
When Wu Sangui rebelled against the Qing Dynasty, his troops were twice that of the imperial court, and he occupied half of the advantages of the country, so why did he ultimately fail

Wu Sangui was known as a national scum and an enemy of the Han people. Wu Sangui defected to Dolgun and served as a tool for Dolgun to unify the world. After the establishment of the Great Qing Dynasty, Wu Sangui was made the King of Pingxi, and since then he has been prosperous and rich, and has been crowned king by splitting the land. After Kangxi succeeded to the throne, he pacified San Francisco, and Wu Sangui took the opportunity to rebel and try to overthrow Qing rule. At that time, Wu Sangui had already occupied half of the country, and there were more people and horses in the imperial court, so why did it still fail?

When Wu Sangui rebelled against the Qing Dynasty, his troops were twice that of the imperial court, and he occupied half of the advantages of the country, so why did he ultimately fail

Regarding Wu Sangui, a historical figure, all sectors of society have different evaluations of him. Although there are many opinions, it is impossible to change the fact that Wu Sangui led the Qing soldiers into the customs and betrayed the Han people. From ancient times to the present, the evaluation of Wu Sangui is more derogatory than praised. Almost everyone agreed that Wu Sangui's move was really a seller seeking glory. As for the story of his anger and red face, it was only for his own selfish desires

Almost all of Wu Sangui's life was in the midst of betrayal. Wu Sangui was originally a Ming Dynasty Shanhaiguan guard and a powerful figure who held important passes. At the time of the crisis of the imperial court, Wu Sangui did not rescue him, but instead defected to Li Zicheng, the leader of the peasant rebel army. Wu Sangui's defection to Li Zicheng is forgivable, after all, Li Zicheng has invaded Beijing, and Wu Sangui's family is in Li Zicheng's hands. However, Wu Sangui turned to Li Zicheng, but suddenly switched to Dolgun and became a tool for the Qing Dynasty to unify the world. At this point, Wu Sangui became the public enemy of the Han people, and could be called a national sinner

When Wu Sangui rebelled against the Qing Dynasty, his troops were twice that of the imperial court, and he occupied half of the advantages of the country, so why did he ultimately fail

Wu Sangui has been in Yunnan for many years and has been operating in Yunnan for many years. When Kangxi pacified San Francisco, Wu Sangui united with two other clan kings to rebel, known in history as the San Francisco Rebellion. Wu Sangui had 300,000 soldiers and horses, plus the strength of other clan kings, about 700,000 horses. On the side of the imperial court, there were only 70,000 people. In this way, Wu Sangui seems to have a huge advantage. Actually, this is not the case

Wu Sangui rebelled, which directly set off a climax of anti-Qing and restoration, and many civilian forces were attached to Wu Sangui. Wu Sangui's momentum was unstoppable for a while, making the Qing Dynasty's rule precarious. Despite this, Wu Sangui still failed, only because of the following three points

When Wu Sangui rebelled against the Qing Dynasty, his troops were twice that of the imperial court, and he occupied half of the advantages of the country, so why did he ultimately fail

First, Wu Sangui has no geographical advantage

Wu Sangui and the San Fan rebellion were initiated from Yunnan, Guangdong and other southern regions. In the southern region, Wu Sangui could march forward, but in the Central Plains, Wu Sangui encountered difficulties. At that time, the northern region was the political, economic and cultural center of the country. There, resources, personnel are sufficient, the southern soldiers and horses of the Northern Expedition, do not occupy any advantage. Since then, there have been very few successful deeds of the Northern Expedition

Second, Wu Sangui sold his lord for glory and was not supported by the people

The Qing Dynasty was established, and Wu Sangui's contribution was indispensable. In the hearts of the Great Clan, Wu Sangui is a national scum and a sinner of the family country. How can a sinner who subverts the world of the Han people respond to the world and rebel against the Qing soldiers with him? In short, Wu Sangui's identity was awkward at that time. He played the taste of anti-Qing and restoration, and no one in the world was willing to believe it. Because in everyone's hearts, Wu Sangui is a traitor

Third, Wu Sangui lacked enterprising spirit

When Wu Sangui started his army, he was already old, an old man of about sixty years old. At that time, Wu Sangui no longer had the heart to fight. Facing the Qing court and occupying half of the country, he was already satisfied, and he did not have the energy to seize the world. Wu Sangui is satisfied with the status quo and does not want to make progress is also an important reason

When Wu Sangui rebelled against the Qing Dynasty, his troops were twice that of the imperial court, and he occupied half of the advantages of the country, so why did he ultimately fail

Wu Sangui is a person, needless to say, the world knows it. Regarding Wu Sangui's evaluation, there are many opinions. Wu Sangui raised an army, and the chance of success was not great. The time and place are favorable, and Wu Sangui did not occupy one. With such conditions, how can Wu Sangui succeed. Even if Wu Sangui raised an army to overthrow the Qing Dynasty, he was still a national sinner, permanently nailed to the pillar of shame

Reference: "Pingxi Wang Wu Sangui"

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