
How can Wang Jingwei be late for a meeting dissuade him from hurting and getting angry? Feng Yuxiang used this clever trick and was no longer late

In the National Revolution, there were many influential figures, Feng Yuxiang was one of them, as a high-powered leader and general, he seemed out of place, this person was very simple, the guests were prepared with thick porcelain bowls and coarse porcelain plates, the style of life was very good, but his temper was very straight, generally he was not accustomed to what people and things would be directly pointed out, would not hide, not afraid of offending people.

But he is also not a brave person, for the stronger than him, he will come up with the right strategy to remind others, it can be said that the emotional intelligence is also very high

How can Wang Jingwei be late for a meeting dissuade him from hurting and getting angry? Feng Yuxiang used this clever trick and was no longer late

He is a person who pays great attention to punctuality, generally meetings will arrive a little earlier than the original time, but others will not be as strong as he is, sometimes the meeting time has passed a long time, but the conference room is still completely unsatisfactory, and there will always be people who will be late. How could General Feng, who was honest, look down on this bad phenomenon, immediately went to the Executive Yuan and directly told them that if they did not hold a meeting like this, the consequences would be very serious, as a soldier, paying attention to time is also one of the most basic qualities.

Of course, the Executive Yuan naturally understood the consequences of this, so it immediately adopted tactics and formulated some rules and regulations to prevent them from being late. As a result, the number of people who are late for meetings naturally decreases. However, the rules and regulations formulated by the Executive Yuan can only deter ordinary staff, but for his superior leaders naturally can not be controlled, Wang Jingwei is such a leader, he is not as good as Feng Yuxiang has the concept of time, and he is also among those who are often late for meetings. As a leader, he did not lead by example and took the lead to be late, which made Feng Yuxiang, who has always been upright, how can he see it, although he is very angry in his heart, but Wang Jingwei is a leader with a very high status after all, and he is not good at pointing fingers, so he can only endure it for the time being.

However, the amazing thing is that after a while, Wang Jingwei actually broke the groundbreaking meeting and was no longer late, and almost every time he came to the conference room on time. Such a change makes everyone feel very unexpected, who can make him become so punctual?

How can Wang Jingwei be late for a meeting dissuade him from hurting and getting angry? Feng Yuxiang used this clever trick and was no longer late

It turned out that such a big change was actually because of a clever trick that General Feng had thought of.

Every time General Feng took advantage of Wang Jingwei's absence before the meeting, he would talk to the people who came to the meeting room to eat the fruits and snacks on the conference table, and if they couldn't finish eating, they should take them back and share them with the people below. When everyone was waiting for Wang Jingwei and other leaders who had not yet arrived, they ate all the things, and the reception office responsible for placing fruits and snacks could only be put on the table again, otherwise Wang Jingwei and others would definitely be criticized when they came, but after a while, the things were eaten again. The people in the reception office dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, and could only break their teeth and swallow in their stomachs, who called the meeting to attend the meeting were all senior officials, so they had to place fruits and snacks again and again, and in this way, their funds became more and more tight.

In addition, General Feng also let everyone play games together in the process of waiting for Wang Jingwei, what game costs money to play, anyway, it costs the money of the reception office managed by Wang Jingwei, and we are not distressed when we spend it.

After this continued for a period of time, the reception office spent money like water, Wang Jingwei finally noticed this problem, began to investigate the whereabouts of the funds, and only after checking did he understand the reason. From then on, Wang Jingwei learned his lesson and never dared to be late again.

How can Wang Jingwei be late for a meeting dissuade him from hurting and getting angry? Feng Yuxiang used this clever trick and was no longer late

General Feng personally believes in Christianity, attaches great importance to the cultivation of his own morality, and also cares about the conduct of others. One day, Old Jiang sent a confidant to general Feng to do things, but this person, General Feng, understood that his character was not good, he was very greedy, often dressed as a pig and ate a tiger, and relied on Old Jiang to fill his own pockets in the mountains.

And what is even more excessive is that after the old Jiang believed in Christianity, this person also converted to Christianity, and the people before and after him are different, he is a complete villain, General Feng hates him very much, and decided to rectify him this time.

After this man arrived, General Feng personally went to the station to pick him up and treated him with great courtesy. Originally, General Feng believed in Christianity and did not smoke or drink, but this time he made an exception and brought out the best cigarettes and alcohol at that time to entertain him. When this person looked at it, he was very happy, and he secretly felt that he had earned enough face.

In this way, things are much easier to handle, and the things that General Feng asked him to help with can be done with a few phone calls.

How can Wang Jingwei be late for a meeting dissuade him from hurting and getting angry? Feng Yuxiang used this clever trick and was no longer late

After a few days, this man should have left, and General Feng personally sent him, and by the way, he also sent valuable tobacco and alcohol. In the process of greeting the two, General Feng deliberately said that he believed in Christianity, and this man was also very happy, saying that after Chairman Jiang believed in Christianity, these subordinates were also baptized.

General Feng immediately showed a surprised expression after hearing this, and quickly apologized, saying that he did not know that he had already taken Hsinchu, and that it was really bad to entertain so many cigarettes and alcohol, for fear of affecting his cultivation, he immediately ordered people to throw away all the tobacco and alcohol.

This man was very distressed to see these cigarettes and alcohol being thrown away like this, but he couldn't stop it, so he could only knock out his teeth and swallow them in his stomach, and his fists were clenched tightly, but he couldn't do anything.

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