
Constellation Goddess Astrological Warning | Jupiter into Pisces if the stars could speak

◆ Time

Jupiter enters Pisces: GET.8 December 29, 2021 12:10

Jupiter enters Aries: GET.8 May 11, 2022 07:23

Jupiter retrograde in Aries: GET.8 July 29, 2022 04:38

Jupiter retrograde into Pisces: GET.8 October 28, 2022 13:10

Jupiter in Pisces Anterograde: GET.8 November 24, 2022 07:03

Jupiter enters Aries: GET.8 December 20, 2022 at 22:33

◆ Focus on influencing areas

Ascending or solar constellationS Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Aquarius love, children, speculative investment, entertainment, social networking, wealth, shared resources, disease doom and other fields;

Ascending or solar signS Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn mental/psychological state, colleague relationships, contract documents, communication, higher education, travel abroad, study abroad, relatives and friends, neighborhood relations, transportation and other fields;

Ascending or solar signs Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces marriage, partnership, career, reputation, family, housing real estate, personal ability, image charm and other fields.

◆ Focus on influencing the secular field

Education, Philosophy, Religion, Ethics, Media, Publishing, Global Industry, Philanthropy, Travel, Industrial Development, Law, Medicine, Winemaking, Outdoors, Psychology, Occult.

Jupiter enters the Pisces horoscope analysis report

On December 29, 2021, Jupiter left Aquarius and entered Pisces, where it will stay in Pisces for about 5 months and enter Aries on May 11, 2022. Subsequently, a retrograde will begin on July 29, 2022, which will allow Jupiter to return to Pisces on October 28, 2022, until Jupiter returns to anterograde and re-enterSaintilla Aries on December 20, 2022.

In the past year, Jupiter has been operating in Aquarius for most of the year, people have emphasized equality and freedom, vigorously developed science and technology, and various civil society organizations have received more attention. When Jupiter enters Pisces, the concept we uphold will be more inclusive, diverse, the sense of boundaries will dissolve, no definition is the final definition, and from technology to the development of culture and art, more pursuit of spiritual growth, more attention to mental health.

Because Jupiter is the guardian star of Pisces, after it enters pisces, its own energy will be more smoothly displayed, such as positive optimism, enthusiasm and kindness, as well as the yearning for freedom, the vast world, the spiritual world, and the sincere faith, and we will also harvest more luck and opportunities during this period. However, when Jupiter is over-energetic, it will make people too idealistic, do not consider the actual situation, or do things in an exaggerated and risky way for the sake of the public's attention.

Pisces will also aggravate Jupiter's escape from reality, easy to indulge in something, or blindly conform to the crowd, without a clear goal. So while we are reaping good luck and progressing very well in a certain area of life, we must also always be sober, do not ignore or escape some hidden crises, otherwise life will only show superficial glitz, and when pressure and tests come, it will become vulnerable.

Jupiter itself is in charge of education, philosophy, religion, morality, media communication, publishing, global industry, travel, and more. When it transits through Pisces, the fields under Pisces' control, such as medicine, charity, psychology, occultism, art, spirituality, religion, etc., will be activated to receive an exclusive good luck buff bonus.

So in the coming year, what profound impact will Jupiter have on society, economic development, and situation change in Pisces?

Pisces is compassionate and inclusive, easy to empathize with others, and compatibility max, so in the 2022 Jupiter Pisces influence cycle, the distinction between people will be less clear, even two people with different ideas can understand each other, no longer for who is right and who is wrong. People will gradually let go of prejudices about foreign cultures, generational gaps, gender orientations, and educational concepts, making social and cultural integration more harmonious and friendly.

For those who suffer, poverty, illness, and grievances, more attention will be paid to those who are suffering, more people will be willing to lend a helping hand, and many organizations that do good deeds and do charity may also emerge. Helping remote areas get rid of poverty and get rich, saving small animals, caring for empty nesters, caring for left-behind children, etc., there will be more laws and regulations to protect the rights and interests of the weak.

Pisces is also often associated with the pharmaceutical and nursing industries, during which time there may be some development in medical diagnosis and treatment, more specific drugs are counted into the ranks of medical insurance, or there are other special therapies that enter everyone's sight. At the same time, more attention will be paid to the elderly, and the living security for the elderly will be improved under the promotion of all parties.

For enterprises with a single business direction, they will actively expand business categories, export products across borders, achieve dynamic transformation or multi-line parallelism, and enterprises in the same category will also cooperate with each other, no longer blindly competing. However, such a leap does not necessarily lead to a perfect overtaking effect, or it may be premature because the plan is too ideal, or there is no strength to compete with the elderly products and lose the advantage.

Pisces is the paradise of the conscious spirit, but the sense of reality is not heavy, so in the 2022 Jupiter Pisces influence cycle, people will temporarily shift from the pursuit of real life to the shaping of the spiritual world. There will be many idealized concepts in society, expanding and dreaming of a certain element, just like the establishment of the metaverse, which can only be temporarily expressed at the conceptual level, and there is no way to truly implement or achieve mass production in this year.

Under everyone's thinking boom, there will be more policies and theories to be publicized during this time, and the public opinion heat of development and progress will be relatively large, but this is only a theoretical discussion, pointing out the direction of the goal of advancement, as well as the promulgation of some laws and regulations, the implementation of specific rules is still in the agenda, although there is no way to completely solve practical problems in the short term, but it will also have a good warning effect.

Jupiter will bring us more opportunities, but pisces confusion may not be able to fully grasp this opportunity, people may be too loose in financial management, life planning, study and work, do not like to be limited by rules, want to make some free, idealized decisions, such as quitting work to travel, creating products that meet their own ideas, writing a novel, and so on. Although these plans sound beautiful, but with a tendency to escape from reality, and this enthusiasm is difficult to implement consistently, I hope that everyone will choose carefully, and take responsibility for their own choices, effectively plan life.

In choosing a profession and job, we will first consider whether we like it or not, rather than whether the society needs it or not, and whether it is easy to learn this. Therefore, the advantages of military managed schools are gradually declining, and more parents will pay attention to their children's real interests and hobbies, and achieve happy education and quality education. In the same way, there will be more freedom in choosing a career, more people will "love a line, do a line", and can use love to generate electricity and achieve better social construction.

Pisces is imaginative and talented in artistic creation, so in the 2022 Jupiter Pisces influence cycle, there will be more excellent works of art, and more talents will emerge in music, dance, performance, creation, etc.

The art forms during this period are very rich, not limited to a certain field, and it is possible to achieve a state of blooming flowers. People's appreciation of art is also quite tasteful and tolerant, and they are willing to drink coffee while eating dumplings, and for all beauty, we are willing to appreciate it and encourage the creation of various art forms. Therefore, friends who are engaged in related work can also take this wave of literature and art to achieve greater career ambitions and gain more exposure.

But considering Pisces' sense of no boundaries, whether it is art or other aspects, it is easy to appear herd mentality, an industry is on fire, a group of people follow the industry to start a business, a star's airport outfit, will be regarded as a fashion vane to copy. This is not a good state for the art industry, it is easy to plagiarize and melt, or malicious hype for the sake of heat, gossip is rampant, which will lead to speech being continuously added to the salary in the process of dissemination, and the information finally presented to the public can be said to have nothing to do with the truth. Therefore, cracking down on counterfeiting during this period is also an important issue, and all original authors should pay attention to protecting their legitimate rights and interests.

What effect does Jupiter's entry into Pisces have on zodiac signs?

Rising or sun in Aries

Jupiter enters the time frame of Pisces, you will have more fantastic ideas, while the mind is active, the emotions are more sensitive, you can feel the joys and sorrows of the people around you, and there may also be some unknown little secrets discovered. There is a tendency to learn about occult, medicine, and psychology, or to devote themselves to charity and dedicate their love.

Rising or sun in Taurus

During the time frame when Jupiter enters Pisces, you will gain more friends, smoothly integrate into the new circle of friends, and participate in many social activities and human exchanges. If you have friends who are engaged in media publicity work, you will get more attention and support, or shine on a larger platform.

Rising or sun in the Twins

Jupiter's entry into Pisces within the time frame is very conducive to your career development, there are opportunities for promotion, will also be promoted in reputation, or plan to go to other places to study vocational skills, get career honors and praise from leaders.

Rising or sun in Cancer

The time frame for Jupiter to enter Pisces is very beneficial for the party that has a plan to study and go abroad, and the ability to understand will become stronger when studying. Friends who work in foreign companies or have import and export order needs, the work will be smoother, but pay attention to signing contracts in time and pay attention to details without flaws.

Rising or sun in lions

Jupiter enters the time frame of Pisces, suitable for some investment and financial projects, or other partial financial projects that make money with money, but we must pay attention to the investigation of the market when entering the stock, subject to their own subjective judgment, and do not blindly follow the suggestions of others.

Rising or sun in the virgin

Jupiter into the pisces time frame, can be described as your peach blossom year, the babies who have not yet taken off the single will increase the probability of single Oh, friends who already have a partner will be more smooth in the relationship, you can understand each other, to create a harmonious and romantic atmosphere.

Rise or sun on the scales

Jupiter enters the time frame of Pisces, your work is smoother, it is easier to make achievements, and you are more harmonious and loving with your colleagues. For friends who have pets or plan to have pets, this year will have a good interaction with your pet. In addition, our health will also rise, but we must pay attention to maintaining regular diet and not overeating.

Rising or sun in Scorpio

Jupiter enters the time frame of Pisces, you will have more opportunities to fall in love, participate in many fun activities, and enjoy the fun while also easily encountering heartwarming TA. In terms of parent-child and education, it can also be carried out smoothly, and for friends who have a pregnancy plan, there may be a good pregnancy.

Rising or sun in the shooter

Jupiter into the Pisces time frame, you will be more harmonious with your family communication, life, for friends who plan to buy a house, start a family, may have their own warm home in this year, in the decoration will be very smooth, will be the house will be arranged very artistically.

Rising or sun in Capricorn

Jupiter enters pisces within the time frame, and you will be blessed in terms of learning, want to get more information and knowledge, and be comfortable in language communication. At the same time, during this period may not be satisfied with indoor activities, there will be short-term travel plans, pay attention to slow down, strictly prohibit drunk driving.

Rise or sun in the water bottle

Jupiter into the Pisces time frame, your fortune will be improved, there are salary increases or additional income into the account, the opportunity to make money, will also increase, may learn the way to make money and financial knowledge, but at the same time as the income becomes more, you must also pay attention to reasonable consumption.

Rising or sun in Pisces

Within the time frame of Jupiter's entry into Pisces, you will have a longer-term goal in life, have new requirements for yourself, and will be more confident, want to learn more knowledge, and strive to improve yourself. At the same time, you will also want to improve your external image, there may be a risk of gaining weight, and friends who care about weight should pay attention to body management.

This year, the theme of Jupiter's entry into Pisces will revolve around learning and expansion and artistic creation, and we need to adapt to the requirements of the times and strive to improve ourselves, with an inclusive and understanding attitude towards foreign cultures and conceptual conflicts. We will personally experience the opportunities and challenges brought by Jupiter's entry into the temple, which will make us pursue more ideological and moral improvement, summon up the courage to explore the boundaries of the universe, and conquer the world with romantic feelings.

The new year is also a year of opportunity for the media, education, art, and publishing industries, the industry is booming, maintaining the momentum of progress, and economic and cultural globalization is bound to be the direction of our progress. If conditions permit, we can also go to the outside world to see more, which is conducive to our increased insight and broadened our horizons.

I wish you all to give full play to your artistic creativity and compassionate empathy under the influence of Jupiter Pisces, create good products, and help others.

Finally, I hope you understand that whether it is the constellations defined by human beings or the planets hundreds of millions of kilometers away from us, they are silently affecting our lives in the universe, and what we need to do is not resigned to fate and complain about others, but to bravely face today and actively create tomorrow.

Good luck little magic

Constellation Goddess Astrological Warning | Jupiter into Pisces if the stars could speak

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The above content is an analysis report on the impact of Jupiter's entry into Pisces in December 2021 and the impact on the entire social environment and life in the next year or so. The goddess wishes everyone all well and well.

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