
Musk online science Tesla why not use radar Netizens: Pure visual cost is low

Previously, Musk had responded to Tess's abandonment of radar and the use of a pure visual scheme in an interview, and just today, Musk sent a Weibo to explain again. "Pure vision, especially when using explicit photon computation, is much better than a combination of radar and vision, because the latter has too much uncertainty —when radar and visual perception are inconsistent, it's not clear which one to believe."

Musk online science Tesla why not use radar Netizens: Pure visual cost is low

As with the previous response, Musk still insists that Tesla's pure visual solution is reliable, but his response is not as sharp as before, probably because the platform released is Weibo.

But netizens in the comment area obviously don't buy it, and some people are dismantling the stage online: the more important reason is the low visual cost.

In fact, not only netizens, even some Tesla engineers do not agree with Musk's view, they believe that a sound autonomous driving system should include millimeter wave radar, lidar and other perception technologies, rather than relying solely on one of them.

After all, only relying on human eye recognition, it is easy to make mistakes due to external conditions, such as encountering sudden fog, heavy rain, etc., then the automatic driving program that relies solely on visual perception will inevitably have the same problem.

In fact, until earlier this year, Tesla's autopilot system has been including radar modules, but since May, Tesla has no longer delivered models with integrated radar technology hardware, as for the reasons, Musk should be the clearest.

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