang Wei to show his guilt.

Jiang Wei has committed suicide and is still being dissected by Wei Bing?

Secondly, why did Jiang Wei himself cause this disaster?

The first point is that Jiang Wei's loyalty has aroused the envy of everyone. Even though Jiang Wei was forced to surrender, he still secretly wrote to the Hou Lord, saying that he wanted to restore the Han Room under the guise of Zhong Hui's power. It is very touching to be so persistent. However, since this matter can be passed down, it is inevitable that the Wei people will also know about it. Hundreds of thousands of Wei troops threw their heads and spilled their blood, Zhong Hui respected you as a good man, treated you kindly, and as a result, you Jiang Wei used to restore your homeland, how can you bear it? That's a point.

Jiang Wei has committed suicide and is still being dissected by Wei Bing?

The second point was that the plan adopted by Jiang Wei caused the anger of wei jun. Huayang Guozhi:

The Uyghur Church cursed the generals from the north, and when they died, Xu wanted to kill the society, pit Wei Bing, and restored Shu Zuo, the secret book and the Lord: "May Your Majesty endure the humiliation of a few days, and the subjects want to make the society dangerous and safe, and the sun and the moon are quiet and restored."

It can be seen that Jiang Wei's plan was to kill the Wei generals who had entered Shu, and the plan must not be cruel, if it were not for Zhong Hui's lack of military hearts, I am afraid that Shuzhong would have to make trouble for a while. Therefore, the Generals of the Wei Army who had made great efforts to destroy Shu would be so angry, and the general of the defeated army would dare to do so! Therefore, there were soldiers who killed Hui hui and Wei, and Wei's wife was killed. It hurts.

Jiang Wei has committed suicide and is still being dissected by Wei Bing?

The third point should be that Jiang Wei used to serve as an official in Wei, but as a result, he sacrificed himself to Shu, loyal to the Han Dynasty, and was influenced by the "bad record" of unswerving death. This must have been a huge blow to the Wei people who thought they were Huaxia Zhengshuo. Moreover, throughout the Three Kingdoms era, which attached great importance to loyalty and righteousness, the enemy of betraying the Lord has always been despised. It is true that several of his rebellions have been forced, but there are still descendants who believe that his Jiang Wei ce is named Wei Room, and that he has gone out to the Shu Dynasty and violated the emperor's favor, which cannot be described as loyal.

Future generations are like this, when people are not happy! In the eyes of the generals, Jiang Wei was a down-to-earth and shameful traitor. If you can find an opportunity, how can you not stop the dead hand! Now that Jiang Wei has come to the door and started a rebellion, if he is retained, wouldn't it be the greatest irony for all those loyal to the Wei state (Sima family)? Dissecting Jiang Wei's guts is a kind of praise for loyal kings and serving the country, refuting the thief who betrays the lord, and is a killing weapon for maintaining systematic governance and consolidating political power. In summary, I think that the dissection of Jiang Wei's abdomen also carries a little meaning of "punishing traitors".

Jiang Wei has committed suicide and is still being dissected by Wei Bing?

Fourth, this is my personal speculation, the ancients often believed that courage is courage. Jiang Wei made many northern expeditions, skillfully used dangerous tactics, and then counterattacked in the end, and the courage revealed in this was already very attainable. I think that when Wei Jun cut out his guts, he should have the courage to spy on Hao Jie and explore the meaning of his heart, and the boldness shown in the final ancient offerings should also be to reflect his bravery. Summary: In summary, Jiang Wei must die, and must die a miserable death, the Si people have gone, facing Haojie, I can only silently recite the name of Bo Yue today, a thousand years later, to praise this lone hero.

What do you think of Jiang Wei?

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