
I'm tired, why can't I sleep? What exactly can I do to get back a good night's sleep?


Sunrise and sunset are the way of life of ancient people, adapting to the changes of time, after the sun sets, into the dreamland. It was later also used to describe a simple, regular life. But later, few people followed such a routine. More and more people still have trouble sleeping in the middle of the night, and many of them are young people.

Many young people said that I really feel very tired from working every day, why lie down, or can't sleep. In order to make themselves able to fall asleep as soon as possible, they have thought of many ways, counting sheep to help sleep, drinking alcohol to help sleep, catching up on weekends, playing mobile phones to help sleep, eating melatonin and so on. However, there are often some misunderstandings in these practices.

I'm tired, why can't I sleep? What exactly can I do to get back a good night's sleep?

I'm tired, why can't I sleep?

After a busy day, many people still can't get into sleep smoothly. The data shows that in 2020, about 36.1% of people in China have sleep disorders and insomnia problems occur frequently. Among young people, more than 2/3 of the post-90s will fall asleep after 11 o'clock at night, or even later.

If you also find that you always have insomnia and difficulty falling asleep, you may be able to find the reason from these 4 things and solve the problem.

Stress is excessive and emotions are out of control

In a state of high tension for a long time, even if you feel tired, the brain may not be able to stop thinking wildly, which will affect the time to fall asleep. It is easy to appear difficult to fall asleep, feel unsteady after falling asleep, have some movement, and it is easy to wake up.

Poor sleep environment, affecting sleep

When people are in an environment with noisy ambient sound and chaotic ambient light, it is difficult to fall asleep smoothly. Especially for some people with neurasthenia and other problems, the nerves of the original brain are more sensitive. Stimulated by these rays and sounds, it will affect the length of time of sleep. Even if you barely fall asleep, you may suddenly wake up.

I'm tired, why can't I sleep? What exactly can I do to get back a good night's sleep?

Diseases such as menopause can lead to hormonal abnormalities

For some middle-aged people, affected by menopause, people may have hot flashes, night sweats and other problems during sleep, and may also cause insomnia and dreams. The appearance of these symptoms has a lot to do with the abnormal secretion of hormones in the human body. Women, in particular, are affected by estrogen fluctuations and are more likely to lead to poor sleep quality.

Playing on the phone before going to bed, melatonin secretion is abnormal

Always playing mobile phones before going to bed, will be because the eye's photosensitive system is stimulated by the blue light of the screen, resulting in a lot of reduction in the secretion of melatonin, in this case, it may lead to abnormal circadian rhythms, affecting the decline in the quality of human sleep, the circadian rhythm of sleep is disrupted, and it is difficult to fall asleep.

Considering that these factors may affect sleep, people should also distinguish what causes poor sleep quality and difficulty falling asleep. And it is better to take a reasonable way to adjust.

I'm tired, why can't I sleep? What exactly can I do to get back a good night's sleep?

Debunk the rumors 3 sleep aid skills, don't be deceived anymore

(1) Drink alcohol to help sleep, fall asleep faster

Some people feel that drinking a glass of red wine before going to bed can improve the quality of sleep and make them fall asleep faster. But the problem is that most of the sleep people go into after drinking alcohol is light sleep, and the brain is constantly excited, making it difficult to enter deep sleep. In other words, the quality of sleep is relatively low, and the gain is not worth the loss. It is not so much about drinking to help sleep, but rather that it is "fainting" after drinking.

(2) Make up sleep during holidays, go to bed late and get up late

I can't sleep when I go to work, so I can only choose to make up for sleep on weekends. But sleeping late at night, during the day I want to get up late to make up for sleep time. But such a sleep rhythm is more likely to break the normal sleep habits, appear "late to sleep late" habits, and later want to sleep can not sleep.

(3) Go to bed early to prepare for sleep, brewing drowsiness

People who always have trouble falling asleep at night may want to lie down in bed early and brew up drowsiness. But in such a situation, it is more difficult for people to fall asleep. Often in a state of not being able to sleep, it will give people too much psychological pressure, thinking about the idea of "I must fall asleep", it is more difficult to fall asleep.

If you have ever used these 3 wrong sleep aid methods to improve sleep, it may only make insomnia and difficulty in falling asleep more difficult to solve.

I'm tired, why can't I sleep? What exactly can I do to get back a good night's sleep?

Learn 2 ways to get back to a good night's sleep

The first method is to prescribe the right medicine and solve the problem. If you can find the cause of insomnia and difficulty falling asleep, you can also take the right approach to improve the problem. For example, people who affect sleep because of hormonal changes brought about by menopause can stabilize hormone levels through certain estrogen therapy, and when hormones are stabilized, sleep will also improve. Because of environmental factors leading to poor sleep quality of people, should adjust the sleeping environment in time, choose a quiet, less light stimulation place as a bedroom, it is more helpful to improve sleep.

The second method is to regulate sleep through daily life. For example, relax by soaking feet before sleep, massage, etc., so as to help people fall asleep faster. You can also adjust through a proper diet, such as when women are not enough qi and blood, it is also easy to have poor sleep quality, easy to wake up in dreams, etc., then you can eat some lilies, white fungus, astragalus, angelica, red dates, etc., can help to replenish qi and blood, help sleep.

Many young people claim to be a "night owl", but in the end, they will find that it is precisely some of the most common factors that affect sleep. If you can find it as soon as possible and adjust it in time, you can also have a regular, comfortable sleep rhythm to protect your health.

Resources: 1. How to deal with "sadness in the middle of the night"——Focus on sleep disorders in young people, Xinhua News Agency, 2021-3-21 2, why do many young people sleep badly? · People's Daily · 2021-2-7 3. Can the elderly, students, and insomniacs catch up on sleep during the day? Experts support cracking the "sleep disorder"· People's Daily · 2021-4-8

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