
Don't think it's hard to see that your own transformation method is actually very simple

author:Meal Creation Classroom

This dish is cut into large pieces, marinated with a secret spice with Yunnan flavor characteristics for 12-15 hours, and then the raw materials are hung with hooks, placed in a jar, and grilled with charcoal for about 3 hours. The roasted meat has a rich aroma, slices it and places it on a hot iron plate and cooks it with special chili sauce and other spices.

Selection: There are many raw materials to choose from to make jar roast meat, pork belly, beef meat, pork meat (a piece of lean meat on the front waist of the pig), small chicken and pig straight row can be selected according to the preferences of diners.

Don't think it's hard to see that your own transformation method is actually very simple


Take pork belly as an example:

1: Take 5 kg of fresh pork belly and wash it, cut into 30×7×7 cm pieces and put it into a large basin.

2: Put 100 grams of secret spice powder, 50 grams of sesame oil, 20 grams of sesame seeds and sweet noodle sauce, 10-20 grams of shallot strips, 30 grams of coriander stalks and ginger slices, 10 grams of shallots and soy sauce, 200 ml of beer, and then pour 400-450 grams of boiling water and let it cool naturally.

3: Pour the marinade into the pork belly, mix well and marinate for 12-15 hours.

Other meat ingredients:

The time of pickling of different raw materials is roughly the same, but the raw materials are different, and there will be slight differences in the ratio of marinades.

1. If you choose pork and pork ribs, then the marinated recipe is exactly the same as pork belly;

2, if the choice is beef lin meat, then remove the sweet noodle sauce in the previous marinade recipe, because the sweet noodle sauce will make the color of the beef darker, affecting the appearance;

3, if it is a pickled chick, it should be divided into two, on the basis of the previously introduced marinade, and then add garlic (garlic to be cut into small pieces) 1 kg.


Take the fruity mechanism charcoal to burn red, use fire tongs to clip into the jar (charcoal is best placed vertically together), take the marinated pork belly hooked with a hook, hang it in the jar, and then cover the lid, roast for 1 hour, the pork belly can ripen.

Baking time of different raw materials:

If you choose niulin meat, the roasting time is about 2.5 hours; if you choose pork, the roasting time is about 80-90 minutes; if you choose a pork straight, the roasting time is controlled at 1.5 hours; if you choose a chicken cub, the roasting time should be controlled at 2 hours.

Method of brushing oil during the baking of raw materials:

If the grilled pork belly, pork chops and pork meat, then direct roasting is good, no need to brush oil; if the choice is beef or chicken, then when the meat reaches six or seven ripe, take out the raw materials, brush a layer of cooked vegetable oil.

Treatment of the jar:

This dish is replaced by a clay pot that makes crock pot simmering soup, but it also needs to be slightly adjusted.

First, the upper mouth of the tile cylinder is opened to fill the charcoal and hang the raw materials; secondly, a handle is installed on the old pot and placed in the bottom of the tile cylinder to hold the burning charcoal; again, several holes are chiseled into the inner wall of the tile cylinder, and two iron shelves are installed to hook the meat raw materials; finally, a thumb-thick hole is chiseled at the bottom of the tile cylinder to export the grease generated by the raw materials during the baking process.

Serving Method:

1. When guests order, cut 250 grams of roasted and fragrant pork belly into 5×3×1 cm thin slices, put them into a hot iron plate or a hot stone plate, pour 15 grams of homemade chili sauce, stir and heat on the iron plate for 2-3 minutes.

2: Arrange the ingredients neatly and sprinkle 2 grams of cooked sesame seeds, 5 grams of coriander leaves, and 3 grams of green onion.

Other ingredients serving method:

The processing method of beef, pork and pork straights is exactly the same as that of pork belly. If it's a baby chick, be sure to put it in the microwave, heat it on high heat for 5-6 minutes, remove and chop into large pieces, then place it on a hot iron plate as it is, and serve it with a small plate of chili sauce.

Secret spice powder: take 10 grams each of green peppercorns, safflower peppercorns, fragrant leaves, thyme, fragrant fruit, 20 grams each of mugwort, lemongrass, and ten incense, 5 grams each of star anise, cloves, tangerine peel, white cardamom, and mountain chestnut, 30 grams of cumin, 15 grams of grass and fruit, 50 grams of dried ginger, put them into a hot dry pot and stir-fry incense, take out and grind them into powder.

Homemade chili sauce: take 2500 grams of dried red peppercorns and cook them in a cold water pot until soft, fish out the controlled water, put them into the grinder to fully crush, pour into the pot, add 300 grams of peppercorns, 500 grams of salt, 1500 grams of oyster sauce, 150 grams of monosodium glutamate and mix well. Add 1 kg of vegetable oil to the pot, bring it to a boil, pour over the sauce and stir well.

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