
Xue Yue, the anti-Japanese god of war: The Battle of Changsha wiped out 100,000 Japanese troops, destroyed the enemy's vigor and showed the majesty of our army


The Chinese nation has been humiliated since it was opened by the strong guns of foreigners, especially during the war of aggression against China; but at the same time, countless patriotic elements have emerged, and they have thrown them away

The head and spilled blood have made great contributions to China's defense against foreign insults

。 The general we want to talk about today is known as the anti-Japanese general who killed the most enemies, but his life was also very bumpy, especially in his old age, which was not valued, but his great achievements will not be forgotten by future generations.

1. Heroic teenager

His name was Xue Yue, a native of Guangdong Province, and he was born after the end of the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War. Great humiliation also hung over the land, because his father worshipped the national hero Yue Fei and therefore gave it to his son too

The name Xue Yangyue means to admire Yue Fei,

This laid the foundation that Xue Yue would also become a national hero who loved the country and the people like Yue Fei.

Xue Yue, the anti-Japanese god of war: The Battle of Changsha wiped out 100,000 Japanese troops, destroyed the enemy's vigor and showed the majesty of our army

In 2000, he entered the Whampoa Army Primary School to study, and soon after he was admitted to the Baoding Military Academy in Hebei Province, which was a well-known military school at that time, and this school trained a large number of outstanding generals for China. In his youth, Xue Yue joined Sun Yat-sen's ranks and began his war career, in the army, thanks to him

Outstanding ability, profound knowledge was soon promoted, since the ancient hero out of the youth

This sentence was not exaggerated at all on Xue Yue.

2. Rich in talent and outstanding in battle

Without Xue Yue's loyalty, there would be no Sun Yat-sen after him. Due to Sun Yat-sen's internal rebellion, Xue Yue and Ye Ting cooperated, fought fiercely for several hours, and finally escorted Sun Yat-sen and his wife Soong Ching Ling to safety

In times of crisis, he has been protecting Sun Yat-sen.

Xue Yue, the anti-Japanese god of war: The Battle of Changsha wiped out 100,000 Japanese troops, destroyed the enemy's vigor and showed the majesty of our army

At the beginning of the Northern Expedition, he traveled to many places, fought against various warlord leaders, showed divine courage, and made great achievements in battle neutrality.

In the War of Resistance Against Japan, Xue Yue was even more distinctive, at that time, in

Faced with the reality that Japan was well-equipped and lacked domestic materials, the army led by Xue Yue resisted the Japanese and annihilated more than 10,000 enemies

For that time, his actions greatly encouraged the determination and confidence of the Chinese people to struggle against the Japanese and the Kosovars, and broke the confidence that Japan could occupy China in the short term.

Xue Yue, the anti-Japanese god of war: The Battle of Changsha wiped out 100,000 Japanese troops, destroyed the enemy's vigor and showed the majesty of our army

3. The Battle of Changsha, the Heavenly Furnace Tactics

The Battle of Changsha was another relatively heavy battle in the history of China's anti-Japanese resistance, but this battle was also the battle that dealt the worst blow to the Japanese aggressors.

Xue Yue, the anti-Japanese god of war: The Battle of Changsha wiped out 100,000 Japanese troops, destroyed the enemy's vigor and showed the majesty of our army

In this war, Xue Yue invented a new method of warfare and the Method of Heavenly Furnace Warfare, which was different from one and two and declined and exhausted, but there were similarities. General Xue Yue became famous for the Battle of Changsha, and at the same time made the commander-in-chief of the Japanese army in China at the time, Okamura Ningji, sigh in this way.

It is easy to shake the mountain, but it is difficult to shake General Xue

。 It can be seen how heroic and invincible he is, long

In the Battle of Shah, more than 100,000 enemies were annihilated, the Japanese army's siege of Changsha was crushed, and the war once again inspired the determination and confidence of the Chinese people to resist foreign enemies, and saw the courage and determination of the Chinese compatriots.

The three Battles of Changsha directly changed the situation of the War of Resistance Against Japan, allowing the War of Resistance to directly enter the stage of strategic stalemate, and what is more remarkable is that Xue Yue killed a total of 100,000 Japanese soldiers in the three Battles of Changsha.

Xue Yue, the anti-Japanese god of war: The Battle of Changsha wiped out 100,000 Japanese troops, destroyed the enemy's vigor and showed the majesty of our army


Although the character of Xue Yue has a certain historical controversy, because he also participated in the activities related to the persecution of the compatriots in the early days, under the social background at that time, Xue Yue was just an executor, passively carrying out the orders of his superiors.

A soldier has a vocation to obey orders, and as a soldier, even if he does not want to obey, he has no choice.

Xue Yue, the anti-Japanese god of war: The Battle of Changsha wiped out 100,000 Japanese troops, destroyed the enemy's vigor and showed the majesty of our army

At the same time, Xue Yue's contribution to the War of Resistance Against Japan greatly encouraged the confidence of the Chinese people in defeating the Japanese aggressors, twisted the Compatriots of the Chinese nation into a rope, and jointly resisted the enemy.

In any case, he was a true anti-Japanese general and a national hero.

To this day, each of us should abandon our position, not forget history, and respect

Attach importance to everyone who has struggled and contributed to the independence of the Chinese nation.

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