
My grandmother taught me the skills of rice noodle meat, and I must add it to be delicious

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
My grandmother taught me the skills of rice noodle meat, and I must add it to be delicious

By nk crooked


Pork belly 750g

Rice 150g

Onion ginger to taste

Steamed gravy:

A handful of peppercorns

2 large ingredients

Soy sauce to taste

A little cooking wine

Salt to taste

Sugar to taste

Sweet noodle sauce to taste

Soybean paste to taste

White pepper to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

My grandmother taught me the skills of rice noodle meat, and I must add it to be delicious

1. Prepare the material package to clean it, and the material package is the same as the material package of grilled pork belly

My grandmother taught me the skills of rice noodle meat, and I must add it to be delicious

2, pork belly under the cold water pot, put in the material package, green onion ginger, the right amount of white wine (cooking wine) can also be, cook for about 20 minutes.

My grandmother taught me the skills of rice noodle meat, and I must add it to be delicious

3: Prepare about 100-150g of rice

My grandmother taught me the skills of rice noodle meat, and I must add it to be delicious

4, put in the mixer to break, do not beat too broken, slightly grainy

My grandmother taught me the skills of rice noodle meat, and I must add it to be delicious

5: Do not put oil in the pot, put in the chopped rice noodles and a large ingredient and stir-fry over low heat

My grandmother taught me the skills of rice noodle meat, and I must add it to be delicious

6: Sauté until the rice noodles are slightly yellow, turn off the heat and set aside

My grandmother taught me the skills of rice noodle meat, and I must add it to be delicious

7, the steaming gravy required seasoning into the bowl stirred evenly, if the color is not dark enough, you can add dark soy sauce as appropriate to color

My grandmother taught me the skills of rice noodle meat, and I must add it to be delicious

8: Let the pork belly cool and cut into slightly thicker slices

My grandmother taught me the skills of rice noodle meat, and I must add it to be delicious

9: Wrap the skin evenly in steamed gravy

My grandmother taught me the skills of rice noodle meat, and I must add it to be delicious

10: Wrap in steamed rice noodles

My grandmother taught me the skills of rice noodle meat, and I must add it to be delicious

11: Wrap well on both sides

My grandmother taught me the skills of rice noodle meat, and I must add it to be delicious

12, the yard in the container, you can add a few slices of green onion and ginger in the middle

My grandmother taught me the skills of rice noodle meat, and I must add it to be delicious

13. Continue to code the meat slices

My grandmother taught me the skills of rice noodle meat, and I must add it to be delicious

14: Finally, after the meat slices are stacked, pour the remaining sauce on the top, and then stuff a few slices of green onion and ginger around it

My grandmother taught me the skills of rice noodle meat, and I must add it to be delicious

15: Select the steaming key of the electric pressure cooker for 50 minutes

My grandmother taught me the skills of rice noodle meat, and I must add it to be delicious

16. Put out the pot and put it into the pot

My grandmother taught me the skills of rice noodle meat, and I must add it to be delicious

17. Delicious

<h2>Nutritional benefits of pork belly</h2>

1. Supplement protein

Pork provides humans with high-quality protein and essential fatty acids. Pork provides heme (organic iron) and cysteine, which promotes iron absorption, and can improve iron deficiency anemia.

2. Nourish the kidneys and nourish the blood

Pork tastes sweet and salty, flat in nature, into the spleen, stomach, kidney meridians; Nourish the kidneys and nourish the blood, nourish the yin and moisten the dry; Indications for the treatment of fever and injury, thirst quenching, weak kidney, postpartum blood deficiency, dry cough, constipation, deficiency, yin, dryness, liver yin, moisturizing skin, two stools and quenching thirst.

3. Moisturizing

Pork boiled soup can be urgently replenished due to insufficient liquid caused by irritability, dry cough, constipation and dystocia.

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