
Zhu Gaozi reigned for less than a year, why can he go down in history? Because he solved the four major problems of the Ming Dynasty

Zhu Gaozi reigned for less than a year, why can he go down in history? Because he solved the four major problems of the Ming Dynasty

To say which famous emperors of the Ming Dynasty, many people's first reaction will think of the Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang and the later Ming Chengzu Zhu Di, the remaining ten emperors in the eyes of people really have no place to shine, do not know that there is such an emperor, his achievements and contributions can definitely make him a generation of Ming Jun, this person is the Ming Emperor Zhu Gaozi after the Ming Dynasty Zhu Di.

What makes people curious is that Zhu Gaozi reigned for less than a year, but he was able to go down in history, and let so many emperors and people in later generations respect him. It turned out that during his reign, he solved the four major problems of the Ming Dynasty and laid a good foundation for the future development of the Ming Dynasty, so what were these four major problems he solved? What is the story of Zhu Gaozi, the emperor?

Zhu Gaozi reigned for less than a year, why can he go down in history? Because he solved the four major problems of the Ming Dynasty

Solve the hidden dangers of the Battle of Jingnan and calm down unjust, false and wrongly decided cases

He also felt that the first problem was the hidden danger of being able to recover many unjust, false and wrong cases in the Battle of Jingnan, and to talk about this matter, it was necessary to start from the reign of Ming Chengzu Zhu Di, who was not the heir to the throne designated by Zhu Yuanzhang, but was taken over by his eldest grandson, that is, the Jianwen Emperor Zhu Yunjiao, and after successfully inheriting the throne, he was worried that his uncles who had become the kings of the clan would strengthen his throne in the future, so he cut the throne.

This naturally included zhu Di, the most powerful Yan king, Zhu Di, who saw that Emperor Jianwen was going to take over the power in his own hands, and even the army he brought out with his own hands did not let go, so Zhu Di really had difficulty accepting such an ending, rather than being incorporated into someone else's wedding dress, it was better to let it go, so later Zhu Di led his army to choose to launch a mutiny, and launched a three-year-long Battle of Jingnan with Emperor Jianwen.

Zhu Gaozi reigned for less than a year, why can he go down in history? Because he solved the four major problems of the Ming Dynasty

However, Jiang is still old and spicy, how can Zhu Di say that he is also a veteran who has been fighting on the battlefield for many years, so in the end, the Yan king Zhu Di won the victory of the Battle of Jingnan, and after winning this victory, he also inherited the throne, but his throne came after all, which was not in accordance with the law, and many courtiers in the court did not recognize Zhu Di's dominance, and many people even boldly pointed out Zhu Di's mistakes, which undoubtedly touched his reverse scales, so in anger Zhu Di executed many people. And those involved have also been implicated, which has also resulted in a large number of unjust, false and wrongly decided cases.

After Zhu Gaozi succeeded to the throne, he was well aware of these mistakes made by his father, many people lived in the waters and fire because of false accusations, for such a situation, he immediately went to examine the relevant cases after he ascended the throne, and rehabilitated those who had been wronged and the courtiers who were innocently executed, not only correcting his father's mistakes, reducing the occurrence of a large number of contradictions, but also taking advantage of this incident to establish his prestige.

Zhu Gaozi reigned for less than a year, why can he go down in history? Because he solved the four major problems of the Ming Dynasty

Reform of the cabinet system

The second problem he solved was to reform the cabinet system during the Ming Dynasty, because during the Ming Dynasty, the three provinces and six ministries system was abolished, the purpose was to better strengthen the centralization of power and avoid many problems caused by decentralization, but although this practice allowed many rights to be returned to the hands of the emperor, it also brought too many problems, that is, the major affairs of the country must be played to the emperor and decided by the emperor.

Do you know how the emperor can handle large and small affairs one by one? Therefore, at that time, Zhu Di came up with a very effective solution, that is, to appoint trusted courtiers around him to establish a cabinet, and the members of the cabinet could approve some insignificant matters for the emperor and indicate their opinions, only needing the final decision to be made by the emperor, simply put, the cabinet system is equivalent to the emperor's secretariat, reducing the emperor's burden of handling government affairs.

Zhu Gaozi reigned for less than a year, why can he go down in history? Because he solved the four major problems of the Ming Dynasty

At the beginning of the establishment of the cabinet, Ming Chengzu Zhu Di was worried that the cabinet members were thinking of bending the law because of their excessive power, so usually the cabinet members were relatively low, and the highest was only the five pin officials, and it was precisely this provision that later caused a problem, that is, for the decisions made by these five pin officials, those officials of the second and third grades and higher did not bother to abide by the decisions approved by the recital, which led to many measures and policies that could not be implemented in a timely manner.

In order to solve the problem of internal and external backlash and administrative inefficiency, Zhu Gaozi, on the basis of the original, made these five-pin officials concurrently hold the official positions of the second and third grades with different merits, so that by throwing away the status of the cabinet, they could have a higher status in the DPRK with other official positions, and the civil and military officials in the DPRK would naturally be jealous of their status and abide by the decision that had been approved.

Zhu Gaozi reigned for less than a year, why can he go down in history? Because he solved the four major problems of the Ming Dynasty

Rectify the rule of officials and eliminate the atmosphere in the official field

The third major problem was that the atmosphere in the Ming Dynasty's officialdom at that time was dirty, mainly the contradictions between the new ministers and the old ministers, and there were also some meritorious nobles involved in it, in other words, it was still a problem left over from the aristocratic class led by Ming Chengzu Zhu Di, who embezzled and accepted bribes in private and even appeared the phenomenon of forced buying and selling, which undoubtedly greatly affected the development of the political system of the Ming Dynasty, and was not conducive to Zhu Gaozi's control of the political power and the management of officials.

In order to avoid the decline of the world, Zhu Gaozi resolutely attacked, severely cracked down on these meritorious aristocratic groups, and set up relevant laws and regulations to severely punish those officials who violated the law and committed crimes, let alone tolerate them regardless of their feelings.

Zhu Gaozi reigned for less than a year, why can he go down in history? Because he solved the four major problems of the Ming Dynasty

Improve people's livelihood and benefit the people

This last major problem is a very headache for every ruler during his reign, that is, the problem of the life of the people in society, how to build a good people's livelihood is the top priority of the country's development, Zhu Gaozi as a generation of sages naturally realized this problem early, so after succeeding to the throne, first set out to solve the basic food and clothing problems of the people, and then carry out large-scale infrastructure construction, such as renovation and construction of water conservancy projects, to ensure that the people along the river are not disturbed by floods.

At the same time, the reduction of servitude taxes and the introduction of related policies for the development of people's livelihood, so that the two-pronged approach, in a short period of time, quickly improved the living conditions of the people, the mess left by their own father has gradually been well transformed, people who have been tormented by war for a long time finally have a peaceful and stable era, and finally can eat a full meal, such results even the Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang has not been able to do, to Zhu Gaozi here this problem can also be regarded as a good countermeasure.

Zhu Gaozi reigned for less than a year, why can he go down in history? Because he solved the four major problems of the Ming Dynasty


Unfortunately, Zhu Gaozi reigned for less than a year, because before when Ming Chengzu reigned, Zhu Gaozi was the crown prince to help Zhu Di deal with the large and small affairs of the Ming Dynasty, while the main body was only responsible for foreign conquests, so many heavy responsibilities were placed on Zhu Gaozi alone, and over time, he also accumulated fatigue.

This led to Zhu Gaozi's death due to illness, but don't look at the short time he reigned, because he made many decisions that benefited the people and sought great benefits for the people, so he was deeply loved by the people, and it was only natural that he could be famous for thousands of years.

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