
Let the Thoughts Speak Out: Experts Discuss Li Denan's Works "Finding Words for Thought" and "Resonance and Echo"

A few days ago, the seminar on Li Denan's works of "Finding Words for Thought" and "Resonance and Resonance" was held online, which was the fourth in the series of online seminars on "Celebrating a Hundred Years and Promoting New Works" held by the Guangzhou Literary and Art Critics Association, and 14 experts and scholars from all over the country and Guangzhou attended the meeting.

It is reported that "Resonance and Echo" and "Finding Words for Thought" are two collections of literary and art criticism published by Li Denan, a young scholar and vice chairman of the Guangzhou Literary and Art Critics Association, in 2021, the former focusing on the works that the author is interested in or resonant views, and the latter starting from lyrical, world, self, will and other words to understand the core structure of the writer and his creation, outline the spiritual map of literature, and try to connect the topics of literature, film and television with philosophical issues, thereby broadening the ideological horizon of contemporary Chinese literary research. The guests discussed Li Denan's literary and art criticism style, academic characteristics and the content of the above two books.

Let the Thoughts Speak Out: Experts Discuss Li Denan's Works "Finding Words for Thought" and "Resonance and Echo"

The seminar was presided over by Luo Li, vice president of the Guangzhou Academy of Literature and Art Creation, vice chairman and secretary general of the Guangzhou Literary and Art Critics Association. In her statement, she pointed out that how to balance breadth and depth in the field of expertise is a question worth pondering. Li Denan explores the path from his own point of view, and is not only a profound scholar, but also a critic who actively intervenes in the scene of literature and art.

"Li Denan's philosophical tracks, and the ideas that extend from them, always run through his comments, and a clear line can be seen." Wu Xin, vice chairman of the Tianjin Writers Association and dean of the Tianjin Literature College, pointed out that the brilliance of philosophical thought not only nourishes Li Denan's thinking on problems, but also strengthens his spirit of commentary, thus allowing him to always maintain the position of self-examination and thinking, and always have the spirit of thinking and learning.

Let the Thoughts Speak Out: Experts Discuss Li Denan's Works "Finding Words for Thought" and "Resonance and Echo"

Shen Xiayan, professor of the Department of Chinese of Jinan University and chairman of the Guangzhou Municipal Appraisal Association, pointed out that Li Denan can reflect three significant characteristics: gentleness, modesty and composure. "Especially composure, in today's era of easy anxiety, it is not easy." She said that Li Denan's composure comes from his years of research on Shi Tiesheng, which also makes his research very solid. He argues that if a critic wishes to be inspired by the object of his or her discussion, a friendly, gentle criticism will be more effective than intense, relentless criticism. This makes his comments often warm.

"Li Denan has a kind of inner firmness." Zhang Jing, editor-in-chief of "Youth Literature" and a member of the Youth Working Committee of the China Writers Association, believes that he respects the original law of the existence of all things, respects the subjectivity of individuals, and pays attention to the overallity. At the same time as rational analysis, he also has humanistic infiltration, which makes him more warm. The roots of his commentary, rational and enthusiastic, have an idealistic spirit.

Jiang Fei, professor of the School of Humanities of Anqing Normal University and vice chairman of the Anhui Literary and Art Critics Association, believes that Li Denan's criticism presents a personality style of combining philosophical theory with writers' works, macroscopic literary history theory with microscopic writers' works, and empirical evidence with enlightenment. These advantages are equally evident in the two critical collections, Resonance and Echoes, and Finding Words for Thought, but also present new features. These two books are the fruits of Li Denan's understanding and creation, collation and construction over the years, the testimony of the self-conscious discourse and literary ideals, and the southern voice of his criticism in Guangzhou.

Many guests at the scene affirmed Li Denan's efforts to continue to advance in constructing the concepts and methods of literary criticism, and affirmed his "deep human care and ideological flow" from literature.

Finally, Li Denan thanked the leaders and experts attending the meeting, and then had an in-depth exchange with the guests on the relationship between "self", "others" and "major things" to be handled in literary creation and commentary.

[Reporter] Huang Chuxuan

[Correspondent] Zhang Lin

【Author】 Huang Chuxuan

【Source】 Southern Press Media Group South + client

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