
West of Qinghai, north of Xuan Sai - I, a small soldier, the eyes of the civil and martial all-rounder He Lou Zigan

Northern Zhou was the last dynasty of the Northern Dynasty during the Southern and Northern Dynasties of China, because it was ruled by the Yuwen clan, so the Northern Zhou was also called Yuwen Zhou. The Foundation of the Northern Zhou Dynasty was laid by Yuwen Tai, a powerful minister of Western Wei, but

Yuwen Tai died in 556 during his eastern tour, and his son Yuwen Jue quickly ascended the throne and proclaimed himself the Duke of Zhou.

The following year, Yuwen Jue deposed Emperor Gong of Western Wei and established himself, changing the name of the country to Zhou, and setting the capital at Chang'an, known in history as Northern Zhou! In 560, Yuwen Yong ascended the throne, that is, Emperor Wu of Northern Zhou. Yuwen Yong received Han education from an early age and belonged to the Sinicized Xianbei people!

West of Qinghai, north of Xuan Sai - I, a small soldier, the eyes of the civil and martial all-rounder He Lou Zigan

After Yuwen Yong deposed the powerful minister Yuwen Hu, he personally controlled the imperial government and carried out a number of reforms, and the Northern Zhou state was further strengthened. At the same time, Yuwen Yong also selected talents and talents, and many famous generals stood out from them, and He Louzigan was one of them!

According to the Book of Sui, "He Lou Zi Gan, the word longevity, this generation also." "Dai" is today's Wei County, Hebei, He Louzigan's grandfather He Loudao once served as the crown prince of Western Wei, and his father He Lou Jingxian also became a right-hand guard general in the same dynasty. Therefore, He Louzigan learned martial arts from an early age and learned the art of war, which can be described as an all-rounder of literature and martial arts!

Born into a family of officials and eunuchs, he is less famous for his bravery

I was a small soldier and a Han peasant in Northern Zhou, and Emperor Wu of Northern Zhou issued an order in the second year of Jiande (573 AD) to recruit Han peasants from Juntian to serve as provincial soldiers and replenish Northern Zhou's troops. Unsurprisingly, I was taken away to charge the army. Of course, not only me, but even the squires and landlords who were originally very powerful in the local area were also pulled to fill the army, otherwise why could Emperor Wu of Northern Zhou become emperor? In this way, it can reduce the local power, make it easier to control, and replenish the troops, which is simply a double eagle.

To tell the truth, I quite like the emperor of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, because after he reformed this military system, he also had certain benefits for our peasants, that is, I myself could not pay rent to reconcile and serve in the army, and my family could also be reconciled with the service within three years, which is also another way for me to protect my family! As for what kind of destruction of Buddhism was promoted by Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, this has nothing to do with me, after all, I am only a small soldier now, and I have no way to judge right and wrong from the perspective of national development. At the same time, this relationship with me is not too big!

West of Qinghai, north of Xuan Sai - I, a small soldier, the eyes of the civil and martial all-rounder He Lou Zigan

Entering the barracks, I had good luck and was assigned to a general named He Louzigan. I heard about this

The general came from a family of officials and eunuchs, and at a young age, he was very brave and good at war, and he was a literary and martial all-rounder.

Following this general, maybe you can really make a meritorious career, seal your wife and shadow, and shine on the lintel. Although General He Lou is only holding the position of Xiao Sishui now, I believe that such an outstanding talent as him will definitely go straight to the sky in the future. Sure enough, it wasn't long before General He Lou entered Si'an County for his merits. Subsequently, the imperial court appointed him as an emissary equivalent to a great general.

After the Northern Zhou Emperor Yuwen Zan ascended the throne, the general He Lou was appointed as the Assassin of Qin Prefecture and entered the post of Si'an County.

Quell the rebellion of Lieutenant Chi

Shortly after the general He Lou entered Si'an County, Emperor Xuan of Northern Zhou died and his son Yuwen Yan, the Jing Emperor of Northern Zhou, ascended the throne. However, I heard my companions in the capital say that when Emperor Jing ascended the throne, he was still young and could not preside over the overall situation. At that time, Yang Jian, the left minister, had courage and strategy, and did everything himself, and was a person who could do things and could do things. Although Yang Jian's behavior is more and more wanton, there is a suspicion of substitution. But at that time, the society was already stable, and the people were basically stable, and I thought that the world was already too peaceful, and I could settle down in peace and stability until retirement, and then go home to marry and have children.

But the reality is that it backfires.

In June of the second year of the Northern Zhou Dynasty (580 AD), the then governor of Xiangzhou, Chi Yi, rebelled.

It is said to be a rebellion, but this is only a rebellion from the side of some people. Because Wei Chiyi felt that Yang Jian's monopoly of power would be suspected of usurping the throne in the future, which would be detrimental to Northern Zhou, he raised an army against Yang Jian. Although this Wei Chiyi was only a governor of Xiangzhou, he had a lot of potential, he was the cousin of Emperor Wu of Northern Zhou, and there were many troops loyal to him in xiangzhou. Therefore, he was fiercely armed in his own territory, ready to get rid of the big problem of eliminating Yang Jian for Northern Zhou. Thus, war inevitably broke out!

West of Qinghai, north of Xuan Sai - I, a small soldier, the eyes of the civil and martial all-rounder He Lou Zigan

Wei Xiaokuan of the Shangzhu State was ordered to fight against Wei Chiyi, and General He Lou led us to follow and led us to garrison Huaizhou.

Not long after, Wei Chiyi actually took the initiative to attack Huaizhou.

At this time, General He Lou led us to make a rapid attack, and we failed to take a single measure against Wei Chiyi, who had to flee in a daze. Subsequently, General He Lou led us to the east step by step, and Chen Bing Yongqiao town southeast.

At the same time, Yang Jian, who was in the rear of our rear, heard the news of our victory in battle and was very happy, and personally wrote a letter of praise to General He Lou:

"It is not easy for the public to be reprimanded, to be swept away by the opportunity, and to smell praise."

I also don't have much culture, I can't understand their crepe crepe words, General He Lou told us that the general meaning of the letter is that we followed the opportunity and defeated the traitors, and the minister was very happy when he heard the news, and he didn't know how to praise us.

Since then, we have moved forward

General He Lou showed his brave and martial side, and every time he attacked the city, he must be a pioneer, and we small soldiers were all excited to see it. Therefore, our army has been cut all the way, which can be described as invincible.

Not long after, General He Lou led us to join forces with Wei Xiaokuan's army and besieged Wei Chiyi's old lair, Yecheng. Unexpectedly, this lieutenant Chi Yi was also a tough man, and in the face of the encirclement of the large army, he did not surrender. In desperation, General He Lou could only lead us to attack Yecheng. Although the walls of Yecheng City are thick, they still can't stand our crazy attack. In the end, General He Lou led us to take the lead in attacking the city of Yecheng, and Wei Chi saw that the general situation had gone, so he had to kill himself with a sword, but it was also a bloody man, but when the king was defeated, we could only sigh a few words!

West of Qinghai, north of Xuan Sai - I, a small soldier, the eyes of the civil and martial all-rounder He Lou Zigan

By quelling the rebellion of Lieutenant Chi, we small soldiers thanked General He Lou from the bottom of our hearts. Because along the way, thanks to his correct command, we can live to the present, and General He Lou's spirit of being a pioneer in every battle and not being afraid of death has also infected us, so that the strong personality charm is destined to leave a strong mark in the long river of history.

After quelling the rebellion of Wei Chi, the general He Lou was promoted to Shangkai Prefecture for his merits, and was promoted to the duke of Wuchuan County, and the number of food was increased to 3,000 households, and his former title of Si'an County Bo was also given to his son He Loujiao.

General He Lou's battle can be said to have achieved the goal of life that I most want to achieve, "sealing the wife and shadow, shining the lintel"!

It is bordered by Qinghai in the west and Xuansai in the north

A year later, in 581 AD, Yang Jian, as originally predicted by Wei Chiyi, really replaced Northern Zhou, accepted Zen concessions, changed the name of the country to Sui, and became Emperor Wen of Sui, and Northern Zhou officially perished. Those able generals who helped Yang Jian were naturally reused, and General He Lou was also one of them! Moreover, yang Jian was not bad when he became emperor, after all, he was a person with the people and great ambitions of the people. After all, for me as a small soldier, there is no difference between changing dynasties and changing generations, it is only the emperor who has changed! Of course, I also had some changes, from a new soldier to a battle-hardened veteran, continuing to follow General He Lou to the south and the north.

After the establishment of the Sui Dynasty, the northwestern border has not been stable, and nomadic forces such as Turks and Tuguhun have often violated the border. Border cities have no way of doing business and living, and every few days, these nomadic people will invade the border cities, burn and plunder, and make the border people unhappy. In August of the first year of the Kai Emperor (581 AD), Tuguhun invaded Liangzhou. Emperor Wen of Sui appointed General He Lou as the commander-in-chief of the march and led us to follow the General Yuan Huan to fight Tuguhun. Although Tuguhun was menacing, they were like paper tigers, breaking at the first poke. Under the leadership of General He Lou, we relieved the danger of Liangzhou with lightning speed and expelled Tuguhun!

In this battle, General He Lou, who was nearly fifty years old, was brave and made the greatest contribution. Emperor Wen of Sui specially ordered the praise and let his town guard Liangzhou to protect the outer court!

West of Qinghai, north of Xuan Sai - I, a small soldier, the eyes of the civil and martial all-rounder He Lou Zigan

In the second year of the Kai Emperor (582 AD), the Turkic army divided its troops into many routes and successively went south to invade the border. Among them, the troops led by the Turkic Datou Khan attacked Lanchuan, and this is the place where General He Lou led us to defend the town! Faced with the Turkic cavalry, General Helou decided to take the initiative. We met the Turkic cavalry at the Kolodge Mountains southeast of Wuwei, but the Turks were numerous and cavalry, and their combat effectiveness was far superior to ours.

At this time, General Helou realized the seriousness of the matter, and he believed that he could not have a head-on collision with the Turks.

Therefore, after observing the terrain, General Helou saw that the Turkic army was in the lower reaches of the river, so he sent his soldiers to camp upstream and cut off the water source. In this way, in the face of the constant initiative of the Turkic cavalry, General Helou has always adopted a war-avoidance attitude, constantly consuming their water and physical strength. With no water to replenish, the Turkic cavalry was short of men and horses, and their physical strength plummeted.

At this time, General He Lou thought that the time had come for a decisive battle, and he led us to take advantage of the situation to attack, causing the Turkic cavalry to lose their armor and make Datou Khan suffer!

After the victory of this battle, the general He Lou was rewarded for his merits in defending against the Turks, and Emperor Wen of Sui ordered him to be rewarded and promoted to the rank of general of Shangda. Shortly thereafter, he was appointed Shangshu of the Ministry of Works!

West of Qinghai, north of Xuan Sai - I, a small soldier, the eyes of the civil and martial all-rounder He Lou Zigan

In the same year, the Turkic cavalry once again invaded the border, and General He Lou, as the commander-in-chief of the march, led our old subordinates to accompany Dou Rongding to meet the Turks. In this battle, General He Lou and Dou Rongding adopted the method of echoing the attack back and forth, and once again inflicted heavy damage on the Turkic cavalry, expelling the Turks in a very short time. In the fourth year of the Kai Emperor (584 AD), Tuguhun invaded the border, and General He Lou led us to send troops to fight. General He Lou led us directly into the hinterland of Tuguhun and severely damaged Tuguhun.

I was a small soldier and didn't know much about the art of war, but General He Lou certainly understood. This battle took only twenty days until we were victorious, which may be the speed of soldiers in the art of war, right?

Hu Yi was intimidated and waited for no police

At this point, the prestige of General He Lou spread among the Turkic and Tuguhun forces in the northwest region, and when they heard the name He Louzigan, they were all frightened.

After that, Emperor Wen of Sui knew that General He Lou had courage and strategy, so he asked him to guard Liangzhou.

Turkic, Tuguhun and other forces no longer dared to easily violate the border.

Years later,

The Turkic Khan Ashina Yongyu Lu sent people to ask for surrender, and sacrificed countless sheep and horses!

When Emperor Wen of Sui learned of this, he was very happy and appointed General He Lou as the commander-in-chief of the march to receive the emissaries of Dulan Khan. After coming back,

Emperor Wen of Sui gave the general He Lou a hundred horses and a thousand sheep donated by the Turks, and reappointed General He Lou as the governor of Yun prefecture, in recognition of his merits in defending the northwest over the years.

By this time, I had become a veteran, loved by General Monhoreau, and was able to go home and reunite with my family!


In 593, He Louzigan died of illness at the age of 60. After these battles, the Sui Dynasty ushered in precious peace time. Under the reign of Emperor Wen of Sui,

The Economy of the Sui Dynasty began to recover, and the political, cultural and diplomatic fields flourished.

The famous "rule of the emperor" appeared, and the national strength also reached its peak.

It laid a solid foundation for the excavation of the Grand Canal and the coming of all nations to the dynasty. At the same time, this also explains why after the death of He Louzigan, Emperor Wen of Sui would mourn for several days, and give him a knighthood and give him a thousand horses. Because of the prosperity of the Sui Dynasty, it is inseparable from the sacrifice of He Louzigan and others! This also inspires future generations of people, what is the great husband born in a chaotic world, when he carries a three-foot sword, he will make a meritorious deed!

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