
Out of the cabin! Focus on astronaut Ye Guangfu: The family is poor, and the 50 yuan borrowed by the mother has changed the fate

Out of the cabin again! At 18:44 on December 26, astronaut Ye Guangfu opened the hatch and took the lead in leaving the capsule. This is the second time that the "trio" of Shenzhou 13 has been released from the capsule, in which astronauts Zhai Zhigang and Ye Guangfu undertook the mission of leaving the capsule, and Wang Yaping supported it in the cabin. The first time out of the cabin was on November 8, Zhai Zhigang and Wang Yaping were responsible for the cabin, and Ye Guangfu stayed in the cabin.

Out of the cabin! Focus on astronaut Ye Guangfu: The family is poor, and the 50 yuan borrowed by the mother has changed the fate

Compared with Zhai Zhigang and Wang Yaping, Ye Guangfu was the first time to take the Shenzhou spacecraft to carry out a space mission, and it was also the first time to go out of the cabin, which was of great significance to him, and finally fulfilled the dream he left in his heart as a child.

Out of the cabin! Focus on astronaut Ye Guangfu: The family is poor, and the 50 yuan borrowed by the mother has changed the fate

Ye Guangfu was born in Sichuan in 1980 and has a mother and sister. The early death of his father depended on his mother's difficult maintenance of the family, and the family's poverty and poor life were the truest summaries of Ye Guangfu's family at that time. When the media interviewed Ye Guangfu's mother, Liu Shaolin, she was full of tears and full of gratitude, and whenever the farmers were busy, their neighbors would gather at her house to help and help this fragile little family through the difficulties.

Out of the cabin! Focus on astronaut Ye Guangfu: The family is poor, and the 50 yuan borrowed by the mother has changed the fate

When Ye Guangfu was 6 years old, he went to a primary school near the village, and after attending junior high school, he transferred to Wan'an Junior High School, and the distance suddenly doubled several times. Many parents deliberately bought a light and beautiful bicycle for their children, but Ye Guangfu could only ride the 28-lap bicycle left by his father. The bicycle is big and old, and it seems out of place with his weak body, Ye Guangfu is hard to rely on the "28 big bars" to complete the 6-year journey of junior high school and high school.

Out of the cabin! Focus on astronaut Ye Guangfu: The family is poor, and the 50 yuan borrowed by the mother has changed the fate

Studying hard and carving bones is Ye Guangfu's biggest impression on teachers and classmates. According to Zhao Chunyan, the third class teacher of Ye Guangfu Junior High School, at that time, Ye Guangfu had a round face and a relatively well-proportioned figure, but "thin card, thin card", the family conditions at that time were far worse than now, and Ye Guangfu's family was even more so. After attending high school, Ye Guangfu lived in his third aunt's house, and according to the third aunt, Ye Guangfu hardly slept a lazy night at that time, and he had to rush to school before dawn, and he had to learn late at night.

Out of the cabin! Focus on astronaut Ye Guangfu: The family is poor, and the 50 yuan borrowed by the mother has changed the fate

Ye Guangfu's hard work in exchange for excellent results, junior high school 100 points of mathematics often tested to more than 90 points, high school with the top students in the class to discuss mathematics, physics, one of the students who have a good relationship with him also entered Tsinghua. Unlike some students, Ye Guangfu loves exercise, has a good performance in running, basketball, and parallel bars, and also serves as a sports committee member in the class. These undoubtedly laid a solid foundation for him to become an astronaut in the future.

Out of the cabin! Focus on astronaut Ye Guangfu: The family is poor, and the 50 yuan borrowed by the mother has changed the fate

The turning point in Ye Guangfu's life occurred in his junior year of high school. The highly anticipated Air Force recruitment flight spread throughout the schools, and Ye Guangfu, who has dreamed of flying since he was a child, was full of expectations, but the 50 yuan registration fee and meal and travel expenses made him hesitate. His mother firmly supported Ye Guangfu in applying for the examination and handed over the 50 yuan that he had pieced together.

It is understood that there were tens of thousands of people who applied for the pilot examination that year, and Ye Guangfu stood out from it with his excellent physical condition and psychological quality. When the admission news reached his home, Ye Guangfu didn't even believe it was true, and let his sister pinch him several times!

Out of the cabin! Focus on astronaut Ye Guangfu: The family is poor, and the 50 yuan borrowed by the mother has changed the fate

After graduation, Ye Guangfu began his flying career, flying safely for 1100 hours and serving as the director of air combat shooting in a combat training unit. In 2010, Ye Guangfu ushered in the second turning point in his life. In May 2009, the second batch of astronaut selection in China was launched, and 7 astronauts were successfully selected in 2010 after preliminary selection, double selection and selection, of which Ye Guangfu was one of the 5 male astronauts and Wang Yaping was the same batch of astronauts.

Out of the cabin! Focus on astronaut Ye Guangfu: The family is poor, and the 50 yuan borrowed by the mother has changed the fate

The life of an astronaut is hard, and even Ye Guangfu, who has excellent physical fitness, needs constant training. In the case of overweight training, the centrifuge spins at a speed of 100 km/h, and the astronauts have to endure the pressure of 8 G in the environment it creates. What is the concept of pressure at 8 G? It can be simply understood as 8 people pressing on one person! Ye Guangfu once said that in the process, it was difficult to breathe, dizzy, and the muscles on his face seemed to be about to break away!

Out of the cabin! Focus on astronaut Ye Guangfu: The family is poor, and the 50 yuan borrowed by the mother has changed the fate

Perhaps with his outstanding performance, Ye Guangfu once participated in a cave training program organized by the European Space Agency in central and eastern Sardinia, Italy, as a representative of Chinese astronauts, which also included five astronauts from Russia, Spain, Japan and the United States. Ye Guangfu is china's first astronaut who has not yet performed a mission and has been publicly identified.

Out of the cabin! Focus on astronaut Ye Guangfu: The family is poor, and the 50 yuan borrowed by the mother has changed the fate

Cave training is an extreme challenge project for astronauts to survive in the cave, requiring astronauts to survive in the cave for 6 days and 6 nights, and complete the specified tasks at the same time. Ye Guangfu is responsible for understanding the location of the cave and the specific area inside in advance, including surveying, generating 3D images of the survey data and monitoring environmental parameters in real time.

Out of the cabin! Focus on astronaut Ye Guangfu: The family is poor, and the 50 yuan borrowed by the mother has changed the fate

In the process of advancing the cave training, Ye Guangfu's task execution ability and technical ability to locate and navigate the cave were recognized by other team members and were selected as the leader of the survey team. In the end, Ye Guangfu led the astronauts to successfully complete the reconnaissance mission of two cave branches up to 700 meters long, and discovered the Jericho Hall. What's more, a new cave branch was discovered by Ye Guangfu.

Out of the cabin! Focus on astronaut Ye Guangfu: The family is poor, and the 50 yuan borrowed by the mother has changed the fate

Due to Ye Guangfu's outstanding performance, the European Space Agency decided that Ye Guangfu would name the new cave branch. Ye Guangfu gave the cave branch a very special Chinese name: the Light Passage, which means that the light will be found in the night!

Ye Guangfu was born in the cold door, and after one life after another, he has transformed into an envied astronaut, and I believe that they will make great achievements for China's aerospace industry!

Original: Old High

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