
Guangzhou fetal protection doctor: What should I do if there is a threatened miscarriage?

Threatened miscarriage is a problem that may occur in women early pregnancy, there are many reasons for threatened miscarriage, so what should be done if there is a threatened miscarriage? Let's answer these questions.

What is the cause of threatened miscarriage?

Threatened miscarriage refers to the aura symptoms of miscarriage after pregnancy, and generally a small amount of bleeding will occur, dripping, coffee-colored, and may be accompanied by low back pain and abdominal pain. However, when I went to the hospital for examination, the cervical opening had not yet opened. Symptoms of threatened miscarriage should promptly seek medical attention.

There are also many causes of threatened miscarriage. Threatened miscarriage is a stage in which spontaneous miscarriage can be caused by the following factors, such as chromosomal abnormalities in embryos as the most common cause of early miscarriage.

Systemic diseases in pregnant women, such as severe infections, hyperthermia, severe anemia or heart failure and chronic liver and kidney disease. Severe hypertension, poorly controlled diabetes, uterine malformations, lesions of the endometrium and cervical orifice.

Abnormal endocrine function and progesterone function, excessive nervousness or abdominal impact, excessive sexual intercourse, bad living habits such as alcoholism, drug abuse, abnormal immune function of pregnant women, abnormal sperm, environmental pollution, etc. can become the cause of miscarriage.

Guangzhou fetal protection doctor: What should I do if there is a threatened miscarriage?

What should I do if I have a threatened miscarriage?

Once pregnant women find themselves with signs of threatened miscarriage, they must go to the regular top three hospitals in time to see the development of the fetus, do a B ultrasound examination to see the development of the fetus, if the fetal development is normal, you can carry out fetal protection treatment under the guidance of the doctor.

Pregnant women need to rest properly, reduce the amount of activity, supplement nutrients, and try to eat a light diet as much as possible in terms of daily diet, avoid eating spicy and irritating and cold foods.

In addition, if a threatened miscarriage is found to be due to fetal chromosomal abnormalities through DNA testing, then fetal preservation is usually not recommended, and it is recommended to choose an appropriate abortion method to terminate the pregnancy under the guidance of a doctor.

What should I pay attention to in order to prevent threatened miscarriage?

1. Regular work and rest:

Expectant mothers are best to ensure 8 hours of sleep a day, and do not stay up late, and maintain a good routine of going to bed early and getting up early.

2. Reasonable diet:

Expectant mothers may have early pregnancy reactions, at this time to eat less and more meals, pay attention to the choice of foods rich in various vitamins, trace elements, easy to digest, such as a variety of vegetables, fruits, beans, eggs, meat, etc. Expectant mothers with cold gastrointestinal deficiency, cautiously take foods with cold taste, such as mung beans, white fungus, lotus seeds, etc.; Expectant mothers with yin deficiency and fire are cautious about eating dog meat, mutton and other foods that are easy to make people catch fire.

3. Keep your mood comfortable:

Studies believe that some spontaneous abortions are related to excessive excitement of the central nervous system in pregnant women. Therefore, expectant mothers should pay attention to their emotional regulation and try to avoid large emotional fluctuations or continuous low mood.

Guangzhou fetal protection doctor: What should I do if there is a threatened miscarriage?

4. Avoid sexual intercourse:

If the expectant mother has a history of spontaneous abortion, it is recommended to avoid sexual intercourse as much as possible within 3 months of pregnancy and after 7 months of pregnancy, and people with habitual abortion should avoid sexual affairs during this period.

5. Pay attention to personal hygiene:

Expectant mothers should bathe frequently and change underwear frequently, but should not bathe, swim, and pay attention not to get cold when bathing. Wash the genitals with clean, warm water every night to prevent germ infections.

Guangzhou fetal protection doctor: Women in the early stage of pregnancy, the fetus implantation is not stable. If there is a phenomenon of threatened miscarriage, it is necessary to go to the hospital in time to check and find the cause and follow the doctor's advice for treatment.

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