
Why is Li Jing called the Tang Dynasty God of War?

Li Jing was a famous founding general of the Tang Dynasty, and made great military achievements in the establishment of the Tang Dynasty and the expansion of territory. Li Jing was very good-looking, and because he was born in a family of officials and eunuchs, he was quite enterprising in literature and martial arts since childhood. Today, let's talk about this Tang Dynasty god of war.

Why is Li Jing called the Tang Dynasty God of War?

Character backgrounds

Li Jing (李靖), courtesy name Yaoshi, was a native of Sanyuan, Yongzhou (present-day northeast of Sanyuan County, Shaanxi). A general of the late Sui and early Tang dynasties, he was a famous military figure of the Tang Dynasty who had both culture and martial arts. He successively served as the Inspector Zhongshu Ling, the Bingbu Shangshu, and the Shangshu Right Servant, and was given the title of Duke of Weiguo, and was known as Li Weigong. Li Jing was good at using soldiers, good at strategy, originally a Sui general, and later served Li Tang, making great military achievements for the establishment and development of the Tang Dynasty, Nanping Xiao Milling, Auxiliary Gongruo, destroying the Eastern Turks in the north, and Breaking tuguhun in the west. In the twenty-third year of Zhenguan (649), Li Jing died of illness at the age of seventy-nine. He was given to Situ and the governor of the prefecture, and was given the title of "Jingwu" and buried with Zhaoling. Li Jing's experience in running the army and fighting has further enriched China's military thinking and theory. He is the author of many military books such as "The Mirror of Li Jing's Six Armies", many of which have now been lost.

Why is Li Jing called the Tang Dynasty God of War?

Early life

Li Jing was born into a family of eunuchs, the nephew of the Sui general Han Huhu. His grandfather Li Chongyi served as the Assassin of Yin Prefecture and was the Duke of Yongkang; his father, Li Yishi Sui, was an official of Zhao Commandery Taishou. Li Jing was very handsome, and because he was influenced by his family, he had "literary and martial talents" since he was a child, and he was quite enterprising, and once said to his father: "If the eldest husband encounters the monarch and the era of Shengming, he should establish merit and seek wealth, so why should he be a reader." His uncle Han Baohu was a famous sui dynasty general, and every time he talked about military affairs with him, he clapped his hands and praised him, and caressed him: "The only person with whom you can discuss the art of Sun Wu (Sun Wu, Wu Qi) is you."

Why is Li Jing called the Tang Dynasty God of War?

Make a big difference

In the last year of the Sui Dynasty, Li Yuan rebelled and captured Chang'an, and Li Jing, who was preparing to denounce Li Yuan's rebellion in Chang'an, won the appreciation of Li Yuan and Li Shimin with his extraordinary talent and courage, and was recruited into the shogunate by Li Shimin and began a vigorous military career. In the third year of WuDe, Li Shimin, the king of Qin, paid wang Shichong, and Xiao Milling of Southern Liang attempted to attack The Tang Dynasty's Xia Prefecture, Li Yuan sent Li Jing to lead troops to block it, and in the war, Li Jing led eight hundred soldiers to attack his camp and destroy the barbarians. Later, he laid an ambush at a dangerous point, killed Zhaoze in a battle, and captured more than 5,000 people. He made the first great achievement of his life.

Why is Li Jing called the Tang Dynasty God of War?

Major achievements

1. Destroy the Eastern Turks. In the first month of the fourth year of Zhenguan (630), Li Jing led 3,000 elite cavalry to raid the troops of Jieli Khan in Dingxiang. The speed of the Tang army was unexpected, and the soldiers would take care of each other, and they were all shocked. So much so that "a day is amazing". In one fell swoop, Li Jing invaded the city and captured Yang Zhengdao, the son of Yang Huan, the King of Sui Qi, and Empress Xiao, the former Emperor of Qi, and Emperor Jieli fled to Moraine Pass (southwest of present-day Erlianhot, Inner Mongolia).

Why is Li Jing called the Tang Dynasty God of War?

If the opportunity comes and you don't have that ability, it's either a success, it's probably a failure. Li Jing was indeed a military genius, and many of his examples of warfare broke through the norm and won victories in the midst of inconceivable. His works on the art of war, peach and plum all over the world, countless famous disciples of the later generations, in and out of the country to dominate, and finally can not be suspected by the monarch, a lifetime of glory and favor, a good beginning and a good end. In his lifetime, Li Jing achieved meritorious service, morality, and speech, and at the same time passed the life examination, which is indeed a perfect life without regrets as an ancient general, which is enough to make most famous generals in history unattainable

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