
(Lunar) D.H.APP_January 2022 Horoscope


Dear Aries, whether you have anyone to kiss at midnight on December 31st, the beginning of the year will quickly become romantic. In fact, January could be a month full of romance if you want to. But whether you're single or have a partner, be open. You have to welcome it, show the world that you want it, and do everything you can to engage and make your connection. This should ensure that the spark of love at the beginning of 2022 will appear.

This month is also quite auspicious for you in other ways. Long-standing discord between you and your business partner or with an entity with which you have a contract or agreement may eventually be resolved. As long as you stay stable and don't lose your temper, your perseverance will eventually get the results you've always wanted. Be sure to write everything down if you can.

You may be asked by key people about important big things — this could refer to your neighbors, your co-workers, organizations like the school board, or just the town where you live. Don't shy away from it. If you're brave enough to get into the spotlight, you can do wonders for many others who can also benefit from what you do. 2022 is a good start.


Taurus, it's going to be a social month. It could be because you're emotionally hibernating, maybe hiding yourself and focusing only on what you have to do. But you should start to feel a little closed now and be ready to go out and be happy. Once you're out and about, other people will notice a glow around you and they'll be drawn to you. Your social life will soon resume and you may make a new friend with whom you are deeply connected. You will also find that your daily life will change a little bit, because you will be more inclined to explore new interests and abandon the old patterns that no longer serve you. You should have more room to do what interests you, and once you start looking, opportunities will arise.

You may also experience a shift in priorities, with a passion for some new goals and dreams developing. Take some time out of as many days as possible to do what you want to do, as you are now moving in a more energetic direction, which will be both fun and rewarding.

Later this month, as you try to start a new effort, you may find yourself a little uneasy. Don't worry though, you can handle any challenges this adventure might bring you, and when you do need help, you'll instinctively know where to look for it.


At the beginning of the month, you may learn about a unique opportunity in casual conversations. If the end of last year was a bit disappointing, what you learned in early January will make your spirit soar. If you haven't met someone, you probably won't hear these things, and that's because it could be fate for dear Gemini. Ask a lot of questions, show your interest, and you'll have a fantastic opportunity to "get in" and do something that works best for you.

You may find yourself rethinking a relationship in the second week of the new year, perhaps because of a problem related to the other party that you have been unable to resolve. It could be romantic, or more likely to be a friendship. Maybe you recognize that your values are very different. If that's how you feel, there's nothing wrong with you leaving.

You may have the opportunity to close some sort of debt in the coming weeks. This can range from literally financial debt to emotionally feeling indebted to someone who has done something for you. Whatever it is, it's a huge sense of release and comfort when you end the issue. You may want to remember this milestone with a small celebration to recognize your newfound freedom.


You did it! You survived! You may have been wondering if you could get to this point while staying awake. But now you're here. In January, more than ever, you will begin to finally feel the power you have always had but never fully realized. These little moments— or more appropriately, magical gifts that can sometimes make you feel almost incredible— will tell you this month why you're so special and that all the seemingly meaningless work you've done to achieve your dreams is valuable. Let this idea be buried deep in your heart and remain in your heart forever, because you will use it in the years to come.

There may be some surprises this month and most of them are good. Let's start with the bad news – while it's not really bad news, you probably don't want to hear it. A difficult work situation or one involving a partnership may not be resolved until the end of the month. But if you smile — a real smile — you'll get through it, and there's a good chance there will be a peaceful and pleasant solution. Surprises in January may include an increase in income, possibly through some extra work. But even if that money doesn't come from work, your professional life will become more and more enjoyable and positive. The New Year's bells are ringing.


Your sense of a new beginning, and a blank canvas may now be a little cynical or skeptical. You may have heard these words, but you don't believe them. Even so, Lions, a new beginning, a blank canvas will be available to you this month, and you will be bothered in certain areas of your life that you feel. It's up to you to take that opportunity and move on because it's the real thing. But keep in mind that if you do accept what you're getting, you may need to make some small compromises so that it works – but it should be worth it.

You have a brilliant idea in January, which may be a little odd for some people, but it can really make your life better. You have a smart mind, and you're not afraid to share ideas that others might criticize, but you'd better keep that idea to yourself, at least for now. Once you've started and there's something tangible to show off, then you can share it.

A major relationship in your life may become strained, possibly sometime in the past month or even earlier. This month, you will have the opportunity to express your feelings, and if you do so without involving your ego, your message will be accepted. This can get you out of a lot of anxiety. In the new year, you may have made some great plans that you need to focus on achieving. These are all important things that have been experienced lately, and if you stick with it, you'll be grateful for what you've done.


Earlier this month, listen carefully to what others say to you in private and explain it with compassion. Reserve judgment because there may be more things beneath the surface than you realize. The family member or old friend may want to say what's on the mind, but it may not be what you want when you say it, so be kind to your reaction. You will understand later that you will be happy that you have reserved judgments for yourself.

You may be excited about a new adventure and ready to sign a major commitment. Be careful throughout January. Now is not a good time to rush into any commercial agreement or partnership. Even though your heart may be right, and even though this may be fine in the future, there may be a lot of missing information — and that information may change the way you think about certain aspects. Take it easy.

You may think that by tolerating someone's fluctuating emotions or bad behavior, you will be able to more easily resolve your conflict with that person. But what may really be needed is some protest and some blunt conversation about how you feel. If you go around the topic or euphemistically describe what's going on, the other person won't fully feel the impact of your observations.


In January you're most focused on money, although you hope that's not the case. But don't look back at your finances with a pessimistic mindset. In fact, there are some very rewarding things you can accomplish that will help you have more control over your future security, which can make your life easier now. If you're stuck in a hurdle, ask for help and try to figure out ways to make more money and manage it better. You can do it.

Your love life may have a fresh start this month, whether you're single or have a partner. Single people should now be more inclined to a serious relationship where your thoughts and emotions are in the right state to attract the perfect guy. Those who already have a significant significant other may find certain issues in your relationship easier and more successful to deal with.

If you've recently experienced an annoying event or conflict with your family that you're having trouble with, it's recommended that you seek counseling or learn how to develop better communication skills. You're better at expressing yourself now and have some deep ideas you need to share. If you're stuck in a stalemate at work and you're not happy with how things are going, this is a great time to work things out with your superiors. You're more valuable than you know, and you're more influential than you realize.


The conversations you need to have with someone important or family member can seem a bit like an emotional minefield. But this month, scorpions are well-equipped to solve these kinds of problems. That's not to say there aren't small explosions – there will be, but there are some problems that have plagued you for a long time. Getting it done at the beginning of the year has a symbolic benefit for you because it brings a stronger sense of fresh beginning, which is exactly what you need at the moment.

This month you'll be eager to change some of the big things in your life — like moving to a new place, changing careers, or something equally significant. But now is not a good time to make any big changes in life. You may react impulsively to this stuck or hopeless rush, but the change you make is not the answer to the question. Take a moment to think deeply about some of the root causes that are bothering you – although it's good to explore ideas.

This month's collaboration on creative projects has been good for you. If you and your friends have a shared vision that they find promising, let's get started. Creative expression is a great way to address other things that bother you and may help you figure out what's hidden deep within your subconscious.


Your adventurous spirit may be satisfied this month. Not only will you have the opportunity to travel – if you're just walking around the local area – but you'll probably receive invitations to some exciting activities and experiences. While you love the thrill of adrenaline, don't let these excursions stop you from fulfilling important commitments or accomplishing things you've already planned. You need to stay on top of everything to maximize the financial and work advantages that are happening to you right now. Of course, within a reasonable range, you can do both.

An unexpected but stressful encounter with your family may make you wonder how this really happened. You may be challenged by something that the other person thinks is your fault, even if you may not have anything to do with it. Try not to go to your heart. If you're not angry, you can figure things out.

In the middle of the month, learning something new could be your plan. This may be for work, but it is more likely to be an opportunity to learn about your own interests. Bring a friend along for maximum fun. The successful completion of a goal will open a new and interesting door for you at the end of the month. Just be aware that there may be more than one option to choose from so that you can get the most out of what you do.


If you maintain your well-known "energetic"/"dare to do"/"nothing can't be done" attitude, how great this month will be for you. Now everything is really going your way, but you also have to do the same thing as you can to come up with a productive and energetic state to keep up with the good energy you feel. Just lie flat and go along with the good potential energy that affects you right now – tempting, but (in fact) if you slack off even a little, you may lose your momentum. Go ahead with the projects you're busy with right now, and at least (hold out) until mid-January, and things will take on a leap forward and have their own vitality.

In January you may find yourself spending all your time on someone with a rather dazzling or unconventional lifestyle, and it's easy to feel envious and confused. But don't let this motivation change your own lifestyle and lead you to make unwise choices – it's easy to happen because there are a lot of false "opportunities" coming right now. However, if you use your consistently good judgment, listen to your instincts when something is wrong, and maintain insight, you should be fine.

Lately you've probably spent a lot of time analyzing a relationship that's confusing to you. Because you're the kind of person who is usually very calm and reliable, someone's capricious emotions can be confusing. As mysterious as this person may be, don't dig deeper, or you might get involved in that person's plays and problems — you don't need that.


A conversation you inadvertently participate in or overhear this month could open the door to a brighter, more interesting future. You're in the process of getting out of a role or situation that makes you feel trapped. Aquarius, don't expect this conversation to be specifically about the things you want to escape. It could just be a random interaction that sparked the idea of potentially being an exception, so beware. A new work assignment or a team you belong to may take you out of your comfort zone, but it's actually a good thing.

You may have the opportunity to do something you've never done before, and you may happen to discover an innate ability that you never knew about. This can be the beginning of something interesting and could be a significant reward in the future.

Watch out for someone who contacts you online in January – this could be through a dating site, a group you belong to, or even a mysterious person who comes up with your contact details. Check everything thoroughly. While the new Chinese New Year's Eve may not be your best day, you'll have some gains this month to start over in some important aspects of your life, so you may want to celebrate at the end of the month.


You've probably been dealing with a problem that makes you feel frustrated and angry for a while. It may be at some point where you can't even see it clearly. It's good for you to take a step back this month and try to see the problem from a distance, as if it were someone else's problem. If you can do that, Pisces, you'll look at the problem from a more open perspective, which could lead to finding a solution to the problem.

There will be a new opportunity in January and you have to investigate thoroughly. This is not because there is malice or any form of deception. It's just that in this case there may be some elements that you are not familiar with, and they may be more complex than they seem on the surface. It's important to know what you're going to do.

Any of your business plans are likely to be put on hold in the coming weeks. This is not a reflection of your efforts; It's more like what's happening behind the scenes. But don't worry – this delay will actually work in your favor. Be patient. This is a good time to self-promote. There may be many avenues of exploration that involve your skills or talents. If you take the initiative, you may get some interesting and profitable opportunities. Don't be shy or procrastinate.

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