
Players restore Final Fantasy XIV "Haidu" Limsar Romminsa in Minecraft

Recently, foreign player しゃるゆゆ showed a feat he completed, the player spent several years to restore the "Haidu" Of Final Fantasy XIV in "Minecraft" Limsar Romina, please enjoy.

The player said that the project took him a total of several years, and he also used WE during this period, but most of the scenes were built by himself.

The ocean city-state rimsa Romminsa is spread over countless small islands, each connected by a strong steel-wood hybrid bridge, with a beautiful and surprising landscape. Citizens weave through the city via long stone bridges, and the city thrives on the sea.

Players restore Final Fantasy XIV "Haidu" Limsar Romminsa in Minecraft
Players restore Final Fantasy XIV "Haidu" Limsar Romminsa in Minecraft
Players restore Final Fantasy XIV "Haidu" Limsar Romminsa in Minecraft
Players restore Final Fantasy XIV "Haidu" Limsar Romminsa in Minecraft
Players restore Final Fantasy XIV "Haidu" Limsar Romminsa in Minecraft
Players restore Final Fantasy XIV "Haidu" Limsar Romminsa in Minecraft
Players restore Final Fantasy XIV "Haidu" Limsar Romminsa in Minecraft

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