
The ancient tomb of the Western Han Dynasty is well preserved, and after opening the burial chamber, the golden light is radiant, and the experts are excited: finally found

During the Western Han Dynasty, there was a divided regime in the Yunnan region called the State of Nanyue. After the death of the monarch of this country, a large number of funerary items are usually placed in their graves. During the Three Kingdoms period, in order to obtain the treasures inside and expand his army, Sun Quan specially sent people to the Lingnan region to carry out many excavations. The generals of Eastern Wu, after arriving in the Lingnan region, and with their soldiers, dug up all the suspicious places, and found only a small noble tomb. He did not want to continue digging, and quickly took the belongings inside and hurriedly communicated with Sun Quan.

The ancient tomb of the Western Han Dynasty is well preserved, and after opening the burial chamber, the golden light is radiant, and the experts are excited: finally found

The treasure of the South Vietnamese royal family has never been discovered. Over the past thousand years, it has attracted a large number of tomb robbers. In order to get the treasures of the Nanyue royal family, these people went to the Lingnan region in waves, and they spent a lot of manpower and material resources, and the result was that there was no substantial discovery at all. After the founding of New China, archaeologists also excavated the Lingnan area. During this period, archaeologists dug up some small tombs and found some cultural relics from the Western Han Dynasty, but they still could not find the royal family. Some people are disappointed to say that the treasures of the South Vietnamese royal family may have been dug up by others a long time ago, but this is not the case.

The ancient tomb of the Western Han Dynasty is well preserved, and after opening the burial chamber, the golden light is radiant, and the experts are excited: finally found

In 1983, some workers in the construction of the time, accidentally found the Western Han Dynasty tombs, they quickly called the experts to come to investigate, it turned out that these cemeteries are still small tombs, which should be buried only some ordinary nobles. After archaeologists cleaned up the tomb, the workers hurried to continue the construction so as not to delay the construction period. As a result, after digging deeper, they found a bottomless black hole.

The ancient tomb of the Western Han Dynasty is well preserved, and after opening the burial chamber, the golden light is radiant, and the experts are excited: finally found

The workers quickly called the experts back and asked them to go down to investigate. Archaeologists went back and forth, through the black hole dug out by the workers, to the deep underground. The experts used flashlights to take a look around, only to find a burial chamber, open it to see that it was full of golden light, full of valuable cultural relics. Experts excitedly said that the cemetery of the South Vietnamese royal family was finally found. After several counts, experts verified the specific number of cultural relics, and the contents added up to more than 1,000 pieces. Among them are the silk jade clothes used by the royal family, and there are large chimes. In order to better protect these cultural relics, the relevant departments have established a museum specifically in the place where the tombs are found.

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